• Nationwide high school rugby appearance All 55 teams, found out from the feet of 825 people! Popular spikes are this! 6th - 10th (edition of 2015)
    In King Gear, we investigated the spikes of all 55 teams that appeared in the National High School Rugby Games in FY 2015, and identified the spikes of the major starters of each team. We classified all 825 legs finely and ranked. We will deliver ranking 10 - 6.
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  • Kiyomizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol. 23
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Chihiro Honda's "From Training Center" vol.4. Schalke's Young Star, Max Meyer wears "Nike and Pistor 2"
    As a graduate of Kanekojuku, now a sportswriter based in Germany based Chihiro Honda's slightly upbeat new project. What kind of music will Bundesliga's stars raise their feelings, what kind of cars are caring for traveling time, and what kind of spikes are they fighting? We will inform you of the direct report from the training center.
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  • Hoshiko sea glove navi Vol. 3 "What is the ultimate glove" that is easier to use than the GK glove? "
    Which glove is easiest to use? In order to solve the question that anyone has in GK, the King Gear editorial group collected every glove. Judge is from Otsu High School in Kingdom of GK and Kumamoto, 22 years old young man and Aiko Hoshi who aim for professional in Italy. While giving the highest rating to Adidas' gloves, items of impact exceeding that are on display ....
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  • 清水和良レジェンド・フォト・スタジアム vol. 21
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Hoshiko sea glove navi Vol.2 "Finally realized." Manufacturers' classic "PUMA vs. Adidas"
    Which glove is easiest to use? In order to solve the question that anyone has in GK, the King Gear editorial group collected every glove. Judge is from Otsu High School in Kingdom of GK and Kumamoto, 22 years old young man and Aiko Hoshi who aim for professional in Italy. The second round will deliver the long-established manufacturers · Leish, Puma and Adidas ratings.
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  • 清水和良レジェンド・フォト・スタジアム vol. 20
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Hoshiko sea glove navi Vol.1 "GK glove has not evolved since 30 years ago!"
    Which glove is easiest to use? In order to solve the question that anyone has in GK, the King Gear editorial group collected every glove. Judge is from Otsu High School in Kingdom of GK and Kumamoto, 22 years old young man and Aiko Hoshi who aim for professional in Italy. As a result of having each manufacturer's glove set, it will be a surprise ending.
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  • 清水和良レジェンド・フォト・スタジアム vol. 19
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Founder K's own soliloquence · Extra edition vol.19 "Great counterattack from body fat 29.9% / I'm getting into the body Ike! Its 12 · Because of diet medicine! Furious itching attacks the crotch!
    When I go to the pool with my child, it will be an embarrassing body! Kimiko Tatsuhito (50 years old), a King's gear promoter who does not like exercise, met encounters with personal trainers and began training with aiming for a bare body. Initially I got a lot of heart trouble but my motivation came out with gradual achievement of results.
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  • "Aiming is a healthy and beautiful body" RIZIN Girl · Asami Ota
    A room in a quietly styled building in Minami Aoyama. In the light of the warm color, there was a woman silently training squat training while occasionally showing a smile under the guidance of a personal trainer. It is model Asami Ota.
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  • [Spike · Wars / episode VI · kangaroo's counterattack ⑧] "Parameco and Copa Mundial. The summit decisive result is ...?"
    "Spike · Wars" where Tokyo guerdy's Nagai Hideki play "Compare Spikes". This time from among natural leather, only compare kangaroo leather spikes and compare. Master Nagai who wore everything, what kind of evaluation would you give?
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  • Chihiro Honda's "From Training Center" vol.3 "Hip-Hop / Footballer" A new world that you can pioneer. "Nike Thiempo" worn by Jerome Boateng
    As a graduate of Kanekojuku, now a sportswriter based in Germany based Chihiro Honda's slightly upbeat new project. What kind of music will Bundesliga's stars raise their feelings, what kind of cars are caring for traveling time, and what kind of spikes are they fighting? We will inform you of the direct report from the training center.
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  • Listen to charismatic clerk at Futaba Sports Omiya store, this type of athlete will wear this model!
    In the third series, I asked Mr. Takahashi, a charismatic clerk at Futaba Sports, the problem of choosing a spike. It was helpful to see what criteria to choose spikes! (Coverage date: late October 2016)
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  • Founder K's own soliloquence · Extra vol.1 vol.18 "A big counterattack from body fat 29.9% / I'm getting into my body! Part 11 · Which will you pick, which is rugged Sai and Nakayama kimi? "
    When I go to the pool with my child, it will be an embarrassing body! Kimiko Tatsuhito (50 years old), a King's gear promoter who does not like exercise, met encounters with personal trainers and began training with aiming for a bare body. Initially I got a lot of heart trouble but my motivation came out with gradual achievement of results.
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  • The top 10 popularity rankings (6th to 10th editions) chosen by "Futaba Sports Omiya Store" shop selling spike in Japan the largest
    Boasting overwhelming items, boasting a sales floor area, the high voice of "shops that sell the most spike in Japan", Futaba Sports Omiya store. What kind of spike is evaluated by the charismatic clerk of a shop where many people go to buy from children to adults? Listen to Mr. Takuya Takahashi of Futaba Sports Omiya shop spike, what is the spike to wear at the moment? (Coverage date: late October 2016)
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  • The 5th Athlete Dresser Award Shinji Ono won the football world! "I've been honing fashion sense in Europe"
    12月10日、雑誌『Safari』の株式会社日之出出版が主催する「第5回 アスリート ドレッサー アワード(Athlete Dresser Award)」が、有楽町の阪急メンズ館で行われた。
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  • “King Kazu & Gon Nakayama appear at Puma’s new spike evo TOUCH J presentation” vol.2
    There are lots of milestones at Kazu and Gon? From the most "god" event in this year to the in-flight episode of the Troussier era, the two people reveal naked talk and what are the resolutions of the two who will be 50 next year? A full text introduction covering the volume full point!
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  • Kiyomizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol. 18
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • The top 10 popularity rankings (1st to 5th editions) chosen by "Futaba Sports Omiya Store" shop selling spike in Japan the largest
    Boasting overwhelming items, boasting a sales floor area, the high voice of "shops that sell the most spike in Japan", Futaba Sports Omiya store. What kind of spike is evaluated by the charismatic clerk of a shop where many people go to buy from children to adults? Listen to Mr. Takuya Takahashi of Futaba Sports Omiya shop spike, what is the spike to wear at the moment? (Coverage date: late October 2016)
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  • "Azumi ~ Sengoku hen" report starring Kawakaze Rina! ~ Surprising common point with sports seen from theater ~
    2016年11月27日、東京・Zepp ブルーシアター六本木にて上演された「あずみ~戦国編」。 体当たりで激しい立ち回りシーンが披露され、主演を務めた川栄李奈のダイナミックな演技には各界から賞賛の声が上がった。表現方法こそ違うが、 演劇もスポーツの世界も観客を魅了し、心を鷲掴みにして離さない。
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  • Kazuyoshi Shimizu Legend Photo Stadium vol. 17
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • [Spike · Wars / episode VI · kangaroo kangaroo's counterattack ⑦] "I can not put it down because I think that it is a model that should not be worn."
    "Spike · Wars" where Tokyo guerdy's Nagai Hideki play "Compare Spikes". This time from among natural leather, only compare kangaroo leather spikes and compare. Master Nagai gives Puma's "parameco" what kind of evaluation will you give?
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  • Kazuyoshi Shimizu Legend Photo Stadium vol. 16
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Spike · Wars / Episode VI · Kangaroo's counterattack ⑥] "S class of Mercedes in the car, top of the horse"
    "Spike · Wars" where Tokyo guerdy's Nagai Hideki play "Compare Spikes". This time from among natural leather, only compare kangaroo leather spikes and compare. Master Nagai advises Adidas' "Copa Mundial", what kind of evaluation will you give?
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