• Kiyomizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol. 14
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Chihiro Honda's "From Training Center" vol.2 "world champion of late bloom" Adidas "Patyuk 11 core" that supported Phillip · Larm
    As a graduate of Kanekojuku, now a sportswriter based in Germany based Chihiro Honda's slightly upbeat new project. What kind of music will Bundesliga's stars raise their feelings, what kind of cars are caring for traveling time, and what kind of spikes are they fighting? We will inform you of the direct report from the training center.
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  • Ryo Shimizu Hyaku Legend Photo Stadium vol. 13
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • "King Piece New Spike Evo TOUCH J Launch King Caze & Gong Nakayama Appears"
    12/1に行われたプーマ新作スパイクevo TOUCH J 発表会にゲストとして登場したキングカズこと三浦知良選手とゴン中山こと中山雅史選手。2人のスパイクへのこだわりから過去の秘蔵話、更にこれからのサッカー界への想いが詰まったボリューム満点のトークセッションを全文紹介!
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  • Ryo Shimizu Hyaku Legend Photo Stadium vol. 12
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Ryo Shimizu Legend Photo Stadium vol. 11
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Gear Vol.4 Actor Talks Masanobu Katsumura "King's Cazes on New Year's Day, Kitazawa, 53 Years Old with Senior Land and Self-Forget"
    Actor familiar with Footbrain's moderator Katsumura Masanobu. It is also a footballer who continues to play football even if he is 53 years old. Even after years of age, a man who keeps a heart of "I want to get soccer better", a man who trains with a professional player talks, what are the similarities between soccer and play?
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  • 清水和良レジェンド・フォト・スタジアム vol. 10
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Chihiro Honda's "From Training Center" vol.1 "Country Accelerating" Marco Royce's "Evo Speed" on Puma
    As a graduate of Kanekojuku, now a sportswriter based in Germany based Chihiro Honda's slightly upbeat new project. What kind of music will Bundesliga's stars raise their feelings, what kind of cars are caring for traveling time, and what kind of spikes are they fighting? We will inform you of the direct report from the training center.
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  • 清水和良レジェンド・フォト・スタジアム vol. 9
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Founder K's own soliloquy · Extra edition vol.17 "A big counterattack from body fat 29.9% / I'm on the body I'm gonna be! Part 10 · Shave my armpits and take the turbo to motivate me "
    When I go to the pool with my child, it will be an embarrassing body! Kimiko Tatsuhito (50 years old), a King's gear promoter who does not like exercise, met encounters with personal trainers and began training with aiming for a bare body. Initially I got a lot of heart trouble but my motivation came out with gradual achievement of results.
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  • Founder K's own soliloquence · Extra edition vol.16 "A big counterattack from body fat 29.9% / I'm getting into my body! Part 9 - I am going to be motivated with a convenience food diet "
    When I go to the pool with my child, it will be an embarrassing body! Kimiko Tatsuhito (50 years old), a sponsor of alcoholic fondness who does not like exercise, encountered a personal trainer and began training to aim for a barely body, but he took too much hard workout and muscle ache ... .
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  • Shimizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol. 8
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Catholier's "My First Spike" 4th Eduardo Net (Kawasaki) vol.3 "Spike and body are business tools, please take care of the two."
    "My first spike" exploring the roots of foreign players based on the keyword "What is the spike you wore for the first time?" Kawasaki Frontale's volunteer, what is the commitment to Eduardo net players' spikes? Interviewer is Rie Kato actress.
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  • Shimizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol. 7
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Catheri's "My First Spike" 4th Eduardo Net (Kawasaki) vol. 2 "Ronaldo wearing model that I bought for pocket money"
    "My first spike" exploring the roots of foreign players based on the keyword "What is the spike you wore for the first time?" Eduardo net players active as a volunteer for Kawasaki Frontale. Interviewer is Rie Kato actress.
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  • Shimizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol.6
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Catering's "My First Spike" 4th Eduardo Net (Kawasaki) vol.1 "Spike bought for the first time is Brazil's" strike "
    Planning to explore the roots of foreign players with the key words "What is the spike you wore for the first time?" That is "My First Spike". The guest of this time is a volunteer of Kawasaki Frontale, Eduardo net players active from the first year of transfer. Interviewer is Rie Kato actress.
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  • Shimizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol. 5
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Catherine's "My First Spike" 3rd Dragan Murja & Nates Pettnik (Omiya) vol.3 Muruja suffering. I do not mind petunique.
    He is tall, he is fascinated, he is in front of a man. From such an image, it is two people who thought that they seemed to be silent without permission, but little by little over time, the usual tea came into sight. This time, I asked about the commitment of the spike I'm wearing now. Two really opposite people. Murja players showing abnormal commitment will become more and more obscure! ! Rie Kato
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  • Shimizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol. 4
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Catholic 'My First Spike' 3rd Dragan Muruja & Nates Pettnik (Omiya) vol.2 I love jokes! What? Vulcan combination with breath even outside the pitch.
    Two people who were born and raised in the Balkans belonging to Omiya Ardija. Mourja players from Serbia and Petit Nik from Slovenia The second time to talk to the players. Last time we talked precious stories that we would not normally know until the story of the time when there was a bombing in Belgrade from the story of two country towns where they were born. What kind of stories can we hear this time! What? First of all, from the petit nike player who was listening quietly for a while. Rie Kato
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  • Shimizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol. 3
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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  • Catering's "My First Spike" 3rd Dragan Muruja & Nates Pettnik (Omiya) vol.1 Beauard's confusion to know from spikes.
    Omiya Ardija won the club's most ever-corrupted club in J1 in 2016. There has been a clear change in the top team slogan since 2015 when it was decided to fight in J2. Rie Kato: "To the top of the challenge, to the future" And this year's slogan, "To the challenge of higher, to the future" That's right. The strength to open up with oneself not passive is seen in Omiya now. It is a time of harvest. This time, two from Balkan Peninsula who supported the breakthrough. We talked with Doragan Murja and Neitz Petunik. When they were born, they were the same country. After the fall of the former Yugoslavia, Murja will be Serbian and Petunik will be Slovenian. The Balkans seemingly unknown in Japan. Let's follow the life of two people, the country where two people lived, with the spike as the password! !
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  • Shimizu Ryo Legend Photo Stadium vol. 2
    Ryo Shimizu, a leading sports and photographer, who has been pursuing stars from around the world, from the 1970s to the present. Shimizu-san picks up hundreds of unreleased photos for King Gear from among the vast archives that are so intimidating. We introduce nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms to this extent. Update is optional. We look forward to it!
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