• Omiya Ardija's Daito Hatao interacts with fans through a charity project to express his gratitude to medical workers who have allowed him to continue playing soccer
    Hiroto Hatao, who belongs to J2's Omiya Ardija, is carrying out a charity project to support medical workers involved in the treatment of new coronavirus infections. A total of 12 sessions are scheduled to be held until June 7, an activity in which paid round-table discussions are held between J-leaguers and supporters, and the proceeds are donated to medical workers. Hatao suffered from chronic pulmonary thromboembolism when he was a university student, and is currently pursuing a career as a professional soccer player while continuing treatment. We interviewed him, who has a deep connection with medical professionals, about how he started his activities and the current situation.
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  • Baseball community "Utchae" Ryuta Takamatsu talks about how to enjoy sports in the with corona era
    The new coronavirus infection has had a great impact on the entire industry, with the Tokyo Olympics being postponed for one year and all sports games being postponed or canceled. The baseball fan community "Utchae", which is run by IforC Co., Ltd., which supports athletes' second careers and has an event business in which former athletes appear, has been reopened with enhanced online services. We interviewed the representative, Mr. Ryuta Takamatsu.
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  • "WRESTLE PETER PAN 2020 [DAY2]" where Yuki Ueno, who will challenge Naomi Yoshimura and KO-D tag team defense, talks about his aspirations
    DDT Pro Wrestling's Yuki Ueno will participate in the KO-D tag title match with Naomi Yoshimura at "WRESTLE PETER PAN 2020 [DAY2]" on June 7th. Make a fourth defense. The challengers are #Stronghearts T-Hawk and El Lindaman, who are active not only in Japan but also overseas. We asked him about his current state of mind before the fourth defense match, which was suddenly decided a week ago.
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  • Online personal training course by DDT wrestler! [DDT Pro Wrestling]
    Pro-wrestling organization DDT Pro-Wrestling has started "online personal training" for athletes. If you have a smartphone or tablet, you can take one-on-one training using the video web conferencing application "ZOOM". During the self-restraint period, a reporter who wants to refresh unnecessary fat and accumulated stress by teleworking at home experienced it. The coach was Yuki Ueno, who will be defending his title for the fourth time in the KO-D Tag Championship match on the 7th.
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  • To the stage of revenge. Can you get revenge at the end of last year? Tetsuya Endo challenges champion Masato Tanaka [6/7 WRESTLE PETER PAN 2020 DAY2]
    At the end of last year, Tetsuya Endo lost to Masato Tanaka of ZERO1 in the "D King GP", a battle to determine the strongest DDT. After that, Tanaka defeated HARASHIMA to win the KO-D Openweight Championship. Defeated MAO in February, Konosuke Takeshita in March, Yukio Sakaguchi and Shinya Aoki in May, and is currently defending four consecutive games. Tetsuya Endo, who fell in front of Sliding D half a year ago, stands in Tanaka's way to regain the KO-D Openweight belt that was leaked to another organization. Can DDT regain the belt? Endo looks back on the six months from the "D King GP" to the KO-D open weight challenge.
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  • Current location of Ayumi Kusano (beach volleyball) aiming to participate in the Olympics and obtain a doctorate
    As you know, the Olympic and Paralympic Games have been postponed. We asked Ayumu Kusano (Pasona Group), who is aiming for the Olympics while completing a doctoral course in graduate school, about his feelings at that time and his current activities.
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  • Historical spikes loved by heroes VOL.43 "Finally finished Paramexico edition"
    When King Gear started, he carried Paramehiko with a big smile and talked about its charm. His interview was full of love for spikes and conveyed the goodness of Paramehiko as much as possible. However, Mr. Bando also retired from active duty, and it seems that the production of Para Mexico has finally ended. Spike fans who remember the debut will write about Paramexico as a farewell.
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  • What is the next stage for Aya Murakami, a female Jiu-Jitsu practitioner who wrapped a black belt at the fastest speed?
    The popularity of women's martial arts is sweeping the world. In the RIZIN ring, RENA and Miyu Yamamoto are outstanding. "DEEP JEWELS", a gateway tournament to RIZIN held in February this year. Aya Murakami, who challenged this competition from the jiu-jitsu world. Murakami, who is active as an amateur martial artist, works as a system engineer and also disseminates a lot of information as a YouTuber. We interviewed Murakami, who is active in many fields.
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  • King Gnu Daiki Tsuneda and Urawa Reds Makino for the first time "Music is indispensable for athletes"
    The video content "THE HUDDLE", in which King Gnu's Daiki Tsuneda had his first online conversation with Urawa Red Diamonds defender Tomoaki Makino, was released on the official website of Adidas and YouTube on the 22nd.
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  • HALF TIME CONFERENCE 2020 ~ Sports Business Conference Thinking about the Future of the Japanese Sports World ~
    As introduced in the previous article (http://king-gear.com/articles/1240), the HALF TIME Conference 2020 was held online. As the title suggests, the content was very forward-looking, thinking about the future. I will introduce an excerpt from the story that left an impression on me.
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  • First held in Asia! What is World Masters Games 2021 Kansai that anyone over 30 can participate in?
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  • ヨコハマ・フットボール映画祭の福島成人がオススメする 「STAYHOME」のサポーターが見るべきサッカー映画・映像作品
    新型コロナウイルス感染症の蔓延に伴い、世界中のほとんどの国でスポーツが出来ない、見られない日々が続いている。 命に関わるやむを得ない事態を加味しても、ヨーロッパ各地のフットボールリーグはシーズン佳境に差し掛かり、日本のJリーグも2020年シーズン開幕を迎えたばかりという状況での先の見えない中断は、サポーターの皆さんの鬱々として過ごす日々を加速させてしまっていることだろう。今回は、ヨコハマ・フットボール映画祭の実行委員長を務められている福島成人氏にインタビュー。世界各国のサッカー映画に精通している福島氏に、社会の事情によりやむなく「STAYHOME」を強いられているサポーターの皆さんに、こんな機会だからこそ見てほしいサッカーをテーマにした映画や映像作品についてお伺いした。
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  • 「また笑顔で球場に会うために」ルートインBCリーグ広報 志賀楓氏が語る野球独立リーグの現状
    夏には東京オリンピックの開催が予定され、アスリートの華々しい活躍で彩られるはずだった2020年。 新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大により、野球界はゴールデンウイークを過ぎた今もなお、開幕出来ていない前代未聞の状況が続いている。 その影響はNPBにとどまらず、これまでにNPBに多くの選手を輩出してきた独立リーグにも大きな影を落としている。 経営に関する話題がニュースを賑わせるなか、現場で業務に携わられている方々は、どのような日々を過ごしているのだろうか。 今回は、ルートインBCリーグの広報をされている志賀楓さんに、現状についてお伺いしました。
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  • 「浪速のロッキー」赤井英和のDNAを受け継ぐ赤井沙希が、安納サオリと対戦!【5.16 DDT TV SHOW #3】
    5月より毎週土曜日・無観客で「DDT TV SHOW」を開始しているDDTプロレスリング。緊急事態宣言の中、スポーツ観戦ができないファンにとって、これ以上ないファンサービスである。 5/16、この大会に出場する赤井沙希選手。現在「おきばりやす7番勝負」で5戦行われ、2勝3敗で負け越している。次の対戦相手は「絶対不屈女子」こと安納サオリ。5/9のタッグの前哨戦では、安納のジャーマンスープレックスの前に敗れた赤井。ホームリングで連敗するわけにはいかない状況の赤井選手にお話を伺った。
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  • アスリートと農家にエールを!全農が「卓球日本代表選手応援キャンペーン」を実施
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  • DDT勝俣瞬馬がハードコアマッチ開催!今だからこそファンに伝えたい思いとは?【5.9 DDT TV SHOW #2】
    緊急事態宣言を受け、各スポーツ競技が試合を行えないなか、5月より毎週土曜日・無観客で「DDT TV SHOW」を開始したDDTプロレスリング。タイトルマッチを始めとする魅力的な対戦カードが、毎週惜しげもなく披露される予定だ。5月9日に行われる「DDT TV SHOW」のハードコアマッチに出場するのが、勝俣瞬馬選手。自ら動画編集を行いYouTuberとしても活動。個性的なキャラクターが多いDDTの中でも、セルフプロデュースに長けたレスラーの1人。大切な試合を前に話を聞いた。
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  • The current location of Yoshika Matsubara, who has fought in South America, J League, and Europe Vol.7
    Yoshika Matsubara, who has been active in multiple teams in the J.League starting with Jubilo Iwata, and has also played in Uruguay, Croatia and Switzerland. "What kind of career did you have in Japan and abroad? And what kind of activities are you doing now?"
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  • The current location of Ryoka Matsubara, who has fought in South America, the J League, and Europe Vol.6
    Yoshika Matsubara, who has been active in multiple teams in the J.League starting with Jubilo Iwata, and has also played in Uruguay, Croatia and Switzerland. "What kind of career did you have in Japan and abroad? And what kind of activities are you doing now?"
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  • Kenji Fujimitsu, world track bronze medalist, speaks at a running event "I want to show the culmination of the Olympic Games that Tokyo must come out"
    2 Kenji Fujimitsu, who won the bronze medal in the Men's 100m x 4 relay at the 2017 World Championships in Athletics, made a guest appearance at a running event held in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. In addition to the talk show about conditioning, we also deepened the interaction with everyone who participated on this day through training and running. At the press conference after the event, he also talked about the aspirations for the Tokyo Olympics, which was announced as a postponement of the one-year event, and the topics that have recently become a topic due to the impact of the spread of the new coronavirus.
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  • The current location of Ryoka Matsubara, who has fought in South America, J League and Europe Vol.5
    Yoshika Matsubara, who has been active in multiple teams in the J.League starting with Jubilo Iwata, and has also played in Uruguay, Croatia and Switzerland. "What kind of career did you have in Japan and abroad? And what kind of activities are you doing now?"
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  • Historical spikes loved by heroes VOL.42 ~ Spikes used in Maradona (90 World Cup Soviet Union) ~
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  • To a society where children in wheelchairs can enjoy physical education. The future drawn by Paracanoe / Setachi Monica (Part 2)
    Monica Seryu, who has been selected as a canoe representative for the Tokyo Paralympics. At the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, which he made his first appearance at the age of 18, he finished 8th and is expected to become the first Japanese to win a medal at the Tokyo Games, which will be held at the Sea Forest Waterway in his hometown of Koto Ward, Tokyo. We interviewed Seryu and the coach, Akemi Nishi, who supports her.
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  • "What can sports do now?" Interview with Yusuke Isoda, CEO, HALF TIME Co., Ltd.
    コロナウィルスの影響によりスポーツ業界も逆風にさらされている。Jリーグやプロ野球をはじめとするプロスポーツの試合再開の目途も未だ立たない状況だ。「スポーツの力で何が出来るのか?」スポーツビジネスのプラットフォームサービスを提供しているHALF TIME株式会社のCEOである磯田氏にオンラインで話を聞かせて頂いた。
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  • 東京パラに向けて「メダルを取るため」の種をまく。パラカヌー・瀬立モニカの、リオの経験を活かした施策(前編)
    Monica Seryu, who has been selected as a canoe representative for the Tokyo Paralympics. At the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, which he made his first appearance at the age of 18, he finished 8th and is expected to become the first Japanese to win a medal at the Tokyo Games, which will be held at the Sea Forest Waterway in his hometown of Koto Ward, Tokyo. We interviewed Seryu and the coach, Akemi Nishi, who supports her.
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  • The current location of Yoshika Matsubara, who has fought in South America, the J-League, and Europe Vol.4
    Yoshika Matsubara, who has been active in multiple teams in the J.League starting with Jubilo Iwata, and has also played in Uruguay, Croatia and Switzerland. "What kind of career did you have in Japan and abroad? And what kind of activities are you doing now?"
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