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Historic spike loved by heroes VOL.4 - 3 Material Sole's Adidas World Cup series -

The top photograph is the 1982 Spain World Cup Rum Menige (left) and the 2002 Japan-Korea World Cup Khan (right). Although the times are quite different, they wore spikes of the same sole. Recently I saw no top-level athletes wearing this sole's spikes, but the 3 material Sole's Adidas World Cup, which is still being produced at the moment, was one of my longing spikes. After seeing the old real spikes of a player, the desire to collect this series bursts suddenly, and I got to know newly after collecting (probably?) Introducing the small differences that I have not written anywhere I will.

Icon 29634314 1815368455432881 1085668874 oHiroaki Konishi | 2018/04/18
(I started spike blog.https://maradonaboots.com/It was impossible to imagine that everyone in Japan will be surprised by the soccer national dismissal play during this period before the World Cup quarter, over 30 years ago.

I'm always thankful for the old story about when the chairman of the Association, the previous director, and the next director was active during such a period.

Well, I think that there is a god of football for each age, east and west, young and old and young. For me the football god is the Maradona player of the 1980s, but the god of a Japanese footballer is Kazuya Kimura at times. As you know, he was active in Nissan and Yokohama Marinos, and the spike was an Adidas user.

Figure 1 on the left is Kimura's active spiking spikes, World Cup 82. I think that there are many people who knows this, before, Adidas, Puma, ASICS was carrying around the tool and was supporting the tool of Japan (which was called all Japan until the mid-1980s).


However, Nissan affiliated Kimura players, Mizunami players, and Podani (older brother) players used black at the representative battle with black lines of adidas spikes that they usually wear.

Kato Kunitaka (figure 1 right) who was wearing Puma at the Yomiuri club seems to continue to use the spikes of Asics that he used when he won the victory against Singapore before this round, making it visible to Puma.

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Figure1 木村選手実使用スパイク(左)、フリーキックを蹴る木村選手(中央)、当時のキャプテン加藤久選手(右)。

Puma mark of the pants is flying towards the right (now it is almost to the left). Athlete pictures
1985Year football magazine12From the issue of the month. 
Well, the replacement spike world cup of Adidas is still produced in Germany as the current item, and it is almost the same as the debut time.

In the past, Katsumura of the actor was introduced also in King Gear. (http://king-gear.com/articles/152

When this model made its debut, the spike with the white trefoil + adidas bluepark on the shoe tongue part was only luxury goods, I was longing for a student and I would like it even now.

If you notice, World Champion has collected three legs (in Figure 2). This spike is the first model of 3 materialal sole released at the World Cup in 1982 (there was a case called as WM Top Star), the stitch part of the toe is three-dimensional (Please refer to the insertion photo ).

About a year later it will be named the World Cup 82, the toe will be a single leather with only the same stitch as the current model. At the beginning of the World Cup 82, the shoe tongue mark is a blue ground, but there is also a black ground (Figure 2, bottom left).


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Figure 2 World Champion (top). Although it looks the same for both legs, there are models of insole (detachable) with white and black (upper and lower ends).

(Bottom) World Cup 82. The insole of the blue mark is black, but the one of the black mark is white. There seems to be a model with a black background mark 82 not sticking.
As we will see later, the red trefoil rarely has the World Cup 82, but the side display shows "WORLD CUP 82" on one line. The old type is two lines display. 

82の文字はその後なくなり、ワールドカップ(1行でWORLD CUP)のみになりますが、シュータンのマークは黒地が続きます。ただ、トレフォイルの色が年によって変わったようで、赤や緑があります(図3上の2足)。

Even if it becomes rarely red, there seems to be some models with 82 attached. In addition, the mark of the heel "adidas" letters disappears, it becomes only a big trefoil mark, the model on the upper left of Figure 3 is made of leather but the model of the green mark on the right is synthetic leather.

Later, around 1992 Shoe tongue mark design is intact, the heel's leather is extended to under three lines as well as the current item (Figure 3 bottom two legs: the right is the current item).


Incidentally, the model at the bottom left of Figure 3 is made in France, and features the same as the one made in Germany, but the color and material of the heel's leather are different. After it became the current type, it seems that there were also made in Indonesia as well as made in Germany around 1998.

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Figure3 生産時期や場所の異なる4Types of World Cup. Shoe tone trefoil red (upper left), green (upper right),92Made in France (bottom left), current product (bottom right).

The right edge is the transition of the heel mark. From the top World champion (World Cup
82Also the same), red and green trefoil mark (both are the same), made in France, the order of the current item. Upper is still all Kangaroo leather long ago (a different kind only from the heel part made in France).

The spike of the old Oki Tsubasa-kun is a replacement expression of Adidas, and it is drawn in detail to the sole design.

This time I introduced about the World Cup of 3 Materials Sole on the right in Figure 4, but before that there is the World Cup series on the left Ady Supersole. I will also introduce about that in the future.

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Figure4 アディスーパーソール(左)と3The captain wing with spike of material sole (right) drawn.   

Adidas spike is also indebted to Malaysian people. Figure 5 is a picture that seems to be his warehouse.

Although the size is limited, the current number of possession of the World Cup 82 may be the best in the world.

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Figure5 マレーシアの人の倉庫らしき場所。一度うかがってみたいものですが、正気でいられるか・・・。   

次回は キングギアだけに個人的には外せない80年代の(黒・黄2色ソールの)プーマ・キング編です。     

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West German soccer spike loved by God "
A discussion of the football superstar who gave birth to numerous legends in the 80's.