
Historic spike heroes loved VOL.3 ~ PUMA · TRERO Hen story not retro ~

It is a soccer spike of white line to black which is not wearing much referee now, but probably it was a classic color before 2000. As for the model of the 80's this time, it is about a torreo of the puma replacement type spike which was unusual color scheme, which was very expensive (Fig. 1). It was a model that seems to be the prototype of the spike when Maradona came to be a god in the 1986 World Cup, it was a newly developed sole pattern. Although this sole had some minor improvements, it was a revolutionary thing that was used for a long time since. A reprint version was released last year in Trelo.

Icon 29634314 1815368455432881 1085668874 oHiroaki Konishi | 2018/04/09
(I started spike blog.https://maradonaboots.com/80年代のサッカースパイクの色は黒に白ラインが定番でしたが、1982年スペインW杯の時にデビューしたプーマ・トレロは当時珍しい黒・金色カラーでした(モデル番号は496)。トレロは闘牛士の意味で、レトロではありません。プーマのHP(http://about.puma.com/en/this-is-puma/history), It is said to be the spike that God wore in the first World Cup, but in fact it was in the Barcelona era after the tournament, the Argentina national team for the 198 cup of the World Cup who was wearing Trello was Fiyol , Gallejo, Calderon, Kempeth (Figure 2). I was a senior high school student at that time I was super luxury goods in the football magazine, I did not think about getting in. 

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Figure1 プーマ・トレロ。28I think that thousand yen was the most expensive football spike at the time.


The spikes of the Australian school players are luxurious and unique, Teikyo is a lot of players using Yasuda's colorful spikes, and Shimizu Tōto is like a uniform, I think that there were many Puma users. There seemed to be a Trelo user in the inside, but it seems that the gold color did not shine at all in Japanese grands, as compared with the ground of a beautiful foreign turf (Figure 2 right end).

By the way, it is regrettable that the spike of Yasuda that was unfortunately discontinued is restored limited by cloud funding. (http://route-f.com/project/s/project_id/6

I am glad to like classic spikes, but I do not want the parameco and copamundial to be out of print.

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 図2 左からトレロを履く神(diego_maradona101From Mr.'s Instagram), Kempeth player (Getty Images), Fiyol player (1982Year Football Digest Extra Number Reprint Editionp40), Shimizu High School players (topGKOkawa player, Matsushita player's spike at the bottom: goal2Monthly issue supplementp15p55)。

Fiyol is
GKHowever,7Number At that time Argentina delegationAStarted with Ardiles1It is number,10God of the numberMBut it was special treatment. By the way, yellow9Number is BrazilFW· Serginho and Spike are Toppers who also wore Socrates.
Well, it seems that Trelio did not have any of the Malaysian people I asked for last time I got acquainted with since I began looking for old spikes, and I gave up half way to find it. However, I was able to find out that Trelio has been exhibited at another overseas auction site.

After that, after that, from the same seller (Italy), Torrero was certainly sent about 7 or so, one after another, eventually I bought five (Figure 3 left).


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 Figure3 箱入りトレロ(左)。左側一番下は復刻版トレロの箱。箱も当時の雰囲気を出しています。右は新旧トレロの比較。

It was Mexico tournament in 1986 that God used the Trelotype spike in the World Cup (It seems that Naples was wearing it in around 84 years). In the first match (against South Korea), the hand of God, England warfare without five people (Figure 4 left), semi-finals (against Belgium), the final (against West Germany), wearing a white line Torrero model in black, history It is a spike that gave birth to a name scene.

Trello's black and white type was not released as a normal model in the end, and it was released as a special god specification in 1987 (Figure 4, right). The size was only 26 centimeters and it was possible for me to wear it in terms of size, but there was nothing preceding the price and there was never to be purchased at that time.

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 Figure4 86yearINGod of battle against England (left), (Football magazine1986Summer numberp45)。87Advertisement of the God model released in the year (right).

In the case of Trelo, we were able to purchase five same models fortunately, but because God's special model was one size limited and few circulations and I thought that it should not be found soon, it was sent to Yahoo auction I missed having been missing (Figure 5, left). Although I was very surprised, I repaired one of the Trelle as a god special model to the repair workshop Amor Takemoto (right).

Someday, I'd like to compare the real model of the god with a remodeled Trevo with a special model in hand. If someone has you, I would not say that we should hand it over, so I would like you to arrange a remodeling Torrero next to it and take a picture.


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 Figure 5 God special model released in Yahoo auction in 1987 (left).It is by no means Mexico light.Before remodeling Torrero (upper right) and after remodeling (lower right).

Well, Malaysian people who handed over professionals are not decorating, but they also have a lot of Puma spikes, and when I found the image in Figure 6 on the net I was shocked.
Of course, I am only interested in the top three right, I would like to write about it again.

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Fig. 6 An image of Malaysian people selling for "King Combo (King Assorted?)". There was only a picture of Saul, but I was surprised.

Next time is Adidas edition for the first time, we will introduce the 3 materialSor adidas World Cup series.

Author Yoshiaki Konishi's works click on banner!
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West German soccer spike loved by God "
A discussion of the football superstar who gave birth to numerous legends in the 80's.