Commitment to Yuichiro Ueno's running "Vol.3 What is mental of long distance players"
Yuichiro Ueno who belongs to Yokohama DeNA running club. It is a famous players with trademark sunglasses and a running run. I talked about the flow of training one day and mental about running.

Ueno 若い頃はストレッチなどもあまりするほうではなかったんですけど、今はトレーナーさんについてもらって若い頃にやらなかった腹筋、背筋以外の筋トレを覚えて徹底的にやっています。
After all I think that such matters are important. When I was young I do not want to do anything unnecessary because I can run according to the image, I think that the minimum thing I am doing is enough to end, I think that training I'm doing at that time I felt it was faster if I was doing it.
There is regret there, but I think that being able to remember that training even at this age is a very good thing. Now I got injured again until I was able to jog, but it will take time before I can practice a full-scale running.
I decided it was time to train muscle strength thoroughly, I am training from training to the training facilities from Monday to Saturday from noon to night.
I decided it was time to train muscle strength thoroughly, I am training from training to the training facilities from Monday to Saturday from noon to night.
Ueno 普通に走れている時は基本的に朝練して、午前か午後にメイン練習をして、空いた時間にウェイトトレーニングしたり、治療に行って体のメンテナンスをしたり色々するんです。
When I am injured, I do caring for my body, running my hypoxic campaign with a motorbike so that the cardiopulmonary function does not fall, entering the pool, running and running in there I will do.
When I am injured, I do caring for my body, running my hypoxic campaign with a motorbike so that the cardiopulmonary function does not fall, entering the pool, running and running in there I will do.
If you do one item for one hour it will take at least 6 to 7 hours. I am doing it from Monday to Saturday, so I think rather how it is more important to use the time of injury than when I am not hurt.
When I run without injuries, I concentrate on running and I am running really, so it's easy to think that this is a good condition right now, when starting weighting when I get injured, it's terrible I feel muscle pain, I feel that I have to do weights even when I am running.

UenoIt is not especially attached. I think that it is more important to locate and reinforce oneself by themselves, such as where to strengthen. I do not like to do something when told by others, and I think that it is useless unless we have to overcome the failure period without compromising to find out by oneself and become stronger.
However, it is difficult to keep training six weeks a week other than Sunday for a month, so decide off before Sunday in advance, and continue training thoroughly until that. I think that there will not continue unless there is strength of mental.

UenoThe mental is important even while running, the director of the Yokohama DeNA running club (Tomoaki) is concerned about that place, you can take it not only to the body but also to the mental part I will.
Because I tend to over think too much, even if I can do it in practice I am able to attach a limiter by myself and I have made it impossible, so the neighborhood supervisor helped me part there.
個人的には長距離選手はメンタルが大事だと思っていて、どんなに練習で出来ていても試合の際にメンタルが弱いとプレッシャーに負けて、いつもの力が発揮できないとか、練習で良くて試合がダメっていう選手が多いと思うんですよ。 結局そこはメンタルが鍛えられていないからだと思います。
Ueno いますけど、長距離の場合は練習がしっかり出来てないとダメですので。それがあってこそメンタルの強さも発揮できると思います。
UenoThe easiest thing is that it is totally useless in a game with pressure, so it is best to put out the best vest in the competition that has appeared as a practice.