A middle-aged middle age that aimed to sub 4 in order to know the feelings of the runner "7th run: enthusiasm for each Osaka marathon"
Why run 42.195 km? What is fun? I can not fully understand myself as a full marathon inexperienced person. Friends around me started a marathon, and that mystery just got deeper. The seventh run asked the enthusiasm of the Osaka marathon tomorrow from members of TEAM KIAI.

<The sixth run is here>
I have participated in TEAM KIAI 's practice and I have something that is particularly remarkable.
I have participated in TEAM KIAI 's practice and I have something that is particularly remarkable.
I wonder if I will run around 10 km today ... If I head towards the practice place, I will have an announcement saying "I will run 25 km today!
I regretted having drunk Pocari Sweat about 1 liter from the morning. I also want to go to the toilet. .
Just 30 kilometers with eyeron teacher was experienced, so 25 km is not an unknown distance. The fact that it is not unknown became confident.
After some 18 kilometers my feet became heavier. It is strange that my feet became heavier near 25 km when I ran 30 km. It is due to mental.
I thought the marathon was a lonely sport, but there was a discovery that it was not so.

After that practice, as we approached the actual number the running distance decreased to 15 km, 10 km, 5 km. After finishing the last practice, I heard about the enthusiasm for large-scale coach, SEIYA, Yamamura Ryota and each of them closer to the front.
First of all I talked to a large-size coach who had been taught for about half a year.
- How long have you been practicing for the Osaka Marathon? And how is the finish of Yamamura Ryuta-kun of the charity ambassador?
Tai KokThe first meeting was on 25th April. It seems that he had hardly been running until then.
It was more than half a year for the Osaka marathon, so I thought that there was plenty of time to spare in time, but the first time I was able to run 1 km in about 7 minutes and was precise.
I am surprising because I have not seen the recent Ryuta Kun who is running.
Tai KokThat's right. I was wondering at that time that I had anxiety about the knee, so I thought that it would be a difficult road toward the Osaka marathon.
After that I practiced 1 to 2 times a week.
- What kind of exercise did you specifically do?
Tai Kok 5、6月はまずは「走ることに慣れる」7、8月は暑さもあるので「走る距離は10kmまでで走る速度を落とさない」で上げるトレーニングを中心に行いました。
Not only did the training menu run, it gave birth to changes such as "Running fast and repeating running slowly" and "Running cross-country running on rough terrain".
While running and exchanging opinions with members of TEAM KIAI, I was able to train with fun even in difficult times.
After September when it got cooler, I slowly extended the distance that runs from 10 km to 15 km, and 20 km, and finally to 25 km.
However, until the end of October there were unstable weather and tour of flumpool which began in the autumn, so I could not do well training successfully, but from November it has been a blessing and good weather to run I did it.
- It was raining really many in October.
Tai KokWith the weather end of late October to early November training I finally felt the impression of "I could run firmly with a full marathon" at training.
The most positive side so far is "I was able to continue training without pain on my foot".
- Have you been careful about something to avoid injury?
Tai KokWarm up to make the muscles firmly move, or conscious of efficient running form that is less burdensome on the knees.
- Certainly warm-ups are being carefully done with tubes.
Tai KokAlso I think that the wave rider series which is the shoes I have been wearing since last year and the BG series of tights with support function are one factor that I could train without any pain in the knee so far.
We also shared the contents of the work and the pictures of the animation and running figure to the person himself.
It is to connect to keep motivation by feeling change of running and time with before.
At Osaka Marathon it is at least 4 hours 28 minutes update of self-record. I hope to run at around 4 hours if possible!
Next I heard enthusiasm for TEAM KIAI 's SEIYA (JARNZ Ω).

- How long have you been practicing for the Osaka Marathon?
SEIYAFrom around spring, under the guidance of a large-angle coach, I trained trunk training and muscles of the buttocks and repeatedly practiced to extend the distance!
Especially when I am running I am training very carefully, but since I am originally hooked back my back will be rounded. Even now "attitude when running" is paying attention to # 1!
- Why did you start running in the first place?
SEIYA 2015年の夏に、同い年のアーティスト仲間が、毎日10km走っていると聞き、刺激を受けランニングを始めました!
While running I am looking back over the day and thinking about tomorrow. Running 10 kilometers on a daily routine makes it possible to train and arrange the mind, so now "music x run" is essential for a person named me.
- Please tell me the enthusiasm and goal for the real number coming closer.
SEIYA 初フルマラソンなので、緊張と不安がどうしても勝ってしまいますが「42.195kmを走る」って事はどう考えても苦しい事なので(笑)
Because it is a great opportunity, I would like to have plenty of fun at the convention and venue! Aim for finish! Aim to sub 4! !
Finally I heard the enthusiasm for Ryota Yamamura of the charity ambassador at the captain of TEAM KIAI this time.

- Please tell me your goals at Osaka Marathon.
YamamuraIt is self-best update!
- What was the record of last year?
YamamuraLast year was 4 hours 28 minutes.
- 4 hours 28 minutes in the first marathon is not great!
YamamuraI was pushed back on the roadside cheering and my feet advanced naturally.
- Especially the power of cheering in local Osaka is tremendous. Actually this year you are actually aiming for cutting 4 hours? Practice seemed to be going well.
YamamuraI hope to aim for Sub 4! It is awesome if you can achieve Sub 4 at the end of running and running.
- Please tell me your feelings towards Osaka in my hometown.
YamamuraThere is also a feeling that I can repay something locally, and flumpool is glad if I can cooperate in livening in Osaka by next year's debut 10th anniversary.
- This year is TEAM KIAI 's captain. What is the feeling?
YamamuraSince Obuchi (Kentaro Obuchi) can not participate in the concert this year, I let you do it. After all I have to work hard! I feel the big responsibility of it.
- Are you getting nervous? I remember being nervous before the futsal convention several years ago (laugh)
YamamuraI am nervous! ! Of course (laugh)
- What is the degree of pleasure and tension?
YamamuraMr. Obuchi said, "It is an important reward day for members of TEAM KIAI who are in Osaka, Tokyo, Miyazaki on the day of the event to be able to gather together." So 100% fun! !
Continue to the eighth run