Japanese first! A proud hoarding to the thing which Mr. Norio Matsuura became a copyright vol.8 Vol.8 "A man who changes a keeper glove during a game"
Ms. Noriyuki Matsuura who has been active for 25 years in Tokyo Verdy and Nagoya Grampus as the first Japanese professional player. I asked about 8 hours about the enthusiasm for things and the attention of players remaining in the impression. In Vol 8, I asked about the keeper's commitment to Mr. Honarin and the challenging task of ho Paero.

<Interview 1st is here>
<Interview second is this>
<Click here for the third interview>
Matsuura: Really glove is a business tool, so if the rubber turns over, it will change. We use good ones in the match, and in practice we use something that is being used as it is.The keeper involved with me was the 1st delicacy and it was Mr. Honnaru who was committed.
Matsuura: はい、なんと試合中にキーパーグローブを替えるんですよ! 例えば試合中は基本的にみんなボールを見てるじゃないですか。
Also, the Honnaru player had four kinds of gloves, each having three.
- 3 sorts of 4 kinds?
Matsuura: Yes, so we have a total of 12 items. That alone filled the back.
Today I will do it with this glove and win. He was the one who took the test, so I will try the next match, but I was exchanging that the feeling when I took the glove is different and so on. So when I was a stamen, I was watching Mr. Honarin for about 10 minutes from the beginning.
After that I also stuck the color of the up shirt. There are only 3 people, so you choose. I like this color "Today" (laugh)
- Do you feel like exchanging clocks and captain marks?
Matsuura: Well, there were times when Mr. Besseha was missing.
There was a case that Mr. Bezeha broke the watch once (laugh) 国立競技場だったんですけど、ドアノブにカーンって当たっちゃって、ピンが取れたんですよ。
It seemed that there were only a few clocks in the world, and it was being ordered from an Italian watch shop saying, "There is no choice anymore." I seem to have made over 1 million yen on pins alone.
- It was thought that the hole was open because it used too much.
Matsuura:「That player wears one million denim! "It was amazingly surprised when I said it.
Mr. Leung is also a very committed person, I will go on cleaning for denim.
Leon also sticks to T - shirts. It is a person who is sooo cool. お蕎麦やうどんを日本人ってズルズルって食べるじゃないですか。それは禁止なんですよ。
ホテルの食事で試合へ行く前にだいたい炭水化物を取るので、うどんとか食べるんですけど、ズルズルっていうとレオンがゴンゴンゴンと机を叩きながら「シーッ!」って。 みんな「なんか食べた気しないな」っていいながら(笑)
MatsuuraThere was something morning! At the time of practice from 7 o'clock in the morning the staff was at 5 o'clock.Ho Peyro came back late late and arrived earliest, so I stayed at the clubhouse when I was rushing.
- How long do you enter the clubhouse after entering 2 hours before practice?
Matsuura:I will be preparing for the match but sometimes it is around 12 hours in the clubhouse.
- If practicing from 10 o'clock, can you go back to 22 o'clock and 23 o'clock?
Matsuura:I agree. It was serious as there was a game twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday when J League started.
Matsuura: Only human beings return home, I will send the equipment of the game to the hotel of the next match venue ahead. I will definitely enter the hotel at the previous night, but after picking up the meal there, unpacking the luggage and finishing it by putting the cleaning out for the cleaning shop, but also putting it back in folding or spiking is I wash a newspaper with Mr. Bezehah in the washroom and brush there.
--It is wonderful.
Matsuura: I am doing it as a professional and I have a desire to not compromise as a professional so I learned from Mr. Beseea that I have to do that work anyway trying to stay up all night, I did not think that time was late.
At that time I was told that 3K was "dirty" or "dirty" Is not it popular? It was exactly like Ho Peiro, but I do not mind at all.
――仕事をしていてどういう時が1番嬉しいですか? そして1番嬉しかったことはなんですか?
There are pleasures to make it beautiful, and it is really difficult for me to stand at the top of 20 teams or 18 teams when I won the championship, so it is a pleasure that I can not put into words as there is only joy at that time.
vol.9に続く 7月24日公開予定。
Mr. Noriyuki Matsuura's official blog
Cooperation in coverage / Mizuno Corporation
<Interview second is this>
<Click here for the third interview>
Matsuura: Really glove is a business tool, so if the rubber turns over, it will change. We use good ones in the match, and in practice we use something that is being used as it is.The keeper involved with me was the 1st delicacy and it was Mr. Honnaru who was committed.
Matsuura: はい、なんと試合中にキーパーグローブを替えるんですよ! 例えば試合中は基本的にみんなボールを見てるじゃないですか。
Also, the Honnaru player had four kinds of gloves, each having three.
- 3 sorts of 4 kinds?
Matsuura: Yes, so we have a total of 12 items. That alone filled the back.
Today I will do it with this glove and win. He was the one who took the test, so I will try the next match, but I was exchanging that the feeling when I took the glove is different and so on. So when I was a stamen, I was watching Mr. Honarin for about 10 minutes from the beginning.
After that I also stuck the color of the up shirt. There are only 3 people, so you choose. I like this color "Today" (laugh)
- Do you feel like exchanging clocks and captain marks?

Matsuura: Well, there were times when Mr. Besseha was missing.
There was a case that Mr. Bezeha broke the watch once (laugh) 国立競技場だったんですけど、ドアノブにカーンって当たっちゃって、ピンが取れたんですよ。
It seemed that there were only a few clocks in the world, and it was being ordered from an Italian watch shop saying, "There is no choice anymore." I seem to have made over 1 million yen on pins alone.
- It was thought that the hole was open because it used too much.
Matsuura:「That player wears one million denim! "It was amazingly surprised when I said it.
Mr. Leung is also a very committed person, I will go on cleaning for denim.
Leon also sticks to T - shirts. It is a person who is sooo cool. お蕎麦やうどんを日本人ってズルズルって食べるじゃないですか。それは禁止なんですよ。
ホテルの食事で試合へ行く前にだいたい炭水化物を取るので、うどんとか食べるんですけど、ズルズルっていうとレオンがゴンゴンゴンと机を叩きながら「シーッ!」って。 みんな「なんか食べた気しないな」っていいながら(笑)
MatsuuraThere was something morning! At the time of practice from 7 o'clock in the morning the staff was at 5 o'clock.Ho Peyro came back late late and arrived earliest, so I stayed at the clubhouse when I was rushing.
- How long do you enter the clubhouse after entering 2 hours before practice?
Matsuura:I will be preparing for the match but sometimes it is around 12 hours in the clubhouse.
- If practicing from 10 o'clock, can you go back to 22 o'clock and 23 o'clock?
Matsuura:I agree. It was serious as there was a game twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday when J League started.
Matsuura: Only human beings return home, I will send the equipment of the game to the hotel of the next match venue ahead. I will definitely enter the hotel at the previous night, but after picking up the meal there, unpacking the luggage and finishing it by putting the cleaning out for the cleaning shop, but also putting it back in folding or spiking is I wash a newspaper with Mr. Bezehah in the washroom and brush there.
--It is wonderful.
Matsuura: I am doing it as a professional and I have a desire to not compromise as a professional so I learned from Mr. Beseea that I have to do that work anyway trying to stay up all night, I did not think that time was late.
At that time I was told that 3K was "dirty" or "dirty" Is not it popular? It was exactly like Ho Peiro, but I do not mind at all.
――仕事をしていてどういう時が1番嬉しいですか? そして1番嬉しかったことはなんですか?
There are pleasures to make it beautiful, and it is really difficult for me to stand at the top of 20 teams or 18 teams when I won the championship, so it is a pleasure that I can not put into words as there is only joy at that time.
vol.9に続く 7月24日公開予定。
Mr. Noriyuki Matsuura's official blog
Cooperation in coverage / Mizuno Corporation