No work, no money, great reversal from the bottom. Real Madrid, Grasped by Switching Conception, Hiroyuki Sakai Challenge VOL 4
Real Madrid of Spain's prestigious football club, also known as "galaxy corps". Although it is a popular club with many supporters in Japan, such as achieving the first ever Champions League consecutive season in the 2016-17 season, it is a popular club with a lot of supporters in Japan, but in fact, in this Real Madrid, you know that the Japanese were enrolled Do you know? vol4 tells Japanese players the backside of the world's best professional group and one day the story told us about the episode that we left the Real Madrid and decided to return home so that the players will have their daily life on this stage.

From vol.1 here
From here vol.2
From vol.3 here
〜What is my worth?〜
Sakai:After all, I am a Japanese person to the last. When you think about what you can do as a Japanese in a world where you do not have a visa just by holding a passport in the Middle East, it is still tough in that world. Spain really has no job. There is no idea to create it because it does not exist, there is no idea.
そのような状況にいて仕事になるのであれば全然良いですけど、私がマドリードにステイする意味を考えると、日本に帰って企業に対して実際FACE TO FACEでお話をし、レアル・マドリードに喜ばれる仕事を日本から持ち込んだ方が、よっぽど可能性があると思たんです。
Q. The answer was unexpectedly smooth.

Sakai: So I went and came home with spats.Raoul came to the desk on the last day, "Hiro, are you going home?" I talked a little bit as it is, but I guess I should do my best if I say such things to that person.
The contents are secret. Because it is an idol lol Do not have a message on your mobile calling "Please call me anytime" from that person Normally normal. Lol
将来を見据えた挑戦に向けて 〜Importance to risk〜
From here vol.2
From vol.3 here
〜What is my worth?〜
Sakai:After all, I am a Japanese person to the last. When you think about what you can do as a Japanese in a world where you do not have a visa just by holding a passport in the Middle East, it is still tough in that world. Spain really has no job. There is no idea to create it because it does not exist, there is no idea.
そのような状況にいて仕事になるのであれば全然良いですけど、私がマドリードにステイする意味を考えると、日本に帰って企業に対して実際FACE TO FACEでお話をし、レアル・マドリードに喜ばれる仕事を日本から持ち込んだ方が、よっぽど可能性があると思たんです。
Q. The answer was unexpectedly smooth.

Sakai: So I went and came home with spats.Raoul came to the desk on the last day, "Hiro, are you going home?" I talked a little bit as it is, but I guess I should do my best if I say such things to that person.
The contents are secret. Because it is an idol lol Do not have a message on your mobile calling "Please call me anytime" from that person Normally normal. Lol
将来を見据えた挑戦に向けて 〜Importance to risk〜
Q. What are you planning to do in the future?

Sakai: Actually, I received an offer from a lot of companies really before returning to the country, there was also an offer of a tremendous amount of money inside. On the contrary, is it worth yourself? It is about to get frustrated.
And when I actually went back to Japan, when the MBA was synchronized, I received a call from the Prince of UAE and said, "If you had quit Real, why did not you come to UAE!" I told you I lost it, but, lol
Q. Normally, there is no Japanese calling from the Prince of UAE?
Sakai:感覚としては、自分自身は何も変わっていない。でも周りが勝手に変わって、自分を見る目が大きく変わったなと感じました。 その中で、何か新たにアクションを起こすことは当然リスクが伴いますよね。
Q. However, I said that the eyes around have changed, but maybe there is a possibility for me now?
Sakai:それも感じていて、でなければダメダメの私に大きな金額の提示などあるわけがありません。 だからリスクを取ってでもできることをやっていかなければならないと感じています 。
4- 3 Mission assigned to you ~ future vision〜
Q. How are you going to be done in the future?

However, I think that I would like you to challenge even more as a Japanese person. The football market over there was really open and chances were rolling. Even Japanese can do it at all in Europe.
Q. Mr. Miura and Nakada players were all similar in a sense. Honda players, Shibasaki players have started from 2 copies now.

Sakai: We have to make more of that kind of challenge. I feel that there are many comrades who have worked hard with the Real Madrid logo spreading around the world, mainly in Europe, South America, the Middle East, so many things can be done.
On the other hand, the most important thing to do is just work from an MBA perspective. How do you do business with football or other sports? The point of view of making money with sports · doing business is really thin.
I feel that Japan's J League and the sports world will not develop unless the business is promoted by introducing the idea that had been spreading in the European market and developing the original scheme. Especially the environment surrounding football is really diverse, so what you can do and what you can do in it is the same as Real Madrid's spirit "Madridismo", but never giving up and struggling until the end I am thinking. Completion
◆ King Gear voicy Official Account
Hiroyuki Sakai chargehttps://voicy.jp/channel/628
◆Waseda Global Sports Business School developed by Mr. Sakai. Also develop a program for students aiming for employment in the sports industry! For details click on banner!

VOL 4 TOP image shooting / Kei Nagata