Director Nishino! This member is recommended! ! (Part 1)
Only a little to the World Cup! As the coach of the Japanese national team changes to Nishino director, what 23 members will be chosen? This time I had Lap's Do (Love Me Do) fortune telling and predicting numerous matches such as Nadeshiko Japan and forced the Japanese representative to chose by constellation or constellation.

In a German match of Nadeshiko Japan in quarter-finals in 2011, I love chan, "A pass comes out by Mr. Sawa and goal is decided by Ms. Marisa Keirina," and in the final match of the 2011 Asian Cup, "Li Jun- You decided to decide "brilliantly!
Love Me Do 西野監督は牡羊座です。牡羊座の人は情熱が凄くあって、無理な状況や苦しい状況ほど燃えるんですよ。
- It's just like the current situation!
Love Me Do 急遽な状態だからこそやる気が出たりしますね。2018年の牡羊座の運気は復活・再生という運気なので、もう一度日本代表の監督になって勝負をする、そして日本のサッカーを再生させるのでは。
Recently I was asked to play football which is mainly vertical pass, but I may return it to the football which will break down with pass.
Perhaps there is a thought of Nishino as a team-making team heading towards the goal of JFA that Japan will win the World Cup in Japan by 2050 in the direction of that.
Love Me Do サッカー選手でいうと怪我明けで復活した同じく牡羊座の齋藤学とかもそういう運気なので入ったら面白いと思います。
Mr. Haaril is Taura who has been chosen by him as a Taurus player Arai Haraguchi, Yuya Osaku, Takashi Usami, Tomoaki Masano and the main members are many Taurus.
Because Nishino wants to choose Aries of the same constellation as myself, Ryota Morioka, Shinji Okazaki, maybe resurrection of Atsuto Uchida, Saito Manabu may be just a resurgence by trump card.
Love Me Do 手倉森さんは蠍座なんです。蠍座と牡羊座(西野監督)は凄く相性が良いんです。
Love Me Do 森保一コーチは8月23日生まれですね。今回のワールドカップは8月23日生まれが鍵を握ると思ってます。中島翔哉、井手口陽介が8月23日生まれなんです。
- It is terrible thing that the three birthdays are the same.
Love Me Do この3人が日本を救うと思います。これだけ8月23日生まれが揃うのは何かあると思うので。ちなみに乙女座です。(中島翔哉のみ獅子座)

Love Me Do 井手口陽介がアンカーで守備をして、決定的な仕事を中島翔哉が行い、指揮を森保さんがやれば完璧です。
Love Me Do 乙女座は凄く緻密なんですよ。凄く細かかったり、計算や分析能力に長けてます。選手だと吉田麻也、長友佑都、以前の代表だと栗原勇蔵、伊野波雅彦などディフェンダー陣に多いです。
Love Me Do Aries represents the face of the body part. Coach Nishino of Aries is great for seeing himself on the table. By the way it is also Zakuroni of the same constellation.
Mr. Moriyoshi of Virgo sees the fine tactics, player's condition and control of feelings firmly.
Love Me Do I think I did a good choice. Even in the benchwork, Mr. Okura Mori may change flow or player appointment may change.
Continuing with the second part (The second part becomes a player edition.)
Photo: Kohei Kikuchi
Love Me Do
占い師、風水師、占星術家。 東洋、西洋の占術に精通し研究している。テレビやラジオ・雑誌などで占いコーナーを担当するなど実力も折紙付き。新著に『部屋の角には神様がいる!Love Me Doの5分で簡単引き寄せ風水』(宝島社)。

Love Me Do 西野監督は牡羊座です。牡羊座の人は情熱が凄くあって、無理な状況や苦しい状況ほど燃えるんですよ。
- It's just like the current situation!
Love Me Do 急遽な状態だからこそやる気が出たりしますね。2018年の牡羊座の運気は復活・再生という運気なので、もう一度日本代表の監督になって勝負をする、そして日本のサッカーを再生させるのでは。
Recently I was asked to play football which is mainly vertical pass, but I may return it to the football which will break down with pass.
Perhaps there is a thought of Nishino as a team-making team heading towards the goal of JFA that Japan will win the World Cup in Japan by 2050 in the direction of that.
Love Me Do サッカー選手でいうと怪我明けで復活した同じく牡羊座の齋藤学とかもそういう運気なので入ったら面白いと思います。
Mr. Haaril is Taura who has been chosen by him as a Taurus player Arai Haraguchi, Yuya Osaku, Takashi Usami, Tomoaki Masano and the main members are many Taurus.
Because Nishino wants to choose Aries of the same constellation as myself, Ryota Morioka, Shinji Okazaki, maybe resurrection of Atsuto Uchida, Saito Manabu may be just a resurgence by trump card.
Love Me Do 手倉森さんは蠍座なんです。蠍座と牡羊座(西野監督)は凄く相性が良いんです。
Love Me Do 森保一コーチは8月23日生まれですね。今回のワールドカップは8月23日生まれが鍵を握ると思ってます。中島翔哉、井手口陽介が8月23日生まれなんです。
- It is terrible thing that the three birthdays are the same.
Love Me Do この3人が日本を救うと思います。これだけ8月23日生まれが揃うのは何かあると思うので。ちなみに乙女座です。(中島翔哉のみ獅子座)
Love Me Do 井手口陽介がアンカーで守備をして、決定的な仕事を中島翔哉が行い、指揮を森保さんがやれば完璧です。
Love Me Do 乙女座は凄く緻密なんですよ。凄く細かかったり、計算や分析能力に長けてます。選手だと吉田麻也、長友佑都、以前の代表だと栗原勇蔵、伊野波雅彦などディフェンダー陣に多いです。
Love Me Do Aries represents the face of the body part. Coach Nishino of Aries is great for seeing himself on the table. By the way it is also Zakuroni of the same constellation.
Mr. Moriyoshi of Virgo sees the fine tactics, player's condition and control of feelings firmly.
Love Me Do I think I did a good choice. Even in the benchwork, Mr. Okura Mori may change flow or player appointment may change.
Continuing with the second part (The second part becomes a player edition.)
Photo: Kohei Kikuchi
Love Me Do
占い師、風水師、占星術家。 東洋、西洋の占術に精通し研究している。テレビやラジオ・雑誌などで占いコーナーを担当するなど実力も折紙付き。新著に『部屋の角には神様がいる!Love Me Doの5分で簡単引き寄せ風水』(宝島社)。