仕事なし、お金なし、どん底からの大逆転。発想の転換で掴んだレアル・マドリード、酒井浩之の挑戦 VOL1
通称「銀河系軍団」とも呼ばれるスペインの名門サッカークラブのレアル・マドリード。 2016〜17年シーズンには、史上初のチャンピオンズリーグ連覇を達成するなど、日本にも多くのサポーターを持つ人気クラブですが、このレアル・マドリードに、実は日本人が在籍していたことをあなたは知っていますか? 今回は、レアル・マドリードで日本人スタッフとして働いた経験を持つ酒井浩之さんに、「入団」の経緯や「銀河系軍団」の裏側をお聞きしました。そこには、あなたの人生にも役立つ、驚くべき発想法で幾多の修羅場や困難を乗り越えて夢を掴んだ真実がありました。

1 ターニングポイントとなった人生を賭けた留学
1− 1 "I've experienced the crisis" Twenties who continue unemployment - What I gained from unemployment〜
Q.「A world that I want you to see absolutely "- A man standing on a dream stage called Real Madrid I have read articles in various ways, but it has had tremendously tremendous experience, is not it?

Sakai:I did not know it any longer. Suddenly I went to the office and said, 'No need to come already'.
I really went to a company in the morning and was "fired". Just like a drama. I tried hard and developed sweat and developed itIt is said that my "kids" are in front of me and my neck. And the tears overflowed after all.
That "fungus" means that you do not need yourself. When I said replying "I left numbers as they were said to be numbers," I was told that it was not only that. Everything became empty after receiving a declaration.
As a person who does not know Mr. Sakai, I thought that I thought "What was you developing?"
Q. You become a human distrust, do not you?
Sakai: Nobody could trust for a while. Moreover, I do not even think that it will be twice, three times in a row. I thought that I was trying hard on my own desiring to think that "where was your place here was" where you really went. But I can not accept it all. But as time goes by, it gradually calms down.
"Perhaps yourself was bad?" At first it was blamed on others. However, there is something I think is "I wish I had done it a bit more."
But it is something I do not recognize by looking back afterwards, because I did not quite understand myself clumsy at the time.Still, I truly appreciated the people who helped out or extended my hands.
Sakai: This experience has become a major turning point to open up a later life. There were many parts that I felt like I really took it as to how people were watching and what happens when I enter the new organization.
1− 2 悩み抜いて出した結論 〜When are you doing? Right now.〜
Q. How did you open up in such a so-called frightened feeling?

Sakai: It was really painful. I really came home and pulled out all the outlets except the refrigerator, and the meal was two meals a day, a cheap meal in the pasta center. And change mobile phone to the cheapest contract plan, basics Do not call from here. I really reset everything once.
In such a situation, if you suffer after all you have your own favorite thing · I want to suffer with what I want to do. If I do anything ... I think I am.
Because my family was strongly overseas, I always wanted to challenge the world. But without money, I have no opportunity to study abroad, I am not confident and there is no reason to go. If there were, it was just curiosity.
でも、世界を飲み込んでしまうボール一つのパワーというか、そのフットボールの本場の熱狂度は幼少の頃から肌で感じていました。 だから単純に自分が興味ある、一番のめり込むことができた世界でなんとか世界に出て自分も戦いたい・・・・みたいな気持ちがずっと心の奥底にあるわけです。奇しくも79年生まれの世代は選手・チームが世界に出て行った世代でしたね。
Q. How did the specific action happen?
Sakai: I started by looking first. "What is going on about the world surrounding this football?" But there is a limit to it, and I have gone to a level that I do not know until I have not heard the people who are already experienced. That's why I started asking "How is it actually?", But of course it is valuable and I also noticed that we need to pay for it.
Well, I feel like that with my own eyes, I listen to it with my ears and gather the judgment materials. It is not this time in the process, as it says that it is direction of direction, direction becomes visible. It's an answer you thought out yourself over time, so you can answer people with anything you ask, no matter what you are asked.
However, there was something really incredible about the information that actually came at that time, and I became suspicious, "Are you serious? ... Can I respond to that?"
1− 3 人生をかけると決めた後に感じた自分の変化 〜Things decided thoroughly〜

"Dream notes" that Sakai actually used. Todo was written in detail, such as the fact that the plan actually made fulfilled the dream as it was.
Q. But in such a situation, you decided to study abroad, were not you?
Sakai:Yes. This has to go now. Sometimes I feel like I have to do it now. I clearly remember it was like I was being chased by something.
でも自分の中で行くんだ、やるんだ、絶対にやってやると強く決めたので、そのあとはもうそこに向かって走るだけ。本当に突っ走った。 玄関にポスターを貼って、ノートにスケジュール書いて、それを目指して日々過ごす。
I did not go drinking, and all that I feel unnecessary towards the goal is shut out. Even if there were various invitations, I refused with a good reason.
I have to save money and I also have to study. Although I was using English, even if I heard the news in English, it does not come in at all and I do not know at all what I heard TOEIC simulated CD ... · · ·.

The poster which was decorated in the room became the support of Mr. Sakai 's big heart which keeps solitary fight to grasp the dream.
Q. Did you have an episode that you changed?
Sakai: It is strange to be interesting again here, but I felt like "I can not put it out" that I'm doing. I felt it would end at that moment if I told everything, either to study or study abroad. So I did not say anything to anyone.
I told my mother secretly "I'm going to do that kind of thing", but I was told that "After having decided, please pass it after I passed," and I woke up even more.
"Following Vol. 2" http://king-gear.com/articles/716
◆Hiroyuki Sakai official website
◆ King Gear voicy Official Account
Hiroyuki Sakai chargehttps://voicy.jp/channel/628
◆Waseda Global Sports Business School developed by Mr. Sakai. Also develop a program for students aiming for employment in the sports industry! For details click on banner!
Q.「A world that I want you to see absolutely "- A man standing on a dream stage called Real Madrid I have read articles in various ways, but it has had tremendously tremendous experience, is not it?
Sakai:I did not know it any longer. Suddenly I went to the office and said, 'No need to come already'.
I really went to a company in the morning and was "fired". Just like a drama. I tried hard and developed sweat and developed itIt is said that my "kids" are in front of me and my neck. And the tears overflowed after all.
That "fungus" means that you do not need yourself. When I said replying "I left numbers as they were said to be numbers," I was told that it was not only that. Everything became empty after receiving a declaration.
As a person who does not know Mr. Sakai, I thought that I thought "What was you developing?"
Q. You become a human distrust, do not you?
Sakai: Nobody could trust for a while. Moreover, I do not even think that it will be twice, three times in a row. I thought that I was trying hard on my own desiring to think that "where was your place here was" where you really went. But I can not accept it all. But as time goes by, it gradually calms down.
But it is something I do not recognize by looking back afterwards, because I did not quite understand myself clumsy at the time.Still, I truly appreciated the people who helped out or extended my hands.
Sakai: This experience has become a major turning point to open up a later life. There were many parts that I felt like I really took it as to how people were watching and what happens when I enter the new organization.
1− 2 悩み抜いて出した結論 〜When are you doing? Right now.〜
Q. How did you open up in such a so-called frightened feeling?
Sakai: It was really painful. I really came home and pulled out all the outlets except the refrigerator, and the meal was two meals a day, a cheap meal in the pasta center. And change mobile phone to the cheapest contract plan, basics Do not call from here. I really reset everything once.
In such a situation, if you suffer after all you have your own favorite thing · I want to suffer with what I want to do. If I do anything ... I think I am.
Because my family was strongly overseas, I always wanted to challenge the world. But without money, I have no opportunity to study abroad, I am not confident and there is no reason to go. If there were, it was just curiosity.
でも、世界を飲み込んでしまうボール一つのパワーというか、そのフットボールの本場の熱狂度は幼少の頃から肌で感じていました。 だから単純に自分が興味ある、一番のめり込むことができた世界でなんとか世界に出て自分も戦いたい・・・・みたいな気持ちがずっと心の奥底にあるわけです。奇しくも79年生まれの世代は選手・チームが世界に出て行った世代でしたね。
Q. How did the specific action happen?
Sakai: I started by looking first. "What is going on about the world surrounding this football?" But there is a limit to it, and I have gone to a level that I do not know until I have not heard the people who are already experienced. That's why I started asking "How is it actually?", But of course it is valuable and I also noticed that we need to pay for it.
Well, I feel like that with my own eyes, I listen to it with my ears and gather the judgment materials. It is not this time in the process, as it says that it is direction of direction, direction becomes visible. It's an answer you thought out yourself over time, so you can answer people with anything you ask, no matter what you are asked.
However, there was something really incredible about the information that actually came at that time, and I became suspicious, "Are you serious? ... Can I respond to that?"
1− 3 人生をかけると決めた後に感じた自分の変化 〜Things decided thoroughly〜

"Dream notes" that Sakai actually used. Todo was written in detail, such as the fact that the plan actually made fulfilled the dream as it was.
Q. But in such a situation, you decided to study abroad, were not you?
Sakai:Yes. This has to go now. Sometimes I feel like I have to do it now. I clearly remember it was like I was being chased by something.
でも自分の中で行くんだ、やるんだ、絶対にやってやると強く決めたので、そのあとはもうそこに向かって走るだけ。本当に突っ走った。 玄関にポスターを貼って、ノートにスケジュール書いて、それを目指して日々過ごす。
I did not go drinking, and all that I feel unnecessary towards the goal is shut out. Even if there were various invitations, I refused with a good reason.
I have to save money and I also have to study. Although I was using English, even if I heard the news in English, it does not come in at all and I do not know at all what I heard TOEIC simulated CD ... · · ·.

The poster which was decorated in the room became the support of Mr. Sakai 's big heart which keeps solitary fight to grasp the dream.
Q. Did you have an episode that you changed?
Sakai: It is strange to be interesting again here, but I felt like "I can not put it out" that I'm doing. I felt it would end at that moment if I told everything, either to study or study abroad. So I did not say anything to anyone.
I told my mother secretly "I'm going to do that kind of thing", but I was told that "After having decided, please pass it after I passed," and I woke up even more.
"Following Vol. 2" http://king-gear.com/articles/716
◆Hiroyuki Sakai official website
◆ King Gear voicy Official Account
Hiroyuki Sakai chargehttps://voicy.jp/channel/628
◆Waseda Global Sports Business School developed by Mr. Sakai. Also develop a program for students aiming for employment in the sports industry! For details click on banner!