Trail runner Takeshi Kakiki challenges again for the ultimate trail race "UTMB"!
Professional trail runner Takeshi Kakiki (49 years old) made a declaration to rechallenge again at the age of 50, in August 2019, to "UTMB" which is said to be the highest peak of the trail race. Therefore, a meeting to convey the feelings gambling on this challenge was held in a certain place in Tokyo in November 2017.

「UTMB」Is an extreme trail race that runs at a mileage of 171 km and a cumulative altitude of 10,000 m within a limit time of 46 hours and 30 minutes, set in a mountainous region that spans France, Switzerland and Italy surrounding the highest peak of the European Alps Mont Blanc, At the age of 40, he is on the podium in third place to be the first Japanese achievement.
10After years of age, I challenge the extreme trail race again.
Takubi: In 2019, when I become fifty years old, I will play "UTMB" again. I want to seriously target. "UTMB" is the most prestigious trail run around Europe Mont Blanc, it is comparable to Tour de France by bicycle.
It was a big achievement that I was ranked 3rd in the world with "UTMB" when I was 40 years old. 私は元々陸上競技の選手でした。箱根駅伝で走ることを目標に走ってきました。ただ、ランナーとしては能力がなかったのでその想いは叶いませんでした。
There is one thing I would like to tell you through trail running. It is strongly to have a feeling. It is a great meaning to me that people who have no ability fought with their feelings and faced third in the world.
40I threw a stable position as an official before my age, and dreamed as a trail runner. At that time, when refusing the withdrawal and challenging to become the world's best with "UTMB", there was no great pressure, stress and afterwards, I forced myself down.
At such time, it was great that we met myself who I never met for the first time. When driving in extreme, I will never forget the lifting feeling of euphoria when I spent the whole year mobilizing all ergi and all the abilities from my nail's tip. That is why I believe that I was the third most successful podium player in the world.
After that, there was a fight between the breakdown of the Achilles tendon of the left foot and aging. Although I tried desperately trying to surpass the 3rd place in the world, I felt myself feeling that my feelings had gone idly and I fell into bad direction more and more within myself.
Taste it with a sense of skin from the surroundings saying "He's already finished the role", along with regret and sorrow, "I became third in the world and what do you want more? There is an escape saying that it is OK even if you can stay in a place of resident! " I wanted to be a professional trail runner forever as a working player, so there was unbearably spirited and unforgiving feeling.

Among them, I was disgusted and unwilling to use myself who seemed to be good at making all the past stories to be active players, right? After all, I have spent the past eight years, if I can not win the aging, but I want to try that feeling that I am focused on refusing my withdrawal before myself 40 years old before myself a few years ago I came up from.
I will concentrate on one thing by mobilizing my power completely without sticking to the result anymore, do not excuse anything when I finish, I keep doing my best until I am completely white, I would like to do it in the best place.
I think that it is a very difficult challenge. When I confided this feeling to a friend a few days ago, I was laughed at "Fu". "I am saying you want to shine again, but I do not say 99%, but 98% is impossible," I think so, as my friend says.
I will fall 2 years old by the year I fall to the tournament and go to the competition. Among them, the honest feeling of being able to do is there. However, I still have a feeling when I was 40 years old. Even if even 1% possibly, I made a decision to do thoroughly.
I have become positive feelings while speaking now. It has become necessary to see your face as if you could positively challenge with a positive feeling (laugh).
With a tough challenge, I came as far as reaching 50 years old. I think that I am very happy if you can feel the courage and hope by trying a challenge with the same generation of people who will live in what they have cultivated until now with a new dream. And the importance of having dreams and hopes for the young generation is important at any age, because having a dream is to bring it up to a world that I have not seen yet I hope to tell everyone.
2019I think that I would like to fight by putting all 50 years of history in the first week of September of the year.
今日はありがとうございました。 (了)
鏑木毅(かぶらぎ つよし)
Born in Gunma prefecture (born in October 1968)
2009年世界最高峰のウルトラトレイルレース「ウルトラトレイル・デュ・モンブラン(UTMB、3ヶ国周回、走距離166km)」にて世界3位。 また、同年、全米最高峰のトレイルレース「ウエスタンステイツ100マイルズ」で準優勝、2016年「ウルトラフィヨルド」で準優勝など、49歳となる現在も世界トップレベルのトレイルランニングレースで上位入賞を果たしている。 トレイルランニングを始めたのは28歳。地元群馬で開催されたレースに面白半分で出場したのがきっかけ。 群馬県庁で働きながらその後、アマチュア選手として数々の大会に出場し優勝。40歳でプロ選手となる異色の経歴。 現在は競技者の傍ら、講演会、講習会、レースディレクターなど国内でのトレイルランニングの普及にも力を注ぐ。 アジア初の本格的100マイルトレイルレースであり、UTMBの世界初の姉妹レースであるウルトラトレイル・マウントフジ(UTMF)の大会実行委員長を務める。また自らがプロデュースしたトレイルレース「神流マウンテンラン&ウォーク」は2012年に過疎地域自立活性化優良事例として総務大臣賞を受賞、疲弊した山村地域の振興、地域に埋もれた古道の再生など地域を盛り上げるモデルケースとなっている。
European Alps highest peak Mileage at the world's highest peak trail running competition Mileage:171km、 累積標高10000m、制限時間46時間30分で競い合うまさに極限の100マイルトレイルレースである。 2003年から「ウルトラトレイル・デュ・モンブラン」の名称で始まったこの大会は2016年に「UTMB」と名称が変更された。 自転車レースの最高峰が「ツール・ド・フランス」であれば、トレイルランニングはこの「UTMB」に当たる。 コースは世界最古の山岳リゾート地であるシャモニをスタートし、反時計周りにフランス、イタリア、スイスの3ヶ国を巡る。これは世界中のハイカーが憧れの「ツール・ド・モンブラン」をベースとした山岳ルートを辿るコースでもある。 日本アルプスを10回程上り、下りするような険しい171kmの道のりは、ハイカーなら1週間から10日以上かかるが、トップ選手は20時間を切るような驚異的な速さで巡る。 “世界一”の称号を求め90ヶ国からトップランナーが集結する。UTMBが開催される8月の最終週は全世界のトレイルランナーが昼夜を問わずこの一戦の勝負の行方に注目している。 From Japan, more than 300 people participated in the five race categories with UTMB as the main, and the magnificent journey around the white Mont Blanc mountain range can be said as the admiration for the trail runners around the world.
取材協力/株式会社ゴールドウィン 株式会社Cloud9
Interview photograph / Hidemi Sakuma
10After years of age, I challenge the extreme trail race again.
Takubi: In 2019, when I become fifty years old, I will play "UTMB" again. I want to seriously target. "UTMB" is the most prestigious trail run around Europe Mont Blanc, it is comparable to Tour de France by bicycle.
It was a big achievement that I was ranked 3rd in the world with "UTMB" when I was 40 years old. 私は元々陸上競技の選手でした。箱根駅伝で走ることを目標に走ってきました。ただ、ランナーとしては能力がなかったのでその想いは叶いませんでした。
There is one thing I would like to tell you through trail running. It is strongly to have a feeling. It is a great meaning to me that people who have no ability fought with their feelings and faced third in the world.
40I threw a stable position as an official before my age, and dreamed as a trail runner. At that time, when refusing the withdrawal and challenging to become the world's best with "UTMB", there was no great pressure, stress and afterwards, I forced myself down.
At such time, it was great that we met myself who I never met for the first time. When driving in extreme, I will never forget the lifting feeling of euphoria when I spent the whole year mobilizing all ergi and all the abilities from my nail's tip. That is why I believe that I was the third most successful podium player in the world.
After that, there was a fight between the breakdown of the Achilles tendon of the left foot and aging. Although I tried desperately trying to surpass the 3rd place in the world, I felt myself feeling that my feelings had gone idly and I fell into bad direction more and more within myself.
Taste it with a sense of skin from the surroundings saying "He's already finished the role", along with regret and sorrow, "I became third in the world and what do you want more? There is an escape saying that it is OK even if you can stay in a place of resident! " I wanted to be a professional trail runner forever as a working player, so there was unbearably spirited and unforgiving feeling.
Among them, I was disgusted and unwilling to use myself who seemed to be good at making all the past stories to be active players, right? After all, I have spent the past eight years, if I can not win the aging, but I want to try that feeling that I am focused on refusing my withdrawal before myself 40 years old before myself a few years ago I came up from.
I will concentrate on one thing by mobilizing my power completely without sticking to the result anymore, do not excuse anything when I finish, I keep doing my best until I am completely white, I would like to do it in the best place.
I think that it is a very difficult challenge. When I confided this feeling to a friend a few days ago, I was laughed at "Fu". "I am saying you want to shine again, but I do not say 99%, but 98% is impossible," I think so, as my friend says.
I will fall 2 years old by the year I fall to the tournament and go to the competition. Among them, the honest feeling of being able to do is there. However, I still have a feeling when I was 40 years old. Even if even 1% possibly, I made a decision to do thoroughly.
I have become positive feelings while speaking now. It has become necessary to see your face as if you could positively challenge with a positive feeling (laugh).
With a tough challenge, I came as far as reaching 50 years old. I think that I am very happy if you can feel the courage and hope by trying a challenge with the same generation of people who will live in what they have cultivated until now with a new dream. And the importance of having dreams and hopes for the young generation is important at any age, because having a dream is to bring it up to a world that I have not seen yet I hope to tell everyone.
2019I think that I would like to fight by putting all 50 years of history in the first week of September of the year.
今日はありがとうございました。 (了)
Takeshi Kakiki NEVER The first video of the project 'Episode 1 Revenge, Start' was released.
Takeshi Kakiki NEVER Special site:
Video URL:
鏑木毅(かぶらぎ つよし)
Born in Gunma prefecture (born in October 1968)
2009年世界最高峰のウルトラトレイルレース「ウルトラトレイル・デュ・モンブラン(UTMB、3ヶ国周回、走距離166km)」にて世界3位。 また、同年、全米最高峰のトレイルレース「ウエスタンステイツ100マイルズ」で準優勝、2016年「ウルトラフィヨルド」で準優勝など、49歳となる現在も世界トップレベルのトレイルランニングレースで上位入賞を果たしている。 トレイルランニングを始めたのは28歳。地元群馬で開催されたレースに面白半分で出場したのがきっかけ。 群馬県庁で働きながらその後、アマチュア選手として数々の大会に出場し優勝。40歳でプロ選手となる異色の経歴。 現在は競技者の傍ら、講演会、講習会、レースディレクターなど国内でのトレイルランニングの普及にも力を注ぐ。 アジア初の本格的100マイルトレイルレースであり、UTMBの世界初の姉妹レースであるウルトラトレイル・マウントフジ(UTMF)の大会実行委員長を務める。また自らがプロデュースしたトレイルレース「神流マウンテンラン&ウォーク」は2012年に過疎地域自立活性化優良事例として総務大臣賞を受賞、疲弊した山村地域の振興、地域に埋もれた古道の再生など地域を盛り上げるモデルケースとなっている。
European Alps highest peak Mileage at the world's highest peak trail running competition Mileage:171km、 累積標高10000m、制限時間46時間30分で競い合うまさに極限の100マイルトレイルレースである。 2003年から「ウルトラトレイル・デュ・モンブラン」の名称で始まったこの大会は2016年に「UTMB」と名称が変更された。 自転車レースの最高峰が「ツール・ド・フランス」であれば、トレイルランニングはこの「UTMB」に当たる。 コースは世界最古の山岳リゾート地であるシャモニをスタートし、反時計周りにフランス、イタリア、スイスの3ヶ国を巡る。これは世界中のハイカーが憧れの「ツール・ド・モンブラン」をベースとした山岳ルートを辿るコースでもある。 日本アルプスを10回程上り、下りするような険しい171kmの道のりは、ハイカーなら1週間から10日以上かかるが、トップ選手は20時間を切るような驚異的な速さで巡る。 “世界一”の称号を求め90ヶ国からトップランナーが集結する。UTMBが開催される8月の最終週は全世界のトレイルランナーが昼夜を問わずこの一戦の勝負の行方に注目している。 From Japan, more than 300 people participated in the five race categories with UTMB as the main, and the magnificent journey around the white Mont Blanc mountain range can be said as the admiration for the trail runners around the world.
取材協力/株式会社ゴールドウィン 株式会社Cloud9
Interview photograph / Hidemi Sakuma