Gear told by a man supporting Samurai Japan "Preparation is the job of life"
WBC closes the curtain, and the professional baseball game will finally start today! Mr. Sugimoto who came back from the semifinals of the American match looked back on the competition. Also, I heard about unknown stories such as "Does baseball gear evolve?"

<Vol.1 is this place>
<Vol.2 is this place>
Sugimoto The semi-finals were really numb. Because it was one game, I ended when I lost. 8On the back, when Tsutsumi was a light fly, it was on the back of the bench but everyone went "I went!" I shouted out loud.
I moved from Tokyo to Arizona and practiced in Arizona in a relaxed atmosphere, but after moving to Ross, I feel like there was a distinctive tension within the team.
Although the result was disappointing, I was really moved by letting me see the top players gathered so much that the players are really playing the game with the extreme tension and state.
As a team staff member, I think that I could have quite a good experience as I think that experience of watching baseball will not be able to be felt quite unprecedentedly to this ball against this one ball.
Sugimoto 失敗は数え切れないほどあります(笑)
Sugimoto 選手のユニフォームが大きすぎたり逆にパンパンで小さかったり。 Just try to avoid such mistakes as much as possible. Not limited to uniforms, I think that big mistakes that some players will hinder the actual play are not myself.
- Prepare to prepare and prevent mistakes in advance?
Sugimoto そうですね。準備が命だと思っています。今回のWBCは2月22日に宮崎に集合でSo I was preparing for months and placing orders for equipment and apparel for the dayIt was.
Since I intended to prepare for the situation of something happening, there was no big problem this time as wellI think. There are accidents where players will be exchanged on the way and day alternate players join.It was only a few days.
I was able to make it in time so I managed to chew her heart out. Unless you have a uniform in particular, you will not be playing.
Sugimoto 正直バットや、グラブっていうのはそんなに変わってないと思います。 Since the bat is made of wood, there is basically only a matter of material, shape and weight. For that reason, it's a bit of a mind that new things will come in from now on batI think.
Sugimoto 野球ってやっぱり歴史があるものですので。
Sugimoto 基本的には長距離バッターはヘッドの効いたバット、中距離バッターはカウンターI use the balance bat.
私はプロ球団を9I was in charge for the year, but the bat and the grab are honestly changed so muchI do not think.
スパイクに関してはもちろん9I think that it is considerably lighter compared to the previous year.ラスト(足型)Improvement is done on a regular basis.野球のギア(グラブ、バット、スパイク)の中で1Is it the spike that evolution is evolvingね!
――選手はスパイクのどの点にこだわりをみせるんですか? 例えば、走塁時のダッシュや守備のはじめの一歩の瞬発力にこだわるとか。それともバッティングの時のグリップ力の踏ん張りにこだわりをみせるなど色々あるじゃないですか。
Sugimoto 選手が1番こだわっていることにスパイクを合わせていますね。
For example, if you are running, you will be asked to "lighten as much as possible"If it's a pitcher, "If you want a more stable spike instead of weight," the requestto come.
There is a request such as if you are a batter, you want to stand as flat as possible when standing in the batter box.
Sugimoto 本当に選手それぞれこだわる所が違います。ただ共通している点は疲労度などを考I think that many players think that they want to wear a light spike as well.
Just 100 kgWhen the athletes wear light spikes, the burden on the feet becomes too largeAs there are things, for heavyweight players, you are wearing spikes that are not so lightI think that there are many.
Sugimoto 今は減ってきましたけどいますね。球場によって替えたりします。If Koshien and Tokyo Dome are soil and artificial turf, there are also players who change spikesI will.
Sugimoto ピッチによって替えてるんですね。There are many ballparks of artificial turf now but common things are batter and mound are soil.
If the fielder is Koshien, I will play with metal fittings spike for the whole time, at the Tokyo Dome if I'm in the bat, I will play with the metal fittings and at the time of the defense use the spike of the plastic point.
That is close to fixed football spikes. It depends on the stadium too.
Sugimoto プロ野球の場合は12球団とも球団ごとにカラーが指定されています。So, there is no such thing as wearing a flashy spike by only one person.
Sugimoto 日本の野球の用具に関してのルールは厳しいと思います。グラブのカラーにしてもスパイクのカラーにしても。今はリストバンドの使用できるカラーも決まっています。「ラインは両サイドに1It is finely decided really like "to the book."
Sugimoto もちろんそのままNPBのルールに準じている状況です。With spikes based on navy, the manufacturer line is silver, then gold and redIt is good to put a little color scheme on the door! I feel like it.
According to it Mizuno accordingly Navy body, Lambert marks silver, stitching redI made it.
Sugimoto そうですね、手袋は自由です。
Sugimoto そうですね…。まぁ、代表の場とオールスターの場は違うんですよね。In the case of All-Star, how to be conspicuously remarkable is also an important aspect.
In the case of the representative, I do not think that there is so much honestly that I want to stand out a little.As I will fight against the country as a matter of fact, rather than wanting to stand out, leave a little color for the seasonThere are a lot of players who are changing.
All-star is also a gorgeous place, so when we are all-star it is a flashy eyeWe will prepare some things.
――サッカーの場合はワールドカップですと、選手はアピールしようと金髪にしたりとか 赤髪にしたりする選手もいましたが、野球の場合はそのような色の髪の選手はいないですよね。これはなぜですか?
Sugimoto サッカーと野球はやはり違うんですね。何が違うのかわかりませんが、やはり伝統なのかなって思います。サッカーはサッカーの良さがあって、野球はThere is good old tradition of baseball and it is good that each goodness can be there 。
- Because it is impeccable, I would like to hear a story of baseball gear of Mizuno goods for a moment but please tell us the strengths not found in other brands.
Sugimoto まずはクラフトマンの技術が挙げられます。また弊社にはグラブ、バット、スパイクの自社工場があります。そこが他社との違いだと思います。
I can give all the details finely and it will lead to being able to tell the factory that what the player told me as it is, so the number of people entering between will decrease.

出来る限り選手と工場が直接やりとりすることで1I think that the thing that the numbering player wants can be made, so I think that Mizuno's strength is close to the distance feeling there. In addition to that there is also a great craftman's technique.
杉本 In my future vision I think that in this case WBC I am in charge of Samurai Japan I think that it is my important job to tell the next person in charge what I experienced this time.
I am in a department involved in professional baseball and amateur baseball, so the professional baseball staff is holding itI will solve problems etc. together, I will be in charge of social workers, universities, high school etc in the future so I would like to do my best to leave results there.
It is not a position to say a message, but in my case only the vision has been from long ago It was clear.I decided I wanted to enter Mizuno if the professional baseball player was not good at junior high school.
When I was in junior high school, I liked Mizuno from Kobe and often attended Mizuno Yodoyabashi store in Yodoyabashi.The one who received the customer there is a really nice person. If you do not have a professional, you want to enter MizunoThen.
Of course I was playing baseball to a professional baseball player to university. It was a goal that I wanted to do professional baseball work naturally in Mizuno when I gave up professional baseball that my ability is impossible.
In my case I'm really lucky. I put it in the company I wanted and want to work professional baseball想い続けたら3I want to do someday while doing professional baseball work for nine years, which has come true in the year! I thoughtI was in charge of all Japan (Samurai Japan) who was. I think that I am truly blessed. Of course, I tell my boss "I want to do!"
Sugimoto そうですね。想わないと叶わないと思うので。 I guess that you really like baseball.
――叶えたいことを想い続け伝えることが大事ですね。 WBCの最中にお時間を頂きまして本当にありがとうございました!(了)
Cooperation of coverage / Mizuno Corporation
◇ Click on this banner for Mizuno's site that supports the tools of Samurai Japan.
<Vol.2 is this place>
Sugimoto The semi-finals were really numb. Because it was one game, I ended when I lost. 8On the back, when Tsutsumi was a light fly, it was on the back of the bench but everyone went "I went!" I shouted out loud.
I moved from Tokyo to Arizona and practiced in Arizona in a relaxed atmosphere, but after moving to Ross, I feel like there was a distinctive tension within the team.
Although the result was disappointing, I was really moved by letting me see the top players gathered so much that the players are really playing the game with the extreme tension and state.
As a team staff member, I think that I could have quite a good experience as I think that experience of watching baseball will not be able to be felt quite unprecedentedly to this ball against this one ball.
Sugimoto 失敗は数え切れないほどあります(笑)
Sugimoto 選手のユニフォームが大きすぎたり逆にパンパンで小さかったり。 Just try to avoid such mistakes as much as possible. Not limited to uniforms, I think that big mistakes that some players will hinder the actual play are not myself.
- Prepare to prepare and prevent mistakes in advance?
Sugimoto そうですね。準備が命だと思っています。今回のWBCは2月22日に宮崎に集合でSo I was preparing for months and placing orders for equipment and apparel for the dayIt was.
Since I intended to prepare for the situation of something happening, there was no big problem this time as wellI think. There are accidents where players will be exchanged on the way and day alternate players join.It was only a few days.
I was able to make it in time so I managed to chew her heart out. Unless you have a uniform in particular, you will not be playing.
Sugimoto 正直バットや、グラブっていうのはそんなに変わってないと思います。 Since the bat is made of wood, there is basically only a matter of material, shape and weight. For that reason, it's a bit of a mind that new things will come in from now on batI think.
Sugimoto 野球ってやっぱり歴史があるものですので。
Sugimoto 基本的には長距離バッターはヘッドの効いたバット、中距離バッターはカウンターI use the balance bat.
私はプロ球団を9I was in charge for the year, but the bat and the grab are honestly changed so muchI do not think.
スパイクに関してはもちろん9I think that it is considerably lighter compared to the previous year.ラスト(足型)Improvement is done on a regular basis.野球のギア(グラブ、バット、スパイク)の中で1Is it the spike that evolution is evolvingね!
――選手はスパイクのどの点にこだわりをみせるんですか? 例えば、走塁時のダッシュや守備のはじめの一歩の瞬発力にこだわるとか。それともバッティングの時のグリップ力の踏ん張りにこだわりをみせるなど色々あるじゃないですか。
Sugimoto 選手が1番こだわっていることにスパイクを合わせていますね。
For example, if you are running, you will be asked to "lighten as much as possible"If it's a pitcher, "If you want a more stable spike instead of weight," the requestto come.
There is a request such as if you are a batter, you want to stand as flat as possible when standing in the batter box.
Sugimoto 本当に選手それぞれこだわる所が違います。ただ共通している点は疲労度などを考I think that many players think that they want to wear a light spike as well.
Just 100 kgWhen the athletes wear light spikes, the burden on the feet becomes too largeAs there are things, for heavyweight players, you are wearing spikes that are not so lightI think that there are many.
Sugimoto 今は減ってきましたけどいますね。球場によって替えたりします。If Koshien and Tokyo Dome are soil and artificial turf, there are also players who change spikesI will.
Sugimoto ピッチによって替えてるんですね。There are many ballparks of artificial turf now but common things are batter and mound are soil.
If the fielder is Koshien, I will play with metal fittings spike for the whole time, at the Tokyo Dome if I'm in the bat, I will play with the metal fittings and at the time of the defense use the spike of the plastic point.
That is close to fixed football spikes. It depends on the stadium too.
Sugimoto プロ野球の場合は12球団とも球団ごとにカラーが指定されています。So, there is no such thing as wearing a flashy spike by only one person.
Sugimoto 日本の野球の用具に関してのルールは厳しいと思います。グラブのカラーにしてもスパイクのカラーにしても。今はリストバンドの使用できるカラーも決まっています。「ラインは両サイドに1It is finely decided really like "to the book."
Sugimoto もちろんそのままNPBのルールに準じている状況です。With spikes based on navy, the manufacturer line is silver, then gold and redIt is good to put a little color scheme on the door! I feel like it.
According to it Mizuno accordingly Navy body, Lambert marks silver, stitching redI made it.
Sugimoto そうですね、手袋は自由です。
Sugimoto そうですね…。まぁ、代表の場とオールスターの場は違うんですよね。In the case of All-Star, how to be conspicuously remarkable is also an important aspect.
In the case of the representative, I do not think that there is so much honestly that I want to stand out a little.As I will fight against the country as a matter of fact, rather than wanting to stand out, leave a little color for the seasonThere are a lot of players who are changing.
All-star is also a gorgeous place, so when we are all-star it is a flashy eyeWe will prepare some things.
――サッカーの場合はワールドカップですと、選手はアピールしようと金髪にしたりとか 赤髪にしたりする選手もいましたが、野球の場合はそのような色の髪の選手はいないですよね。これはなぜですか?
Sugimoto サッカーと野球はやはり違うんですね。何が違うのかわかりませんが、やはり伝統なのかなって思います。サッカーはサッカーの良さがあって、野球はThere is good old tradition of baseball and it is good that each goodness can be there 。
- Because it is impeccable, I would like to hear a story of baseball gear of Mizuno goods for a moment but please tell us the strengths not found in other brands.

Sugimoto まずはクラフトマンの技術が挙げられます。また弊社にはグラブ、バット、スパイクの自社工場があります。そこが他社との違いだと思います。
I can give all the details finely and it will lead to being able to tell the factory that what the player told me as it is, so the number of people entering between will decrease.

出来る限り選手と工場が直接やりとりすることで1I think that the thing that the numbering player wants can be made, so I think that Mizuno's strength is close to the distance feeling there. In addition to that there is also a great craftman's technique.
杉本 In my future vision I think that in this case WBC I am in charge of Samurai Japan I think that it is my important job to tell the next person in charge what I experienced this time.
I am in a department involved in professional baseball and amateur baseball, so the professional baseball staff is holding itI will solve problems etc. together, I will be in charge of social workers, universities, high school etc in the future so I would like to do my best to leave results there.
It is not a position to say a message, but in my case only the vision has been from long ago It was clear.I decided I wanted to enter Mizuno if the professional baseball player was not good at junior high school.
When I was in junior high school, I liked Mizuno from Kobe and often attended Mizuno Yodoyabashi store in Yodoyabashi.The one who received the customer there is a really nice person. If you do not have a professional, you want to enter MizunoThen.
Of course I was playing baseball to a professional baseball player to university. It was a goal that I wanted to do professional baseball work naturally in Mizuno when I gave up professional baseball that my ability is impossible.
In my case I'm really lucky. I put it in the company I wanted and want to work professional baseball想い続けたら3I want to do someday while doing professional baseball work for nine years, which has come true in the year! I thoughtI was in charge of all Japan (Samurai Japan) who was. I think that I am truly blessed. Of course, I tell my boss "I want to do!"
Sugimoto そうですね。想わないと叶わないと思うので。 I guess that you really like baseball.
――叶えたいことを想い続け伝えることが大事ですね。 WBCの最中にお時間を頂きまして本当にありがとうございました!(了)
Cooperation of coverage / Mizuno Corporation
◇ Click on this banner for Mizuno's site that supports the tools of Samurai Japan.