Commitment to the gear of the player who knows only the man supporting Samurai Japan
Samurai Japan whose WBC semi-final partner was decided to America! I listened to the man who supports Samurai Japan as a tool in charge, including the second round round of fighting that was a fierce fight until late night, behind that fight.

Sugimoto これまでプロ野球の球団担当を9年(横浜ベイスターズ6年、福岡ソフトバンクホークス3年)し、2014I have been in charge of Samurai Japan since spring. 毎日の流れは、選手が来るだいたい1時間半~2About time ago I entered the stadium and started with the setup of the locker. WBCLockers change every day so we will move the luggage of the players each time. As soon as the player locker is ready, it is the flow to prepare for practice.
Sugimoto そうですね。選手はバックパックだけホテル⇔球場の移動時に使用します。残りのキャスターバック、グラブケース、バットケース(野手のみ)Because it is placed in the locker, I will move it everyday.

Sugimoto いえ、用具担当としてはあと2人の日本人と1人のアメリカ人、計4人でやっています。アメリカ人はレンジャーズのクラブハウスキーパーでこの道32It is a veteran of the year. Because I can not speak Japanese at all, I am communicating with gestures (laugh)
Sugimoto 僕は英語を喋れないので毎日必死です(笑)我々3I can not talk much with people, but I am desperately telling and communicating. It is really fun to be able to work with foreigners.
Sugimoto 試合中はアクシデントの対応などがあります。例えばベルトが切れたり、グラブの紐が切れたりとか。そういうことに対応する為に基本はクラブハウスの中にいて、試合を見たり翌日の準備をしたり。 If someone wants to play tea batting while playing the game, if you have a ball投げたりしますね。試合中は仕事としては1It's time to calm down.
Sugimoto そうですね。他のスタッフの方々と一緒に見ています。
Sugimoto マネージャー、サブマネージャー、広報、トレーナー、ドクター、バッティングピッチャー、ブルペンキャッチャーがいるので結構大人数です。全部で25Is it about people?
ーー選手達も心強いでしょうね。例えばイスラエル代表との試合は19時に東京ドームでプレー ボールでしたが、その時は何時くらいに球場に入り、どのようなスケジュールで進むのですか?
Sugimoto 東京ドームでバッティング練習のスタートが16時過ぎだったので、14About time we entered the stadium. I enter the ballpark and start locker setup and practice preparation I said earlier.Preparation for practice will fix ball and knock bat, helmet setting and machine, check and adjust the machine, correct the position of the net.
In practice, you will receive a bowl of defense practice at first, throw a tea batting, play a partner with a catch ball, pick up a ball. When practicing is over, I clean up the tools I used and feel like entering the game.
試合が終わると、用具の片付け、ランドリーの回収、ロッカー移動の場所が決まっていればその日のうちにロッカー移動をやってしまいます。なので1番始めに球場に来て1It is the feeling that I will return to the end.
Sugimoto その時は確か25時か25It was about half past. Since the doping test is always after each game, I will surely be late as the last check since the people return.
ーー選手を支える方の知られざる話で興味深いです。 用具にこだわりのある選手と、よかったらそのエピソードを何人か聞かせてください。
Sugimoto 選手個人のギアに関してはそれぞれ個人契約があります。 弊社(ミズノ)の場合も12Each team is in charge of the team.
例えば、内川選手(福岡ソフトバンクホークス)であれば、その本人が使うギア(Grab,バット、革手、アンダーシャツなどのインナー類)The team will arrange for you. Specifications of small gears and so on from every day Communication with players Communication is taking place Each person in charge is far more detailed.
I ordered all warranty and back of Samurai Japan to the last. といっても今回のWBCでは全部で4000We ordered about points. Of course, there are plenty of contract players of our company (Mizuno) also in Samurai Japan, so I will respond to anything concerning individual gears in place of the team representative during the tournament.
In addition, regardless of the makers who use the athletes, I will respond as a tool in charge if there are troubles such as the grab being broken during the tournament period.
Therefore, WBCThat's why it's not like a special story. Players who are chosen as Japan national team already have many players whose gears have already been decided, WBCThere should not be so much special preparations towards.
Just because the mound is harder than usual, we did not have Mizuno, but maybeAnd maybe there are players who are changing the length of the spike blade.
ーー担当の範囲や仕組みが良くわかりました。 ユニホームの話を聞きたいのですが、選手はサイズへのこだわりが強くあったりするのですか?
Sugimoto ユニフォームに関しては私が担当しています。サイズへのこだわりは選手の皆さんはすごくありますね。
With regard to the size of the company, the player may not be particular about the size of the uniform. There are players like L size or XL size too. I think that baseball players will be measured in detail, but for what reason?
Sugimoto 本人の着こなしや好みのスタイルなどが結構あって、例えば袖が長いのが好きとか、 She likes tight thighs. LOr LLOr a player wearing an existing size as it isActually, it is not.
First of all let me wear a measuring uniform and surely from there somewhereI will correct it. Since we have a team that delivers uniforms at our company (Mizuno), the teamThere is data, so it's smooth. Because it should be made with that data.
Just for the season and the short-term tournament like this time the length of the uniform's length will change, so we need to fix it around. Considering that it will shrink little by little over a year if it is for the season, many inhabitants are making longer for the inseam. Just in the short term, there are cases to fix it because it does not shrink there.
最新のデータがない9球団に関してはメンバーが決まったら基本1We start from where we go to measurements. However, since it became a director Kokubo, it was quite a fixed member so it was only the Aoki player of Major League · Astros in this time.As there were many players with existing data, the measuring itself was not serious.
Sugimoto そうなんですよ。例えば秋よりも春の方が身体が大きくなったりとか、色々と出てくるので、その場合はその都度修理対応できるものは修理、出来ないものは作り直していますね。
Sugimoto 恐らく守備だからユニフォームをこうしたい!とかバッティングだからこうしたい!というような感じではないと思います。全体的な動きやすさやフィット感、あとは見た目ですかね。1Number I want to wear a silhouette uniform that makes me look beautiful! Personally I think that the feeling that it is strong is strong.
杉本 I agree. For example, it is not good looking if the length is short. Even if it is just too long,Then it becomes difficult to move. Pitchers and the like, something that is so stiffIf made, knees will not be easy to raise, so make it a bit larger, or really about the uniformIt is delicate, is not it?
Sugimoto そうですね。袖は長いのが主流になってきていますね。逆に外国人とかは短い袖がI feel that there are many favorite players. Japanese players often have long sleeve players until about elbow.
Sugimoto 多くの選手が割りとフィットするものを好むなか、青木選手の場合はルーズなものを好んでいますね。結構ゆったり作ってくれっていうリクエストはありました。青木選手の場合はまだ着用していないんですけど、ショートパンツのスタイルも作っています。気分で変えたい時はショートにするかもとおっしゃっていました。ずっと勝ってるんで、このまま着用しない方が良いのかもしれませんね。
- It is interesting to talk about only those who support players nearby!
Sugimoto あと青木選手の場合はヘルメットが両耳に耳あてがあるタイプを被られているんですよ。通常、左バッターの場合は右にだけ耳あてがあるヘルメットを被るんですけど、青木選手の場合はメジャーでも両耳を被られているんですよ。
Both hands are subject to both ears as they become necessary as switch hitters. In the case of Aoki, it is a left batter but I am wearing both ears. I do not know the reason for this, so I'd like to ask.
ーーぜひ聞いて頂きその理由を教えてください!! 現在、両耳を被っているのはプロで青木選手だけですよね。
Sugimoto 何かのこだわりだと思うので聞けたら聞いてみます。
<vol.2に続く> http://king-gear.com/articles/310
Cooperation of coverage / Mizuno Corporation
◇ Click on this banner for Mizuno's site that supports the tools of Samurai Japan.

Sugimoto これまでプロ野球の球団担当を9年(横浜ベイスターズ6年、福岡ソフトバンクホークス3年)し、2014I have been in charge of Samurai Japan since spring. 毎日の流れは、選手が来るだいたい1時間半~2About time ago I entered the stadium and started with the setup of the locker. WBCLockers change every day so we will move the luggage of the players each time. As soon as the player locker is ready, it is the flow to prepare for practice.
Sugimoto そうですね。選手はバックパックだけホテル⇔球場の移動時に使用します。残りのキャスターバック、グラブケース、バットケース(野手のみ)Because it is placed in the locker, I will move it everyday.
Sugimoto いえ、用具担当としてはあと2人の日本人と1人のアメリカ人、計4人でやっています。アメリカ人はレンジャーズのクラブハウスキーパーでこの道32It is a veteran of the year. Because I can not speak Japanese at all, I am communicating with gestures (laugh)
Sugimoto 僕は英語を喋れないので毎日必死です(笑)我々3I can not talk much with people, but I am desperately telling and communicating. It is really fun to be able to work with foreigners.
Sugimoto 試合中はアクシデントの対応などがあります。例えばベルトが切れたり、グラブの紐が切れたりとか。そういうことに対応する為に基本はクラブハウスの中にいて、試合を見たり翌日の準備をしたり。 If someone wants to play tea batting while playing the game, if you have a ball投げたりしますね。試合中は仕事としては1It's time to calm down.
Sugimoto そうですね。他のスタッフの方々と一緒に見ています。
Sugimoto マネージャー、サブマネージャー、広報、トレーナー、ドクター、バッティングピッチャー、ブルペンキャッチャーがいるので結構大人数です。全部で25Is it about people?
ーー選手達も心強いでしょうね。例えばイスラエル代表との試合は19時に東京ドームでプレー ボールでしたが、その時は何時くらいに球場に入り、どのようなスケジュールで進むのですか?
Sugimoto 東京ドームでバッティング練習のスタートが16時過ぎだったので、14About time we entered the stadium. I enter the ballpark and start locker setup and practice preparation I said earlier.Preparation for practice will fix ball and knock bat, helmet setting and machine, check and adjust the machine, correct the position of the net.
In practice, you will receive a bowl of defense practice at first, throw a tea batting, play a partner with a catch ball, pick up a ball. When practicing is over, I clean up the tools I used and feel like entering the game.
試合が終わると、用具の片付け、ランドリーの回収、ロッカー移動の場所が決まっていればその日のうちにロッカー移動をやってしまいます。なので1番始めに球場に来て1It is the feeling that I will return to the end.
Sugimoto その時は確か25時か25It was about half past. Since the doping test is always after each game, I will surely be late as the last check since the people return.
ーー選手を支える方の知られざる話で興味深いです。 用具にこだわりのある選手と、よかったらそのエピソードを何人か聞かせてください。
Sugimoto 選手個人のギアに関してはそれぞれ個人契約があります。 弊社(ミズノ)の場合も12Each team is in charge of the team.
例えば、内川選手(福岡ソフトバンクホークス)であれば、その本人が使うギア(Grab,バット、革手、アンダーシャツなどのインナー類)The team will arrange for you. Specifications of small gears and so on from every day Communication with players Communication is taking place Each person in charge is far more detailed.
I ordered all warranty and back of Samurai Japan to the last. といっても今回のWBCでは全部で4000We ordered about points. Of course, there are plenty of contract players of our company (Mizuno) also in Samurai Japan, so I will respond to anything concerning individual gears in place of the team representative during the tournament.
In addition, regardless of the makers who use the athletes, I will respond as a tool in charge if there are troubles such as the grab being broken during the tournament period.
Therefore, WBCThat's why it's not like a special story. Players who are chosen as Japan national team already have many players whose gears have already been decided, WBCThere should not be so much special preparations towards.
Just because the mound is harder than usual, we did not have Mizuno, but maybeAnd maybe there are players who are changing the length of the spike blade.
ーー担当の範囲や仕組みが良くわかりました。 ユニホームの話を聞きたいのですが、選手はサイズへのこだわりが強くあったりするのですか?
Sugimoto ユニフォームに関しては私が担当しています。サイズへのこだわりは選手の皆さんはすごくありますね。
With regard to the size of the company, the player may not be particular about the size of the uniform. There are players like L size or XL size too. I think that baseball players will be measured in detail, but for what reason?
Sugimoto 本人の着こなしや好みのスタイルなどが結構あって、例えば袖が長いのが好きとか、 She likes tight thighs. LOr LLOr a player wearing an existing size as it isActually, it is not.
First of all let me wear a measuring uniform and surely from there somewhereI will correct it. Since we have a team that delivers uniforms at our company (Mizuno), the teamThere is data, so it's smooth. Because it should be made with that data.
Just for the season and the short-term tournament like this time the length of the uniform's length will change, so we need to fix it around. Considering that it will shrink little by little over a year if it is for the season, many inhabitants are making longer for the inseam. Just in the short term, there are cases to fix it because it does not shrink there.
最新のデータがない9球団に関してはメンバーが決まったら基本1We start from where we go to measurements. However, since it became a director Kokubo, it was quite a fixed member so it was only the Aoki player of Major League · Astros in this time.As there were many players with existing data, the measuring itself was not serious.
Sugimoto そうなんですよ。例えば秋よりも春の方が身体が大きくなったりとか、色々と出てくるので、その場合はその都度修理対応できるものは修理、出来ないものは作り直していますね。
Sugimoto 恐らく守備だからユニフォームをこうしたい!とかバッティングだからこうしたい!というような感じではないと思います。全体的な動きやすさやフィット感、あとは見た目ですかね。1Number I want to wear a silhouette uniform that makes me look beautiful! Personally I think that the feeling that it is strong is strong.
杉本 I agree. For example, it is not good looking if the length is short. Even if it is just too long,Then it becomes difficult to move. Pitchers and the like, something that is so stiffIf made, knees will not be easy to raise, so make it a bit larger, or really about the uniformIt is delicate, is not it?
Sugimoto そうですね。袖は長いのが主流になってきていますね。逆に外国人とかは短い袖がI feel that there are many favorite players. Japanese players often have long sleeve players until about elbow.
Sugimoto 多くの選手が割りとフィットするものを好むなか、青木選手の場合はルーズなものを好んでいますね。結構ゆったり作ってくれっていうリクエストはありました。青木選手の場合はまだ着用していないんですけど、ショートパンツのスタイルも作っています。気分で変えたい時はショートにするかもとおっしゃっていました。ずっと勝ってるんで、このまま着用しない方が良いのかもしれませんね。
- It is interesting to talk about only those who support players nearby!
Sugimoto あと青木選手の場合はヘルメットが両耳に耳あてがあるタイプを被られているんですよ。通常、左バッターの場合は右にだけ耳あてがあるヘルメットを被るんですけど、青木選手の場合はメジャーでも両耳を被られているんですよ。
Both hands are subject to both ears as they become necessary as switch hitters. In the case of Aoki, it is a left batter but I am wearing both ears. I do not know the reason for this, so I'd like to ask.
ーーぜひ聞いて頂きその理由を教えてください!! 現在、両耳を被っているのはプロで青木選手だけですよね。
Sugimoto 何かのこだわりだと思うので聞けたら聞いてみます。
<vol.2に続く> http://king-gear.com/articles/310
Cooperation of coverage / Mizuno Corporation
◇ Click on this banner for Mizuno's site that supports the tools of Samurai Japan.