I would like to see the moment Kokubo, who became the most indebted, gained the best in the world
The American match of the WBC semi-finals that finally approached tomorrow. Mr. Sugimoto from Samurai Japan who sees athletes and director closer than anyone. What was the most impressed game I was involved in as a tool?

<From vol.1 is here>
How is the actual pressure applied?
Sugimoto もちろん私がプレーする訳ではないので、プレッシャーのかかり方は選手に比べると少ないと思います。
What you can do is "to make an environment that allows players to practice comfortably and feel comfortable about the game".
Of course I do not think that it will be a pressure every day while thinking of doing it as much as possible.
I feel like I want to do it rather than pressure. I think everyone's team staff.
Sugimoto そうですね。選手になるべくストレスがかからないような環境作りを心がけています。
Sugimoto 日本代表選手になると次元がまたちょっと違いますからね。考える事とかも。
The thing that the top players are doing baseball with this feeling when they are seen most closely comes to me. Even if you are a director.
Even if I played against the Netherlands before this, I had a different expression from the usual after the game. Of course, all the players desperately fighting in the pennant race, but WBC is also different from that and it is a short-term decisive battle.
4I think that every Japanese fans wish to "recapture the best in the world" at the annual convention. The expression of the relief feeling of the athlete and the director at the time when the game is over is like something I have never seen before. I feel the weight I am playing on the back with the Hinomaru on my skin.
─ ─ If you take one guts pose, the spirit of the players will be transmitted through the television.
Sugimoto 私には想像できないプレッシャーがかかってるんだと思います。 And many of the members of this time Samurai Japan, including players and directors, have been involved since joining the company in particular.
Tsubaki players are Baystars, Uchikawa players are Baystars, Softbank. However, it is still coach Kokubo! Because I am indebted to you.
I think that it is really the edge of something. Director Kokubo became manager of Samurai Japan, and I also moved to Tokyo at that timing.
Sugimoto そうですね。勝手に自分でもやはり縁があるのかなって思いますね。
Sugimoto 用具担当としての経験は、侍ジャパンが結成したこのチームだけなんですよ。それまでは球団担当をしていました。球団担当の時は、契約選手のギアや球団のユニフォームを担当していたので、例えば練習準備や、ロッカーの設営やビジターまで帯同したりすることはなかったんです。
To be honest, since there were many inexperienced parts as tooling supervisor, there are times when it is moving with imagining the work of those who are in charge of equipment that we got near at the time of the team. 2014Since I was in charge of Samurai Japan since the spring of the year, of course it was the most impressed with the Netherlands during that time.
Sugimoto 決勝戦で世界一になる瞬間を一番味わいたいですよね!!
Sugimoto そうですね、やっぱり小久保監督が世界一になる瞬間をみたいです。監督の表情が現役時代には、見たことがない表情で指揮されているので、その重圧は計り知れないです。
Since Kokubo really wants to see the moment when it is the world's best with a really smiley face, I will support with all my strength! !
<Continued on vol.3> Coming soon!
Cooperation of coverage / Mizuno Corporation
Top image editing / Tomohiro Enomoto
◇ Click on this banner for Mizuno's site that supports the tools of Samurai Japan.

How is the actual pressure applied?
Sugimoto もちろん私がプレーする訳ではないので、プレッシャーのかかり方は選手に比べると少ないと思います。
What you can do is "to make an environment that allows players to practice comfortably and feel comfortable about the game".
Of course I do not think that it will be a pressure every day while thinking of doing it as much as possible.
I feel like I want to do it rather than pressure. I think everyone's team staff.
Sugimoto そうですね。選手になるべくストレスがかからないような環境作りを心がけています。
Sugimoto 日本代表選手になると次元がまたちょっと違いますからね。考える事とかも。
The thing that the top players are doing baseball with this feeling when they are seen most closely comes to me. Even if you are a director.
Even if I played against the Netherlands before this, I had a different expression from the usual after the game. Of course, all the players desperately fighting in the pennant race, but WBC is also different from that and it is a short-term decisive battle.
4I think that every Japanese fans wish to "recapture the best in the world" at the annual convention. The expression of the relief feeling of the athlete and the director at the time when the game is over is like something I have never seen before. I feel the weight I am playing on the back with the Hinomaru on my skin.
─ ─ If you take one guts pose, the spirit of the players will be transmitted through the television.
Sugimoto 私には想像できないプレッシャーがかかってるんだと思います。 And many of the members of this time Samurai Japan, including players and directors, have been involved since joining the company in particular.
Tsubaki players are Baystars, Uchikawa players are Baystars, Softbank. However, it is still coach Kokubo! Because I am indebted to you.
I think that it is really the edge of something. Director Kokubo became manager of Samurai Japan, and I also moved to Tokyo at that timing.
Sugimoto そうですね。勝手に自分でもやはり縁があるのかなって思いますね。
Sugimoto 用具担当としての経験は、侍ジャパンが結成したこのチームだけなんですよ。それまでは球団担当をしていました。球団担当の時は、契約選手のギアや球団のユニフォームを担当していたので、例えば練習準備や、ロッカーの設営やビジターまで帯同したりすることはなかったんです。
To be honest, since there were many inexperienced parts as tooling supervisor, there are times when it is moving with imagining the work of those who are in charge of equipment that we got near at the time of the team. 2014Since I was in charge of Samurai Japan since the spring of the year, of course it was the most impressed with the Netherlands during that time.
Sugimoto 決勝戦で世界一になる瞬間を一番味わいたいですよね!!
Sugimoto そうですね、やっぱり小久保監督が世界一になる瞬間をみたいです。監督の表情が現役時代には、見たことがない表情で指揮されているので、その重圧は計り知れないです。
Since Kokubo really wants to see the moment when it is the world's best with a really smiley face, I will support with all my strength! !
<Continued on vol.3> Coming soon!
Cooperation of coverage / Mizuno Corporation
Top image editing / Tomohiro Enomoto
◇ Click on this banner for Mizuno's site that supports the tools of Samurai Japan.