Olympic Silver Medalist "Iizuka Shota" 's running course lecture held! Talk hotly for the future!

【Shota Iizuka】
Foot was quick from the time of elementary school student, and started full-scale running at local land track club. He updated the record every time he was older and won the national tournament 100 m and 200 m in the middle school and high school days.
When I was in my first year at university,I won the World Junior Athletics Championship Tournament 200m and I achieved my first achievement at the same event by Japanese athletes and the name of Iizuka was quickly known.
After that, when continuing keeping a favorable record, I participated in the second event of the 2012 London Olympics 200m and 4 × 100m relay, and in the relay I served as the anchor of the Japanese team and I won the 4th place prize.
Then it will be the second race in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic 4 × 100 m relay which will be four years later, shining to the world second highest in the world history.
And in this year's London World Athletics 4 x 100 m relay you win the bronze medal and 100 m (Sprint Sprint) is recording your own best 10 sec 08.
2017In November, a course of running by a world-class world-class Iizuka player who is expected to become more active in the future will be held at Esport Mizuno.
Iizuka played gentle and carefully the tricks for running fast to the elementary school students.
I am doing a warm-up before running and when Iizuka players show forward jumps with a tremendous jumping power, cheers get caught up in the venue and the air changes completely. The hot eyes of children surprised and pleased were headed to Iizuka until the end.
After doing various active teaching, the kids competed with Iizuka players quietly and the lecture closed curtains.
If you practice the lessons you learned this time, your legs will be faster, but it is important to enjoy running like a Iizuka player than anything else, which should be the first step to get faster.
After the course, I asked Shota Iizuka the current feeling.
Iizuka: When I first showed the difference by jumping, the children came to come naturally to me (laugh). It was very fun.
- When have you started running in earnest?
- I think that meals are important for the feet to become faster. Do you have any favorite food?
- I think practice is pretty hard, how do you care about your body?
- Have you got sleep time?
Iizuka: I try to ensure it properly. I feel tired easily when I sleep for over 8 hours, but it is quite tough if I cut off 7 hours.
- Have you had a major injury so far?
Iizuka: In the Tinaka period there was an injury where cracks were found in the bones, but after that the muscles at the back of the thigh increased a lot.
- When did you start to recognize the world?
Iizuka: It is after realizing a gold medal at 200 m of world junior in the first grader of the university that came to realistically target the world. I began to think that "I want to play an active part in the Olympics!"
- 4 x 100 m of the Rio Olympic GamesI participated in the relay and led the Japanese team to second place in the world, the best age. Brazil had a pretty hot impression, how was it?
Iizuka: It was not that hot. The final was in the evening and the qualifying was during the day, but the stadium was shade so it was okay.
Iizuka:I agree. I entered the United States two weeks ago and adjusted, so it was fine without a time difference.
- How was your meal?
- Did you have any favorite fish?
IizukaIt was a salmon place.
There was meat, but in order not to get bad physical condition, we had eaten foods that were pretty baked and without fat.
- How was it when you participated in the Rio Olympics?
Iizuka: When I entered the London Olympics in 2012, the medals felt far. In Rio's relay I got a good record in qualifying, so I thought that I could go. Baton passes also went well, I was lucky to have a silver medal and was really good.
- What do you think about being a second race in a relay?
Iizuka: I like anchors, so at the beginning I was saying "I want to do an anchorage!", But there are two interesting places for two runs (laugh). In the case of 2 runs, there are players of other teams in front and behind instead of just sideways, so there is the difficulty of having to devote myself to running. Also, as players with high levels gather, it is worthwhile to do it.
- How was it that you played in Rio 200 m.
Iizuka: I ran the best time among the races I ran overseas, but I wanted to remain in the final. Although the overall ranking was not good, after all I would like individuals to also acquire medals leaving the result.
- This year, 200 meters to the London world and 4 x 100 metersリレーに出場し、リレーで見事銅メダルに輝きましたね。
Iizuka: 200 meters, it was quite a good response. I got 5 semi-finals, and if I was one more person, I advanced to the finals if I was two people. It was the best race this year in me. Although it is still to be on the podium, I got a good energy like "I want to work hard" and came back to Japan.
- For Iizuka player, what kind of thing is the best in the world?
Iizuka: I want to stick to the results and I want to become a player who wants to be the best in the world from the people around me. It will be great if you actually become the world's best after being cheerful if you want to become the world's best.
- Can you tell me the thought for the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020?
Iizuka: I want to compete. Since I am 29 years old in 2020, I think that I will have experiences and be greeted with the best condition. There will be cheers from the local, and I want to be able to show good points while getting strength.
Iizuka:会場にお越しいただいて声援をいただきたいです。皆さんの力が自分の記録にも結び付いてきますので、毎試合来ていただけると非常にありがたいですね。楽しんでいただけるように頑張りますので、ぜひ応援を宜しくお願いします。 (了)
Shota Iizuka (Shizuka Noshika)
Birth date 1991/6/25 Height / weight 185 cm / 80 kg
Fujieda Akira High School (Shizuoka) - Chuo University - Mizuno Corporation
100m/10Sec 08 cloth sprint 2017 (2017/6/4)
200m/20Second 11 Japan Athletics Championship Tournament (June 16, 2016)
[オリンピック] 2016年 リオデジャネイロ大会 200m 代表
/4×100mR 銀メダル(2走)
2012年 ロンドン大会 200m 代表/4×100mR 4位(4走)
[世界陸上] 2017年 ロンドン大会 200m 代表/4×100mR3位(2走)
2013年 モスクワ大会 200m 代表/4×100mR 6位(4走)
[世界リレー] 2014年 バハマ大会 4×100mR 5位
[アジア大会] 2014年 仁川大会200m 4位/4×100mR 2位,4×400mR 優勝
[東アジア大会] 2013年 天津大会 200m 2位/4×100mR 1位(2走)日本学生記録
[アジア選手権] 2011年 神戸大会 200m 4位
[ユニバーシアード] 2013年 カザン大会 200m 3位/4×100mR 2位(4走)
2011年 深セン大会 200m 代表
[世界ジュニア陸上] 2010年 モンクトン大会 200m 1位
Coverage for coverage / Mizuno Corporation Esport Mizuno
Photo provided / Esport Mizuno
Interview video / Hidemi Sakuma
Interview photograph / Hidemi Sakuma