"New Balance × Nicoand" Run and walk while enjoying Harajuku premium!
New Balance Japan (New Balance Japan Co., Ltd.) and Nicoand (Operation: Adestoria Inc.) held "Harajuku Run & Walk" as a joint wellness business on September 29 (Fri) of Premium Friday, about 250 employees of both companies Participated. Harajuku street stands out with the attitude that participants who wore collaboration T - shirt (Orange), cap (white), wristband (red) freely walking through and running through were hot eyes from the streets.

"New Balance × Nicoand" Three separate items
Sneaker "Pro Court" 7800 yen (excluding tax)
Parka 6900 yen (excluding tax)
Sweat made one piece 6300 yen (tax not included)
Four sportsmen who participated in the event held explanations on the purpose of this initiative. From the image right,
Masahiro Kumagiri (Director of New Balance Japan)
Shinichi Kubota (New Balance Global Lifestyle Vise President)
Mr. Yoshiteru Kitamura (Adastria Executive Officer, General Manager of Sales Division 2)
Mr. Akira Hoshino (adrioria · Nicoand sales manager)

"Purpose of this event"
Hoshino: This year Nicoando celebrates its 10th anniversary, and since the foundation, Mr. New Balance and Mr. New Balance have taste of fashion, and we have been doing business with New Balance for ten years as a proposal at the moment.
Recently, while making bespoke products, we hope to extend our view of both brands in a mutually superior manner to our fashion casual customers and New Balance's active fashion customers I am working on that.
While we are closely talking about how to change the culture and fashion in Harajuku from now on, not just selling things but also firmly communicating with you so that our customers will reach nature and products We decided to proceed with excitement of Harajuku by having to proceed.

Kitamura: Adriatria also wishes to change the way of work, and the wellness activities that various exercise such as run, soccer, futsal, basketball, baseball club etc. are spreading in the company.
From August this year, we introduced the flex system, work and off I believe that a well-balanced work balance is necessary in the future, finish work early, everyone eat rice and exercise, the body and mind healthy This project is starting because I want to do it.
If this keeps taking root more and more, it becomes a wellness company, and if private is fuller it thinks that it is wonderful as employees can work healthily.

Kubota: We believe that we are very grateful for this very interesting effort. Especially in our business of lifestyle, since 2014 I have been using style of life as keyword all the time.
Lifestyle is often said to be like a casual division among sportsmakers, but it is not only that, but I will always propose a style of life to create the true meaning of lifestyle.
As part of that, fashion is one of the big keys, and I think that Harajuku, which is a fashion-oriented city with a lot of meaning in many ways, has had a very good opportunity, I think that I would like to spread this more in various ways.

Bear cut:this yearIn May, all the employees held the Imperial Palace Ekiden Race,When talking with our apparel department manager, Nikoando was also running the Imperial Palace, so we decided to "do it next time", which led to the realization of today.
For both companies, both new employees and mid-career employees have entered considerably to expand the business, and a conversation like "Who is that person, who is? What are you doing?" Is done in the daily office right. In order to improve it, we have an event called sports day once a year, making a team without relations etc., we are doing athletic meetings, futsal and station relays.
When holding an event from around a month ago and calling it a team building and doing joint exercises and strategy meetings with the team, as a result, communication is well taken in the work, improving efficiency of work. I think that if the way of thinking that Nikoando can spread the circle can be widened in the general society, we can lead to reform of working way in the real sense.

"New Balance × Nicoand" bespoke sneaker "Pro Court" coverage article is here.
New Balance Japan
Advertising Corporation
Coverage of coverage / New Balance Japan Co., Ltd. Adastoria
Photo offer / Adestore Corporation
Interview photo / Hidemi Sakuma