Middle-aged "middle runner who was aiming for sub 4 to know the feelings of runner" 1st run: mail of terror "
Why run 42.195 km? What is fun? I can not fully understand myself as a full marathon inexperienced person. Friends around me started a marathon, and that mystery just got deeper. One mail arrived at such timing.

"I wish I could run the Osaka marathon if I could," I got an e-mail. I honestly tried to remove it as soon as "No, no, I do not want to run!
However, after having finished the World Games in Brazil, I was attracted to the invitation to me whose goal had disappeared.
Unexpectedly sent "I will run!" Do not think afterwards. I finished the entry at the web Now it became disappointing.
The story goes on and on. Because it is only three months before the Osaka marathon (November 26).
And on August 21, I went to Esport Mizuno in Kanda to learn the form of running properly.

Esport FORM manager manager Nishioka Katsuyoshi greeted me with a smile. After finishing the greeting I answered "I want to cut 4 hours!" I was asked "How much time is the target?"
It was a number I was worried about because I was reading an article like a "full 4 marathon at a full marathon!" On a train until I came here.
The target has also been decided.
And first, I chose shoes. Although I am particular about soccer shoes, I do not know honestly about running shoes.
Until now I was using a slightly larger running shoe that my friends got. I did not care about it because I had no opportunity to run so much.

"I've never run a full marathon & I am worried that the knee will not hurt as I have not run long distances longer than 10 kilometers", but I asked for a shoe called Wave Rider 20.
I decided on this because there was a color consisting of the same orange and black as the Kingge logo! It is a bright orange that seems to be conspicuous even when running on the street at night.

I will put it on at once. I felt that the cushion is working and likely to reduce the burden on the knees and waist.
Choose shoes and start measuring with FORM (Mizuno running form diagnostic system) which is the purpose of today.
First of all enter basic information such as marathon history and the presence or absence of injury on the seat.

To shoot with a dedicated high-speed camera, dedicated markers are attached to six locations: shoulder, elbow, wrist, waist, knee and ankle.

Running on a treadmill for about 10 minutes, taking motion from two cameras while running while shooting motion is measured.

Automatic running form analysis from various data acquired by motion capture.
In the analysis result, five evaluation items of Safety, Posture, Relax, Ride, Swing and comprehensive score are calculated. Get results immediately by sheet and receive explanation.

As a result I am able to run relaxedly simply, but the upper body is to use the shoulder, back and shoulder blades a little better, to relax the everyday to widen the range of motion, the lower body can be used well with less movement from the knees downward It was that it was not. It is also a way to run a short distance.
I was advised to train the back of the thigh, adductor, muscle of the buttocks, exercise more than 100 Km / month, and once a week exercise intervals to improve speed endurance.
I asked questions in details.
- How much pace should I run in order to run with the time to cut off 4 hours that has become a goal?
Nishioka 1Kmあたり5分40秒で走り切らないといけません。それはピストルが鳴ってからゴールするまでのタイムで、大きなマラソン大会ではロスタイムが生じてしまう為、5分25秒のアベレージで走ればロスタイムも含め、余裕をもって4時間を切れると思います。
What is aroostime?
Nishioka It is not always possible to get started as soon as the pistol has gone. Since there are a lot of people to run, loss will occur by the way through the start point.
I see. What kind of exercise should I do for the next 3 months?
西岡 Please say "pace run" and take in 8Km - 10Km twice a week as a practice at the same time, please adjust the pace to the body.
From there plus interval training (repeat fast speed and slow speed) once a week, please give speed endurance.
I think that cardiorespiratory function and speed endurance will follow.
- That means you should practice three times a week. I just started listening and my heartbeat became faster, but I will do my best.

- How long does Mr. Nishioka run a full marathon?
西岡 4回ほど走ったことがありますが自己ベストは3時間10分です。大学1年生までは3000m障害を主に走っていましたので、長い距離はあまり走っていませんでした。大学2年生からはマネージャーをやっていました。
Now I am doing pacemaker and the Osaka marathon runs. It is scheduled to run in four hours Kikuchi san is aiming for.

- Why! I find it in Osaka and chase behind (lol) is the last question. Why are you running? What is interesting? Because I'd like to know the feeling of people running 42.195 Km, it is a big factor I thought of running this time.
Nishioka 中学時代から陸上をはじめて走るのが凄く好きでした。やはり一つは達成感ですね。4時間を切る目標を立てていて、クリア出来たらまた上を目指したくなる。
I am running as a citizen runner at the age of 43 this year, but there are times when age-specific records are honored in the race. Even if I can not get to such a place quite often during the active era, there is a possibility to put it in the category in the category as you age.
I will be able to achieve such a sense of accomplishment and new goals, and I'm happy to receive reports from members who are running together, saying "My best got up!" Or "I ran out!" I can not do anything except running. I keep on running.

Is not it a painful exercise to just run even at -?
Nishioka It is painful. If you just practice hard, the result will come with that, and if you run to this point you are drinking a beer or making small rewards and decisions.
- ー I will also do my best while making a small reward so that Mr. Nishioka will be able to say "Running within 4 hours! !
<The second run is here>
Photo: Yuki Sugan
Coverage of coverage: Esport Mizuno (Mizuno Tokyo)
However, after having finished the World Games in Brazil, I was attracted to the invitation to me whose goal had disappeared.
Unexpectedly sent "I will run!" Do not think afterwards. I finished the entry at the web Now it became disappointing.
The story goes on and on. Because it is only three months before the Osaka marathon (November 26).
And on August 21, I went to Esport Mizuno in Kanda to learn the form of running properly.
Esport FORM manager manager Nishioka Katsuyoshi greeted me with a smile. After finishing the greeting I answered "I want to cut 4 hours!" I was asked "How much time is the target?"
It was a number I was worried about because I was reading an article like a "full 4 marathon at a full marathon!" On a train until I came here.
The target has also been decided.
And first, I chose shoes. Although I am particular about soccer shoes, I do not know honestly about running shoes.
Until now I was using a slightly larger running shoe that my friends got. I did not care about it because I had no opportunity to run so much.
"I've never run a full marathon & I am worried that the knee will not hurt as I have not run long distances longer than 10 kilometers", but I asked for a shoe called Wave Rider 20.
I decided on this because there was a color consisting of the same orange and black as the Kingge logo! It is a bright orange that seems to be conspicuous even when running on the street at night.
I will put it on at once. I felt that the cushion is working and likely to reduce the burden on the knees and waist.
Choose shoes and start measuring with FORM (Mizuno running form diagnostic system) which is the purpose of today.
First of all enter basic information such as marathon history and the presence or absence of injury on the seat.
To shoot with a dedicated high-speed camera, dedicated markers are attached to six locations: shoulder, elbow, wrist, waist, knee and ankle.
Running on a treadmill for about 10 minutes, taking motion from two cameras while running while shooting motion is measured.
Automatic running form analysis from various data acquired by motion capture.
In the analysis result, five evaluation items of Safety, Posture, Relax, Ride, Swing and comprehensive score are calculated. Get results immediately by sheet and receive explanation.
As a result I am able to run relaxedly simply, but the upper body is to use the shoulder, back and shoulder blades a little better, to relax the everyday to widen the range of motion, the lower body can be used well with less movement from the knees downward It was that it was not. It is also a way to run a short distance.
I was advised to train the back of the thigh, adductor, muscle of the buttocks, exercise more than 100 Km / month, and once a week exercise intervals to improve speed endurance.
I asked questions in details.
- How much pace should I run in order to run with the time to cut off 4 hours that has become a goal?
Nishioka 1Kmあたり5分40秒で走り切らないといけません。それはピストルが鳴ってからゴールするまでのタイムで、大きなマラソン大会ではロスタイムが生じてしまう為、5分25秒のアベレージで走ればロスタイムも含め、余裕をもって4時間を切れると思います。
What is aroostime?
Nishioka It is not always possible to get started as soon as the pistol has gone. Since there are a lot of people to run, loss will occur by the way through the start point.
I see. What kind of exercise should I do for the next 3 months?
西岡 Please say "pace run" and take in 8Km - 10Km twice a week as a practice at the same time, please adjust the pace to the body.
From there plus interval training (repeat fast speed and slow speed) once a week, please give speed endurance.
I think that cardiorespiratory function and speed endurance will follow.
- That means you should practice three times a week. I just started listening and my heartbeat became faster, but I will do my best.
- How long does Mr. Nishioka run a full marathon?
西岡 4回ほど走ったことがありますが自己ベストは3時間10分です。大学1年生までは3000m障害を主に走っていましたので、長い距離はあまり走っていませんでした。大学2年生からはマネージャーをやっていました。
Now I am doing pacemaker and the Osaka marathon runs. It is scheduled to run in four hours Kikuchi san is aiming for.
- Why! I find it in Osaka and chase behind (lol) is the last question. Why are you running? What is interesting? Because I'd like to know the feeling of people running 42.195 Km, it is a big factor I thought of running this time.
Nishioka 中学時代から陸上をはじめて走るのが凄く好きでした。やはり一つは達成感ですね。4時間を切る目標を立てていて、クリア出来たらまた上を目指したくなる。
I am running as a citizen runner at the age of 43 this year, but there are times when age-specific records are honored in the race. Even if I can not get to such a place quite often during the active era, there is a possibility to put it in the category in the category as you age.
I will be able to achieve such a sense of accomplishment and new goals, and I'm happy to receive reports from members who are running together, saying "My best got up!" Or "I ran out!" I can not do anything except running. I keep on running.
Is not it a painful exercise to just run even at -?
Nishioka It is painful. If you just practice hard, the result will come with that, and if you run to this point you are drinking a beer or making small rewards and decisions.
- ー I will also do my best while making a small reward so that Mr. Nishioka will be able to say "Running within 4 hours! !
<The second run is here>
Photo: Yuki Sugan
Coverage of coverage: Esport Mizuno (Mizuno Tokyo)