
Kazuya Shimizu interview with futsal world newcomer Vol.4 "I cherish the feeling of the moment I wore the most"

There are not so many athletes wearing Hyumerg's shoes in the futsal field and football circle. Why is it Hyumel? I heard about his shoes.

Icon segawa.taisuke1Taisuke Segawa | 2017/04/13
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What is the most respected thing about the shrews?

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Clear water: The most important tool to do futsal is shoes. So, of course, I have a commitment to shoes. When choosing shoes, the most important thing is the feeling of the moment you put your feet in. 


Clear water:そうですね。重要じゃないっていうことはないですが、僕の場合は、足を入れた瞬間から、使い古したシューズのように自分の足になじんでくれて、ストレスがないのが一番ですね。  


Clear water: This shoe is a model called Apicare, but it is a feature that feet familiar is very good. Besides, this shoes are very funny and I use the finest materials like those used for soccer spikes

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日本人の足の特長にも良く合っているシューズなんじゃないかって思います。 欲しい機能がそろっているし、耐久性もあるので、僕にとっては、申し分がないシューズです。  


Clear water:基本的には、同じシューズを2~3足もっていて、試合前のアップの感覚で、どのシューズを履くかを決めますね。ちょっとした感覚の違いというか、違和感を感じて、アップが終わった後にシューズを変えることはあります。  

In the case of futsal players, many players have bought two pairs of the same shoes on the game day. Due to the nature of the competition, if you prepare two or three feet and do not use them in order, it will break soon.

In that sense, durability is also an important point of choosing shoes.

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Clear water:はい。ちょうど持ってきてました(笑)。  


Clear water:クッション性があって、走っても足への負担がかからないし、耐久性があるんですよね。  


Clear water:Yes. However, although I actually understand it, it is very light. Moreover, I do not like the same things as people, so it is good not to be with others around too much. I like the design very much.

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Clear water: No, I will not run a long distance, but there are times when I run about 5 kilometers in recovery. Since I am used to wearing usually, I do not feel stress while running.



Clear water:フットサルは、サッカーとは違った魅力がありますので、ぜひ、フットサルを生で観戦しに会場に足を運んでもらえたら嬉しいです。  



「ワールドカップで、日本を勝利に導く存在になる。」 その言葉を発した清水和也の目に、強烈な意思をみた。 その言葉には、目の前の壁をブチ破って突き進んでいく「突破力」が宿っていた。

Two months have passed since the interview was about to pass 4/10, although he was off the season, he headed overseas. Leave only a simple message "I will leave Japan for further growth".

Fearlessly, what sort of 20-year-old young man who will push forward without hesitation will open up the future in the future? And what will you bring to the Japanese futsal world? I want to firmly see it.   

Drawing Materials / Taiping 2-chome Hospital
取材・文・写真/Yasuyuki Segawa 

Shimizu shoes information worn by Kazuya Shimizu is from here banner

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The information of Fugador Sumida to which Kazuya Shimizu belongs is
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Information on the dynamic stretching machine "Hogrel" is from this banner

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