
Newcomer Kazuya Shimizu interview of the futsal world Vol.2 "To train in a fresh state"

Kazuya Shimizu 's conditioning method adopted by the player was another besides the stretching tool "Hogrel". That is high frequency electrical therapy using gloves. This treatment taken from the middle of the season has become a means to solve the problem of condition maintenance which was troubles of Kazuya Shimizu.

Icon segawa.taisuke1Taisuke Segawa | 2017/04/10
<From vol.1 is here>


Clear water: It is a treatment method introduced by Mr. Otake of Professor Taiping 2-chome which is indebted to you, but in brief, I can give good quality electricity to the muscles through the glove and you can unravel while moving the muscles is. 

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Clear water: If you massage too much, your muscles are too loose and you can not exercise your muscular strength, but in this treatment, it is a sense that it is very close to a fresh state.



Clear water 2016-2017シーズンは、腰を痛めて、いったんコンディションを崩してしまいましたが、大竹先生にみてもらい、この電気治療を取り入れてから、もう一度コンディションをあげていくことができました。

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Clear water シュートは僕のウリなのですが、腰の切れがよくなってから、今まで以上にボールに力がしっかり伝えられるようになりました。  





Clear water お風呂ですかね。  


Clear water:銭湯がほんとうに大好きなんですよ。フウガのホームタウンである墨田区は、いい銭湯がたくさんあるんです。昔からあるような銭湯もあれば、最近増えてきたいわゆるスーパー銭湯まで。  


Clear water: I will go to the day before the game and I will definitely go on the day off and next day of the game. I may go with my teammate, but I also go alone.
For example, when I go to a hot spring resort like Oita prefecture by expedition, I definitely go to a hot spring with my teammates.


- Please let me know the story of the game based on the story of such condition.


Drawing Materials / Taiping 2-chome Hospital
取材・文・写真/Yasuyuki Segawa   

Shimizu shoes information worn by Kazuya Shimizu is from here banner

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The information of Fugador Sumida to which Kazuya Shimizu belongs is
From here banner

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Information on the dynamic stretching machine "Hogrel" is from this banner

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