
Kazuya Shimizu interview with the futsal world newcomer Kazuya Shimizu Vol.1 "Conditioning method adopted for active in the season" Hogrel ""

There are instruments for stretching that many athletes are using, including athletes of Fugador Sumida (hereinafter fuga). It is an instrument called Hogrel. On this day Kazuya Shimizu played a single menu using five Hogrels, firmly unraveling his body.

Icon segawa.taisuke1Taisuke Segawa | 2017/04/07

Clear water: I began to be conscious about when I joined the giant satellite, so it is about the end of my second year high school student. 

At the beginning of joining, I felt that muscle strength was still insufficient to compete with adults in the future, first of all I adopted muscle training in earnest.





Clear water:フウガは、練習が終わる時間が遅いんですが、どれだけ眠くても、セルフケアを怠らないようになりましたね。  


もちろん寝るのは大切なんですが、ここでケアを怠ってしまうと、次の日の寝起きが悪いんじゃないかって思うようになってきて。 少し敏感になっちゃいましたかね(笑)。  


Clear water:昨年は、リーグ終盤にコンディションを崩してしまったんです。 だから、コンディション維持や、怪我しない体づくりのためにも、毎日のケアは怠らないようにしています。  

The rest is to keep sharp.Training is always done at 100% so that we do not neglect the physical care, rest well when we rest. Since the body is honest, there are of course fatigue, but while doing what you can do yourself, you can take care of trainers and therapist teachers where you can not do it. 


Clear waterPracticing fuga,夜9時Starting onAt elevenAs it is over, it takes a lot of time in the morning and evening to take time for conditioning.

I had the treatment done for 20 to 30 minutes at the treatment hospital, then I continued Hogrel for about 20 minutes.

- For what purpose is "Hogrel" done?

Clear water:股関節や肩甲骨周りを中心に、とにかく可動域を広くしたいと思っています。  

In my case, my body is hard, so there is a place similar to muscle training, but even when it hurts a little, if I can endure here, the range of motion may be expanded, etc. Positively thinking, widen the range of motion I am doing it while I am aware of it.

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Clear water:ホグレルいいところは、筋肉や関節が伸びた状態に、軽い負荷を与えることができるということなんです。これによって、身体の動き出しを良くすることができるんです。  


Clear water: It's just a dynamic stretch with a light load, so doing a big burden on your body every day does not work.

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Clear water:やり始めてから、身体が柔らかくなったという実感があるんですよ。 明らかに結果が出ると、人って続けられるじゃないですか。  


- Please talk about the treatment next time. What kind of things do you do with the treatment?

Clear water: Actually, in addition to Hogrel, I adopted it for maintaining condition, this radio frequency electric therapy.   

- High frequency. . . Is it?

Clear water:Yes. I use a glove to perform a treatment using high quality electricity.

- Is that glove? I have never seen it much.

(Continue to the second episode)

Drawing Materials / Taiping 2-chome Hospital
取材・文・写真/Yasuyuki Segawa     

Shimizu shoes information worn by Kazuya Shimizu is from here banner

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The information of Fugador Sumida to which Kazuya Shimizu belongs is
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Information on the dynamic stretching machine "Hogrel" is from this banner

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