"Aiming is a healthy and beautiful body" RIZIN Girl · Asami Ota
A room in a quietly styled building in Minami Aoyama. In the light of the warm color, there was a woman silently training squat training while occasionally showing a smile under the guidance of a personal trainer. It is model Asami Ota.

太田麻美さんはファッションショーやモデルの仕事を中心に活動し、年末にさいたまスーパーアリーナで行われる総合格闘技イベント「RIZIN」のRIZIN GIRLも務めるなど、多忙な毎日を送っている。彼女がジムに通うようになったきっかけや、目標とするカラダについて、話を訊いた。
- How did you get to attend the gym (attraction) here?
Ota: I usually work as a model or RIZIN girl, so I often wear hungry costumes and tight costumes. Since the body is capital, there was always a desire to make the line of the body more beautiful, to lose weight.
Like many girls, I was on my own diet, but because I had no knowledge of diet at all, I ate only vegetables or had "diet not to eat". Since I ate mostly vegetables, I could definitely lose weight, but my physical condition has gone bad, such as causing anemia or being irregular in my work.
At that time, I started thinking "I want to leave it to professionals who have professional knowledge and want to lose weight beautifully healthy." It is the reason I got to go to the gym.

Ota:It was about the third time I started going around and I was told that from the surroundings, my face got clearer. I think that it was around that time that I began to feel like my stomach became sharp.今は1回1時間のトレーニングを、週2回ペースで通っています。
- How is your meal?
Ota:While having a trainer tell me a menu of meals, I cooked more on my own. Although it is easy cooking though (laugh). Not only training but also meal management was solid, so it may have been early to have an effect.
What I usually care about is to have a balanced diet. Unlike before, I have weight with three men eating with chitin, training and applying muscular strength, so there is a sense of beautifully thinning. When suppression of carbohydrates by dietary restriction, I am drinking Sugar Free Red Bull before work.

レッドブルは、トレーニング前に飲むと、カフェインにより集中力を高める効果がありますし、筋肉の収縮効果、さらには燃焼効果も期待できます。と、トレーナーの伊藤さんに教えてもらいました(笑)。 いまは大好きなビールが飲めないので、のどごしが良いレッドブルは、ビールの代わりにもなります。
- Do you have your own conditioning method?
Ota:I usually take a bath for half an hour at home. I walk to the nearest station and I am using stairs rather than escalators.Since I am doing the model work, I am anxious to maintain a figure. Not only is it thin, healthy and tightened body is ideal.
- How do you adjust before the fashion show?

When the show approaches, I practice walking in the park in front of my house or walk in front of the mirror even in my house. Because I love to eat, after having a meal with a friend, trying to consume calories as much as possible, such as increasing the distance to walk around and taking a long bath and soaking in the bath as much as possible I will.
- Is there a mental conditioning method?
- Although switching is good, did you play any sports when you were a student?
Ota:When I was a junior high school student, I belonged to the track division for 3 years and I was running high jumping. Once, I have experience of winning the prefectural competition top rank. Everyday, it was the life of the land pickled by the day of practice of three part, morning process, club activities and night skiing.
Ota:高校ではダンス部に入りました。陸上は中学生時代にやり切った感があって、高校では新しい事にチャレンジしてみたいと思ったので。 ダンス部では、文化祭に出たり、大会に出場したりと真剣に取り組み、それはそれで楽しかったですよ!
- Finally, please tell us your future goals.

Ota:モデルを続けていきたいのはもちろんですが、それ以外にも、マルチに色々な場面で活躍できるようになりたいです。チャンスがあればなんでもやってみたい。 いまはモデルの仕事がメインですが、将来的には演技にも挑戦してみたいです。それから、自分の好きなウェアを着て、マラソンにもチャレンジしてみたいですね!
Omodero Asami Official Blog (http://ameblo.jp/asa23xoxo)
取材協力/アトラクション【表参道・女性専用パーソナルジム】 http://www.attraction-w.co.jp/
Red Bull (product offer)http://energydrink-jp.redbull.com/
Photo / Taisuke Segawa
- How did you get to attend the gym (attraction) here?
Ota: I usually work as a model or RIZIN girl, so I often wear hungry costumes and tight costumes. Since the body is capital, there was always a desire to make the line of the body more beautiful, to lose weight.
Like many girls, I was on my own diet, but because I had no knowledge of diet at all, I ate only vegetables or had "diet not to eat". Since I ate mostly vegetables, I could definitely lose weight, but my physical condition has gone bad, such as causing anemia or being irregular in my work.
At that time, I started thinking "I want to leave it to professionals who have professional knowledge and want to lose weight beautifully healthy." It is the reason I got to go to the gym.
Ota:It was about the third time I started going around and I was told that from the surroundings, my face got clearer. I think that it was around that time that I began to feel like my stomach became sharp.今は1回1時間のトレーニングを、週2回ペースで通っています。
- How is your meal?
Ota:While having a trainer tell me a menu of meals, I cooked more on my own. Although it is easy cooking though (laugh). Not only training but also meal management was solid, so it may have been early to have an effect.
What I usually care about is to have a balanced diet. Unlike before, I have weight with three men eating with chitin, training and applying muscular strength, so there is a sense of beautifully thinning. When suppression of carbohydrates by dietary restriction, I am drinking Sugar Free Red Bull before work.
レッドブルは、トレーニング前に飲むと、カフェインにより集中力を高める効果がありますし、筋肉の収縮効果、さらには燃焼効果も期待できます。と、トレーナーの伊藤さんに教えてもらいました(笑)。 いまは大好きなビールが飲めないので、のどごしが良いレッドブルは、ビールの代わりにもなります。
- Do you have your own conditioning method?
Ota:I usually take a bath for half an hour at home. I walk to the nearest station and I am using stairs rather than escalators.Since I am doing the model work, I am anxious to maintain a figure. Not only is it thin, healthy and tightened body is ideal.
- How do you adjust before the fashion show?
When the show approaches, I practice walking in the park in front of my house or walk in front of the mirror even in my house. Because I love to eat, after having a meal with a friend, trying to consume calories as much as possible, such as increasing the distance to walk around and taking a long bath and soaking in the bath as much as possible I will.
- Is there a mental conditioning method?
- Although switching is good, did you play any sports when you were a student?
Ota:When I was a junior high school student, I belonged to the track division for 3 years and I was running high jumping. Once, I have experience of winning the prefectural competition top rank. Everyday, it was the life of the land pickled by the day of practice of three part, morning process, club activities and night skiing.
Ota:高校ではダンス部に入りました。陸上は中学生時代にやり切った感があって、高校では新しい事にチャレンジしてみたいと思ったので。 ダンス部では、文化祭に出たり、大会に出場したりと真剣に取り組み、それはそれで楽しかったですよ!
- Finally, please tell us your future goals.
Ota:モデルを続けていきたいのはもちろんですが、それ以外にも、マルチに色々な場面で活躍できるようになりたいです。チャンスがあればなんでもやってみたい。 いまはモデルの仕事がメインですが、将来的には演技にも挑戦してみたいです。それから、自分の好きなウェアを着て、マラソンにもチャレンジしてみたいですね!
Omodero Asami Official Blog (http://ameblo.jp/asa23xoxo)
取材協力/アトラクション【表参道・女性専用パーソナルジム】 http://www.attraction-w.co.jp/
Red Bull (product offer)http://energydrink-jp.redbull.com/
Photo / Taisuke Segawa