I will start a new thing.
Sportswriter Kaneko Tatsuhito decided to try doing things that he could not do what he did not do, the world's first spiking special website "KING GEAR" originating in Japan finally release.

Twenty years since becoming a free sports writer. I decided to try what I did not do, never even thought of doing what I did not do.
It is the media focusing on another leading role in sports.
アイルトン・セナは、永遠に語り継がれるF1の伝説です。でも、天才の呼び名をほしいままにした彼でさえ、自分一人の力で勝ったわけではない。 マシンのポテンシャルが低ければ、セナだって勝てなかった。So, as far as his driving is concerned, articles on Honda's engineering also came out.

Ayrton Senna: The important thing is to win. It's always and always. It is only a hoax to say that it is meaningful to participate.
Why is not the same happening in other sports?
There seems to be some people who are not sticking at all, but for many soccer players, spikes are life.If the best spike produces a wonderful goal, spikes that did not fit may cause the team's fate to diminish.

Zico: When I put on a brand new spike, I seemed impossible to play for myself. For me spikes were magical shoes.
But, as far as I knew, there were no articles about Spike - the gear that was taken as the leading role.
So I will try.
For example, in an orthodox, an interview about the spikes that the top players have worn, wearing, wanting to wear, unforgettable.
For example, a little oddly, let the marathon runner wear various spikes,10キロ走っても一番つかれにくいスパイクを選んでもらう。
For example, all teams participating in the tournament and the spikes worn by all the players are examined, and data analysis is done. From high school soccer to the world cup, a pieceI'll try it from the end.
For example, I decide the best spike of the year - the gear of the year.

Actually, I participated in the Tokyo Marathon and examined the shoes of all the runners who made the goal, and analyzed thoroughly the "gloves of the player who won the Golden Grab Award in professional baseball" such as "What is the share No. 1 model in the sub 3 runner? There are a lot of things you want to do in other competitions.
But first, from football. I will try something new.