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What LIXIL wants to convey through sports vol.3 "Enrich living through sports"

LIXIL continues to take up the challenge of creating rich lives through sports, including becoming a gold partner for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In the final session, Mr. Totani, Marketing Group Sponsorship Strategy G Group Leader, talked about his passion and vision for 2020.

Icon aff20898 d2d2 431d 8b05 0f3c5e5ae91bHidemi Sakuma | 2018/04/16
vol.1"As a mutually acceptable family"
"I want to share the excitement and passion of sports"

- On current issues 


Also, the team and players sponsored by LIXIL are not only successful but also their attitude, and employees are proud. In addition to not only promoting sponsorships outside the company, it is correct as a role of improving the engagement of the entire company and I think that it is extremely important to make good use of it.

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- On the Olympic-Paralympics sponsored

Toya: LIXIL actively participates in the legacy making it possible to succeed to the future after 2020 as a gold partner of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Housing Equipment Members and Water Supply Category) and as a comprehensive living life company in the world rare I am preparing to contribute to the realization of a universal society from both sides of software and hardware by engaging in "involvement, for everyone." 

I believe that the realization of "diversity and harmony" aimed at the Olympic and Paralympic Games and the realization of our universal society are in the same direction. LIXIL handles quite a lot of merchandise and can deal with general windows, kitchens, toilets, baths etc. about the house. I think that our company alone can cooperate with it consistently.




- About the Paralympics 

Toya:LXIILのTokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic sponsored sponsored by knowing the existence of Nagashima Rika who is doing a big success in employees' para-batminton at the All Japan Championships etc. by successive championships, Nagashima players who had been active on their own by now I was going to support you. I am thinking that I could turn my eyes to the inside of the company because there was Olympic sponsorship. 

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- Future Prospects

Toya: LIXIL will not do sponsorship for advertisement in future. I think that it is very important to grasp the social and supportive effects of sports teams and athletes, and to explain and share them inside the company firmly.

For example, it seems that the sponsor will end soon as the management has changed, so that each other becomes unfortunate, so we are trying to prove the wonderfulness of support and the effects obtained etc with clear data.

The sponsorship is of great significance if we can promote sports teams and athletes together with customers and be able to be able to have various contact points in both directions I believe it will be something.

--future,LIXILWhat is the idea to make a stadium?

Toya:現時点ではありません。我々はスポンサーシップにおいても目的から考えているので、手段から進めることはありませんが、これが逆転している事例は意外と多いのかもしれないと感じています。現在、具体的にこれをやりたいというものは特にありませんが、やはりスポーツを通じて多くの方々に何かを届けていきたいという気持ちが強いですね。  (了)


Cooperation in coverage / co., LtdLIXIL
Photo offer / Inc.LIXIL
Interview photograph / Hidemi Sakuma