Miyawaki 01


All athletes all over the world are heading to Tokyo as if they could be sucked by the strong attraction. It is undoubtedly the athletes here in Japan that are in the most attractive place among them. In King Gear, we will introduce Japanese female athletes who are struggling tough training every day, along with a solid determination, on a unique opportunity called home hosting. This is the first time, the heroine of Japan fencing world, Hanayaki Miyawaki. She gave a brilliant achievement since the junior days, and she told her the way to Tokyo that she draws, which continues to grow steadily after the establishment in Japan.

Icon segawa.taisuke1Taisuke Segawa | 2018/03/01
Miyawaki Hayuro Profile
Thumb miyawaki 01 profile 東京生まれ。慶應義塾大学経済学部3年。5歳からフェンシングを始め、東洋英和中から慶應義塾女子高校に進学。高校1年の時に、太田雄貴選手から具体的目標を立てることの重要性を学び、オリンピックを目指すことを決意した。13年にはシニアの日本代表チーム入りを果たす。14年7月のIOC南京ユース五輪で銀メダルを獲得し、世界ジュニアランキング2Marked the place.

The chance was influenced by my sister

I think that there are many people who do not know about fencing among the readers of King Gear, so please tell me from the reason I started fencing.

I began fencing by the influence of my older sister 5 years old. My sister wanted to do Kendo, but there is only a fencing school near my house, "My sister's suggestion is that you are doing Sailor Moon and Mystery Zorro and that it is OK to say Western version Kendo"? So I started fencing. I was just picking up my sister along with my mother, but when I noticed, I started fencing holding my sword. It was around the time the elementary school exam was over.

How was it when you started fencing?

It was interesting and immediately hooked. Since I was a young boy, I was active, I used to play with boys, but when I was fencing, I was able to win if my older older brother worked hard, so it was interesting.

From a young age was it a fencing line?

There was not such a thing. When I started fencing, there was no expedition as I did now, I went to school everyday and took classes, I was also doing my studies firmly. I did not dislike studying.

Encounter with Mr. Yaoki Ota who changed Miyawaki player

Miyawaki players have had a brilliant record since junior time, but what was the reason for thinking about aiming at the top with fencing?

To the senior at the fencing school, I was told to meet Yuki Ota, "It might be a good stimulus if I talk about it once." It's time for a sophomore in high school. Until then, I was studying and I could not say that my dream of the future will be "a fencing player." Especially if the competition called fencing becomes the number one in Japan, there is an aspect that it can not live by itself. A very high-risk, low-return world. So, until then, I studied and left choices other than fencing.

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Interview / text / photo:Yasuyuki Segawa