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Collaboration and reverse importing with pharmaceutical and apparel fields. Challenge of domestic baseball manufacturer · Belgaard.

Although it is a Bellegard baseball gear that shows spread between major leagues, it is still not well known in Japan. Mr. Nagai says there is a difficult part of expanding market share in Japan due to cultural differences concerning the tying of contracts and provision of supplies to top players. What is the future vision of Belgard that continues to challenge new challenges such as collaborating with other fields while fighting such barriers?

Icon 19441337 1436670123094269 1330815580 nSen big tree | 2018/01/30

The tie-up of the contract between the standstillable major manufacturer and the player

Mr. Nagai pointed out that there is a fundamental difference in the consciousness of purchasing and providing tools between Japanese players and foreign players.

「海外の選手は作成を依頼してくる段階でまず、値段を聞いてきます。うちはメジャーリーガー個人に関しては最初の1年間だけ提供して、その代わりにSNS等で宣伝してもらっています。 マイナー契約の選手から提供の依頼をされることがありますが、そこはメジャーに上がってからということで購入してもらっています。」

Overseas players are basically stance to purchase tools. Meanwhile, major Japanese manufacturers often provide tools to athletes. In addition, we will pay further fees to top players and enter into advisory agreements.

However, the sales effect corresponding to it does not come out, it is said that manufacturers withdraw from the support of the players is also happening. Mr. Nagai presents doubts about its circumstances.

「本来、トップ選手はそれなりの額のお金をもらっているはずですから、メーカー側が提供するのではなく、気に入った道具を自分で購入してもらう形に日本もなってもらいたいと思っています。 というのも、日本ではプロの選手に提供するのにお金がかかって、その分一般ユーザーが購入する商品の値段が高くなってしまうという流れがあるんです。 でも一流選手がしっかりといいものを自分で選んでお金を払ってくれるようになれば、エンドユーザーに道具を安く提供できるようになります。」
日本は選手とメーカー間の契約の縛りも厳しい。選手が一部の道具について、別のメーカーのものを使用したくても、その申請が通らず、試合で使用できないケースもある。 その場合はまず、練習用としての使用許諾申請をし、球団が購入する形で選手の手に渡る。

Collaboration with other fields and reverse wind imports into the market to open windows

Currently Velgard is challenging new attempts in addition to existing product manufacturing development. It is the development and sale of "AXF × Belgard" which can be powered up simply by wearing it. Together with Osaka's pharmaceutical company · Teikoku Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and apparel maker · Sanford of Gifu, it produced dreamlike products for the players.

This product has been processed using a special substance · IFMC (Effective patent pending) which has the effect of expanding the capillary vessel, promoting the flow of blood, and increasing the oxygen supply amount. By doing this, the sense of balance of the body improves, and the original power which that person possesses can be extracted to the maximum.

We are able to process various kinds of goods and develop products applied to everything such as wear, gloves, bat as well as armor which is the main product of Belgard.

If you touch something processed with this substance, your body will be well balanced and you will be able to get a stronger stomping force.
Research on the effect is underway at Tokyo Urban University.


Mr. Nagai continued to support the player's play as a tool maker by performing various roles such as development of new products, marketing activities, sending out at SNS, etc. I heard about future prospects as Belgard.

「野球は競技人口も減っていますが、道具の値段が安くなればそこも改善されていくかもしれません。サッカーなどと比べると野球はお金がかかるスポーツですから。 あとはやる場所の問題もありますよね。今は公園でキャッチボールもできないので、そこは業界全体で協力しながら場を提供していかないといけないと思います。 ベルガードとしてはまず、アメリカでもっとユーザーを拡げて、そこから日本に戻してくる逆輸入のような形ができればと思っています。」

Even though elementary and junior high school students are decreasing in the number of playing population, mainly in elementary and junior high school students, professional baseball players are always in the top position in the future dream rankings, and the world ranking is the leading country in baseball advanced countries. Therefore, there are also many global baseball equipment makers. Amid the conflict, how far can small and medium-sized manufacturers and Belgards open windows in the market?

【Belgaard Factory Japan Co., Ltd.】
Domestic baseball equipment manufacturer in Saitama prefecture. In 2012 the predecessor company went bankrupt and founded in the form of Mr. Nagai Kazuhito who was then employee took over the rights. He has a strong popularity in a wide range of people ranging from Major League to professional baseball, amateur player, mainly armor.
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