SPIKE WARS - Episode 4 The Fun of Made in Japan -
Compare across manufacturers Planning "Spike Wars"

Episode 4 ~ Fear of maid in Japan ~
Listener (Editorial department)
Master Nagai (Hideki Nagai = Tokyo Verdi 1969 =)
◆ This time Nogai Hideki will try on ASICS "DS Light X-FLY 2".
── Master / Nagai, how shall we go next?
Master Nagai"ASICS, let's go"
─ ─ By the way Master Nagai has worn ASICS?
Master Nagai"I have not become a professional, but when I first won the high school championships, I was wearing ASICS"
─ ─ It was originally Puma child.
Master Nagai"Oh yeah so it is because it was a generation that I grew up as longing for Diego Armando Maradona"
(Check para para and materials)
── Ah, that's true.
Master Nagai"what"
─ ─ No, I checked the old football / magazine to see if Master Nagai was really a Puma child, but it was on the 27th page of the November issue of 1985.
Master Nagai"So what?"
── The 16th National Junior High School Competition Final Final. Akira Makoto Shimizu 5th middle. Akira's victory in 4-2. Shot shuumi 's shiwa Five photos in the middle of the game are dodged with a light dribble. Spike is surely PUMA. It is an orthodox model to estimate from the shape, but it seems not to be the so - called "white velor" that was prevalent at the time.
"By the way, our supervisor at this time is Professor Yoshimuta who will become the Japan national coach of the U - 17. The half time of the final game, the school over there is upright immovable and I'm listening to the director's instructions, but here Professor Yoshimi "getting tired of getting a bit tired after sitting." It is commonplace now, but at that time there were few leaders who were thinking that way. "
Flowers bloom in ancient story.
─ ─ I do not care, but this game, the used ball is nostalgic Peacock. According to the caption the master is supposed to have given 2 goals. Even so, although it is a middle school in Kyushu, it is surprising that the master's hair style is dirty.
Master Nagai"Do not say it is daughter. Let me tell you at least."
─ ─ But you should have thought that surroundings were dirty. There must have been a school where I thought that if I died in a school that I did not even look like a buddy, I was going to be defeated.
Master Nagai"Well, maybe so, do not you think Professor Yoshimi is great in Kyushu of that era, did not force the students buddies?
─ ─ indeed. Do you say Master Nagai, the old story about it, impression about this ASICS DS light.
(Well I tried it as well)
Master Nagai"Wow ~"

At the moment I wore ◆, raised a surprise voice.
── How have you been?
Master Nagai"The under armor I weared a while ago was also good, but when you wear it, you know that it is important that the experiences of making spikes are important, I do not know what to say, craftsmen made a heart with great thought The feeling has been transmitted to you as a lily. "
Master Nagai「何?」
─ ─, I am sorry. I have done it. Master Nagai asked that the size was 25.5 cm and thought that it was all the same size with the same size, but when I checked the box containing the spike, this was 26.5 centimeters.
Master Nagai"Well, but this is pretty good, I guess, if it was 25.5, I think that probably did not enter."
─ ─ So that was the way it was. Then, those with a good reputation.
Master Nagai"I think that there are things that I do not know without trying to actually kick the ball at the ground, but the first thing I feel is the cushioning quality of the insoles, perhaps the degree of fatigue after running 90 minutes is not significantly reduced Wonder"
─ ─.
Master Nagai"Excellent thickness, softness and fitting feel of the upper. Look, like Daisuke Takagi of ours said" You can not wear a spike of natural leather ", there are parts of personal preference to the last as spikes Not? But, with regard to this spike, there is no player who does not care "
── I am very praised.
Master Nagai"You can make us feel that such as the under force of ASICS, or the dreadfulness of Made in Japan, etc. By the way, who is wearing this for the representative?"
Master Nagai「何?」
Actually, no one in the last game. However, as dry players and Odori players are contract players of ASICS, well, as there are under armor, the founder K pushes back.
Master Nagai"Well, well, the players can only wear spikes of contracted manufacturers, so there is no choice but if you pay for that tie, I think that a fair competitor will pick this, honestly, I can not complain."
(Hereinafter the next time · cooperative coverage / Tokyo Verdi 1969)