The Olympic Silver Medalist "Tomoka Takeuchi" to the player, the model "Kelly" interview vol.2 vol.2 "I can work hard to imagine capturing the gold medal"
As snowboard alpin Japan national team Tomoka Takeuchi, who is aiming to win the gold medal at the Pyeongchang Olympics in 2018, model Kelly, who loves healthy eating while training hard, heard about training and meals.

<vol.1From here. >
Kelly: Have you ever been conscious of your retirement?
Takeuchi:18歳の時から、これが最後と決めてオリンピックに4I keep on turning and I always think it is the last. Because summer training is painful, I also think that I can not do it anymore.
Kelly: What kind of training is tough?
Takeuchi:1番きついのはいくつかのメニューをまとめて行うインターバルトレーニング。1分全力でやって1分レストして、それを10It's a book, for example.
Kelly: How can I keep up?
Takeuchi:冬に楽しむために、夏にどれだけ頑張れるかっていうのも凄く大事だよね。辛くても、あと1本、あと1回、あと1It is a moment when I am trying to work hard with something, though I think that I want to quit, but at the same time I do my best if I take an image capturing a gold medal.
Kelly:That's awesome. Eating is becoming more important as it is trained.
Kelly: What kind of meat do you like?
Kelly: Heavy, it is hard to digest. You eat quite a bit?
Takeuchi: No, not much. I will be told not to eat much.
Kelly: Are there many eating out?
Takeuchi:外食は多いけど、食べないでファスティングでコールドプレスジュースだけを飲んで過ごす日もあるよ。できるだけ週に1I wonder if he is doing it.
Takeuchi: I thought about resting the stomach.
Kelly: I'm painful because I am hungry when I do not eat and become stressful. I want to eat and bite.
Takeuchi:1Looking back on the week, there are days when I think I ate quite a bit and do not eat while eating.
Kelly: Is there anything you like besides meat?
Takeuchi: I am eating tofu and natto.
Kelly: Are there people who do nutrition management?
Takeuchi: No, I have not thought of it finely, so I try to eat whatever I like. Why, eating, sleeping is a lot of fun and I like it, so I manage it myself.
Kelly: Do you eat sweets?
Takeuchi: When two people eat out, Kelly always chooses us.
KellyThere are many healthy shops.
Takeuchi: I am basically out of the office and it is quite fresh as it is completely different from rice which goes to eat with some sponsors.
Kelly: How different?
Takeuchi: Kelly was conscious of his health, knew a lot of healthy restaurants, and soy milk ice cream was delicious.
Kelly: Recently, healthy shops are on the rise.
Takeuchi: Kelly really has a lot of information. It's fun because you can see a completely different world when you are with Kelly.
Kelly: I enjoyed the exhibition.
TakeuchiIt is an exhibition of accessories. I am not interested in fashion and so far,シャツとか、美容室も半年に1I only go there.
Kelly: You are stretching your hair.
Kelly:うふふふ(Lol)。智香ちゃんは、ストイックで前向きだから凄く尊敬してます。たまに隣でトレーニングしている姿を見ると、本当に凄く追い込んでいて真面目だと思う(Lol)。自己管理もできていて、朝も早く起きて沢山寝て、トレーニング開始1I'm doing aerobic exercise on warming up from before time.
Takeuchi:30分走って、ストレッチや体幹周りをやって、2時間トレーナーさんと鍛えて、その後にダウンで走ったり自転車に乗ってストレッチしてまた1I will spare time.
Kelly: How about meals in the morning?
Takeuchi:朝は、スムージーなどを飲むくらいかな。今朝は、昨日のお肉が残っててね(Lol). When I am hungry, I eat power bar and jelly. I'd like to try Kelly's food.
Kelly: Not yet. I like cooking and studying, so I will make it next time.
Takeuchi: Always keeps Kelly doing various things.
Takeuchi:Thank you. As the Olympic gets closer, the coverage will also increase, so I have to prepare clothes, but I will not go shopping, so I correspond with jeans with contractors like under armor.
Kelly: Under armor is fairly fashionable and functional, so it is good as you can usually wear it.
<vol.3. >
■ Profile
Origin Asahikawa, Hokkaido
Alumni Clark Memorial International High School
所属 広島ガス I participated in the 4th Olympics as the girls snowboard alpine guru.
2006-2007Winning the All-Japan Championship for the season. 2006 Winter Turin Olympics 9th. The 2008-2009 season World Cup ranked third. 2010 Winter Vancouver Olympics 13th. 2014 Winter Sochi Olympics second place.
Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. As a model of healthy brightness charm, he is active in numerous fashion magazines, fashion shows, advertisements, TV, etc. in addition to the regular model of female fashion magazines "CLASSY.", "BAILA". Also familiarized with super food, raw food and yoga, its healthy lifestyle has received high support from many women.
取材協力/株式会社ドーム Ten karat plume
Interview photograph / Hidemi Sakuma
Kelly: Have you ever been conscious of your retirement?
Takeuchi:18歳の時から、これが最後と決めてオリンピックに4I keep on turning and I always think it is the last. Because summer training is painful, I also think that I can not do it anymore.
Kelly: What kind of training is tough?
Takeuchi:1番きついのはいくつかのメニューをまとめて行うインターバルトレーニング。1分全力でやって1分レストして、それを10It's a book, for example.
Kelly: How can I keep up?
Takeuchi:冬に楽しむために、夏にどれだけ頑張れるかっていうのも凄く大事だよね。辛くても、あと1本、あと1回、あと1It is a moment when I am trying to work hard with something, though I think that I want to quit, but at the same time I do my best if I take an image capturing a gold medal.
Kelly:That's awesome. Eating is becoming more important as it is trained.
Kelly: What kind of meat do you like?
Kelly: Heavy, it is hard to digest. You eat quite a bit?
Takeuchi: No, not much. I will be told not to eat much.
Kelly: Are there many eating out?
Takeuchi:外食は多いけど、食べないでファスティングでコールドプレスジュースだけを飲んで過ごす日もあるよ。できるだけ週に1I wonder if he is doing it.
Takeuchi: I thought about resting the stomach.
Kelly: I'm painful because I am hungry when I do not eat and become stressful. I want to eat and bite.
Takeuchi:1Looking back on the week, there are days when I think I ate quite a bit and do not eat while eating.
Kelly: Is there anything you like besides meat?
Takeuchi: I am eating tofu and natto.
Kelly: Are there people who do nutrition management?
Takeuchi: No, I have not thought of it finely, so I try to eat whatever I like. Why, eating, sleeping is a lot of fun and I like it, so I manage it myself.
Kelly: Do you eat sweets?
Takeuchi: When two people eat out, Kelly always chooses us.
KellyThere are many healthy shops.
Takeuchi: I am basically out of the office and it is quite fresh as it is completely different from rice which goes to eat with some sponsors.
Kelly: How different?
Takeuchi: Kelly was conscious of his health, knew a lot of healthy restaurants, and soy milk ice cream was delicious.
Kelly: Recently, healthy shops are on the rise.
Takeuchi: Kelly really has a lot of information. It's fun because you can see a completely different world when you are with Kelly.
Kelly: I enjoyed the exhibition.
TakeuchiIt is an exhibition of accessories. I am not interested in fashion and so far,シャツとか、美容室も半年に1I only go there.
Kelly: You are stretching your hair.
Kelly:うふふふ(Lol)。智香ちゃんは、ストイックで前向きだから凄く尊敬してます。たまに隣でトレーニングしている姿を見ると、本当に凄く追い込んでいて真面目だと思う(Lol)。自己管理もできていて、朝も早く起きて沢山寝て、トレーニング開始1I'm doing aerobic exercise on warming up from before time.
Takeuchi:30分走って、ストレッチや体幹周りをやって、2時間トレーナーさんと鍛えて、その後にダウンで走ったり自転車に乗ってストレッチしてまた1I will spare time.
Kelly: How about meals in the morning?
Takeuchi:朝は、スムージーなどを飲むくらいかな。今朝は、昨日のお肉が残っててね(Lol). When I am hungry, I eat power bar and jelly. I'd like to try Kelly's food.
Kelly: Not yet. I like cooking and studying, so I will make it next time.
Takeuchi: Always keeps Kelly doing various things.
Takeuchi:Thank you. As the Olympic gets closer, the coverage will also increase, so I have to prepare clothes, but I will not go shopping, so I correspond with jeans with contractors like under armor.
Kelly: Under armor is fairly fashionable and functional, so it is good as you can usually wear it.
<vol.3. >
■ Profile
Origin Asahikawa, Hokkaido
Alumni Clark Memorial International High School
所属 広島ガス I participated in the 4th Olympics as the girls snowboard alpine guru.
2006-2007Winning the All-Japan Championship for the season. 2006 Winter Turin Olympics 9th. The 2008-2009 season World Cup ranked third. 2010 Winter Vancouver Olympics 13th. 2014 Winter Sochi Olympics second place.
Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. As a model of healthy brightness charm, he is active in numerous fashion magazines, fashion shows, advertisements, TV, etc. in addition to the regular model of female fashion magazines "CLASSY.", "BAILA". Also familiarized with super food, raw food and yoga, its healthy lifestyle has received high support from many women.
取材協力/株式会社ドーム Ten karat plume
Interview photograph / Hidemi Sakuma