I will be number one at the athletic meet! "Mizuno" "elementary school classroom" for elementary school students "
Mizuno Corporation (President & CEO: Akito Mizuno) holds "Kakkoko classroom" for elementary school students throughout the country to become quicker. In the classroom held at Esport Mizuno (Mizuno Tokyo) in August 2017, the "victory law" was instructed for children to run faster before the athletic meet.

Kosugi: Huh, get together. I will start with the preparation campaign.
If you run suddenly and get hurt, you will not be in time for the athletic meet. Let's unravel the whole body in order not to do so.
Kosugi: I will make a posture to run. Stretch up with tiptoe.
Kosugi: Everyone, what do you do with your arms when you run?
Kosugi: Shake it. Let's walk straight ahead while walking and walk with more shaking arm.
First I swung my arm in a stopped state, and as I got used to it, I was walking while confirming the movement of my arm.
Kosugi: The place of the body important for doing arm swing is called the shoulder blades. Softening this place makes arm swing easier. While conscious of the shoulder, I walk a lot while turning my hands a lot.
When I started walking while turning one hand forward and turning the other hand behind, the children fought hard. It was improved by slowly turning without panic.
Dash while quickly swinging the arm back and forth.

When you swing your arms at a constant speed, the tempo sounds good, so you can master the arm swing while nourishing your sense of rhythm.
For details, click here.
Kosugi: I will move the hip joint. I will turn it while conscious of the part of the base of the foot.
Children walking while turning their legs, trying hard to keep the supporting legs from falling and falling.
Skip to soften the hip joint. Let's be conscious of "① high ② before".
Practice to straighten the posture, raise the thigh while supporting the supporting leg straight. Like arm swing, if thigh raising becomes speedier, feet will get faster.
Kosugi: At the end, we will practice start.
1, First of all, be careful.
2, When saying "About location", open your legs and bend your knees slightly.
3, If you are saying "Yoi!" In the state as it is, lower one's leg to defeat the body forward.
4, When the tone sounds, let's start and run.
I practiced start-dash, "Kakkoko classroom" closed the curtain.
If you repeat today's practice with your father mothers, your foot will be faster and faster! Let's run first, aim at the athletic meet!
To run fast, it is also very important to know your foot. Children were receiving advice, such as point of selecting shoes, based on the results of foot measurements.