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"Rakuten Cafe Shibuya FC Barcelona Floor" Open! Impulse to the alleged play played by Messi!

On August 21, 2017, the participants of the opening event of "Rakuten Cafe Shibuya FC Barcelona Floor" watched the opening game of FC Barcelona with special guests Mr. Go Kitazawa and Mr. Ichiro Ozawa. I was intoxicated by the play of Attendees asked two guests some racy questions about Barcelona this season.

Icon aff20898 d2d2 431d 8b05 0f3c5e5ae91bHidemi Sakuma | 2017/08/22
楽天株式会社(本社:東京都世田谷区、代表取締役会長兼社長:三木谷浩史)とFCバルセロナは、「メイングローバルパートナー及びオフィシャルイノベーション&エンターテイメントパートナー」契約を結び、2017年8月19日、渋谷駅近くに『楽天カフェ渋谷 FCバルセロナフロア』をオープンした。

And at the opening event held on August 21, about 50 participants gathered, invited Mr. Kitazawa of Japan national football team nominee and Mr. Izuo Ozawa of football journalist to special guests, and the opening game of La Liga española " FC Barcelona vsReal Betis "was watched.

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Mr. Kitazawa and Mr. Ozawa seriously looking forward while the game is going on at Barcelona pace. The venue was full of enthusiasm. Especially the excitement is the scene of the first point (first half 36 minutes).

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Kitazawa:?拍手が出ないんですかね(Lol)What? Barça, this season's opening goal!  

Venue: Crackle clap (applause). 

Ozawa: How is the flow to the goal? 

Kitazawa:イイですよね。ワンツーで入っていくということですから。これはやっぱり、メッシも人を使っていくという。途中までは、自分で(ドリブルで)I think I went there.  
Then, "Messi got to the goal by touching the ball?", "The opponent's suicide point?" Moyamoya feel stronger.

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OzawaHow is it? As an official record,  


Kitazawa: I think that this is touching.  

だってさ、あの(ボールの)軌道だけで入る?(メッシは、)I think I have a touch of it. How?  

After the game, I heard Messi, "I touched!" I think.  

Official record is Own goal of opponent DF player. After that Barcelona raised additional points and closed the curtain with a 2-0 victory.

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After the game, question corner to Mr. Kitazawa and Mr. Ozawa.


Kitazawa:(1点目)あれが入ったから何となく有耶無耶でスッキリしちゃった感じがあるけど、そういうのって解決していかないとこの先にも出るっていうことですよね。ニアに入った時に、(中で)Is not that people are missing?  

A: I wonder if someone has gone in front of me if there is only one person, or two or three steps behind me entering.

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Kitazawa: I wonder if the number of points does not increase unless it pushes up as a whole.  


会場:ふふふ(笑) 。  


会場:はははは(笑) 。  

Kitazawa: That's because you can cover with people. When there are no people, can not it be properly arranged?

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Questioner B: In the scene of the first point, there was a place where Messi had touched whether it was an own goal or not, but what kind of reaction did you do when Kitazawa san was in the active age scene? .

Kitazawa: If I am, I'm going to tell the referee. "I am touching!"
会場:あははは(笑) 。  

Kitazawa: Fashionable! Messi does not appeal. Was not it quite cool? Calmly, I touched it or nothing. How is it? Do you think you touched it?  

B: It looked like it was touched. 

会場:あははは(笑) 。

Kitazawa:世界中で、こんな話をされてるんだと思いますけどね(Lol)放送でも、(スパイクの)It was a story that it hit a point. I wonder if I think about the orbit.

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Ozawa: Surely, it was okay to appeal.

Kitazawa: I do not do it. I wonder if she can afford it, after all.  

Ozawa: If you are an ordinary player, you will be delighted when you take it. Certainly that scene.


Ozawa:確かに、(バルセロナ現監督)バルベルデは、そこはかなり意識されていると思います。(前監督の)Lewis Enrique relies on the counter for abbreviation of the middle stage MSN頼りにしていた去年のチャンピオンズリーグのように、カウンターでは分が悪いというのを(バルベルデは)Do you know?

シーズン選手として過ごして、クライフのサッカーを経験しているので、そこは絶対に外してなくてやっているとは思います。(選手時代に、)I also have a lot of points with wings.

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KitazawaIf there is a thing, it will be big.
Ozawa:I agree. He himself is a Basque citizen, but more than a man who played in Barca and touched balsa's philosophy coached himself, Louis Enrique is also so, well there are colors different from him, the origin return is conscious I think that I am doing.  



Ozawa:そんなことないです(Lol). As I am working on Luis Enrique's translation book, I am evaluating as a director.  

Kitazawa: Which balsa do you like at the time you play?  

Ozawa: Because I think that Barça's football is rather Cliff, Hepp, rather than Valverde, of course I have a lot of expectation from Mr. Chubi.  


Ozawa: In a recent interview, Mr. Chavi says what Barça is losing now, it is in the middle stage. After all, doing a speedy football with an aggressive front of the front line, even if it makes a refund of that counter it can never win.

Even if I did the same thing with other European powerhouse, I was saying that it would be better to go back to the ball with the initiative anyway and go back to the ball and push it in anyway and collect it at a high position So I wonder if he will regain Barça.

バルベルデは開幕戦で結果を出したので、ちょっと期待感を持てますよね。  ()

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オシャレで楽しめる 『楽天カフェ渋谷 FCバルセロナフロア』に集まって、熱い想いを共有しよう!

Rakuten Cafe Shibuya FC Barcelona Floor

Rakuten Corporation