Shiji Kagawa returned to triumph! Talk about next year's resolutions at PUMA organized event

2年ぶりの来日が話題となったボルシア・ドルトムント。試合翌日の16日には、公式サプライヤーであるPUMA社主催による『PUMA presents Borussia Dortmund Fan Meeting』に日本代表MF香川真司やペーター・ボス監督ら5名が出席し、DFBポカール優勝報告や集まったファンとの交流を深めました。

Icon 16442758 1382702521799890 1774501613 oMr. Nishimura | 2017/07/20

PUMA presents Borussia Dortmund Fan Meeting sponsored by PUMA, which was held the day after the game, has extended the contract with the club until 2020, and Kagawa Shinji, who is in the sixth season with a crowning appearance with a team mate with a brilliant expression.

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5年ぶりに獲得したDFBポカールの優勝トロフィーをお披露目し、抽選で当選した100名以上のファンと報道陣を涌かせました。  ここでは、このイベントで行われたトークショーの様子を紹介します。

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.As soon as possible, can you give us the impression of winning the DFB Pokal?

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Roman Weidenfeller(Weiden Feller): I am very pleased that we have won the championship.

Marc Bartola(Hereafter, Bartola): Last season was very strict, but it was truly special. I really appreciate you for supporting the supporters.

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Shinji Kagawa(Kagawa): I was really pleased with this trophy. Last season was a hard season as both a team and an individual, so finally I won the championship in such a form, I guess there was more pleasure than when we were able to win two consecutive victories.

Marcel Schmelzer(Schmelzer): It was a difficult season anyhow. There were a lot of problems. There was a problem not only on the pitch but also in various places.

But in the end we could win this (DFB Pokhar) and we could have a trophy. I believe it was a reward for what we have been working on.

- Thank you very much. This is the second question. What do you think is necessary for playing in Dortmund as a professional player?

Weiden Ferrer: Well, if you mean that you want to be a professional and want to play together, I think that you have to "work hard, to work hard". Is not it that "If you train, the road opens?" Anyway it is to work hard.

Schmelzer: I am a similar idea. Like Weiden Feller, we have been working hard since we were a child, and we have worked hard.

You probably have to concentrate on soccer while other kids of the same age do something different at that time. That's why I spent that time. By taking that step, I am able to be active as a professional in this way.

We have heard that our club will develop football school in Japan, so I want kids in Japan to become stronger and stronger. Yesterday I was able to compete with the Japanese team (Urawa Reds), but what I felt there is that Japan football has steadily advanced one step, two steps, three steps.

Many players in Japan including Kagawa here are succeeding in Germany, so please join us for training as well.

Kagawa: Yes, of course it is a premise to train and I will continue doing it. That is very important.

Yesterday, Dortmund and Reds fought very well, but since I have quite a few chances to fight the European team and the world team, I can imagine how big it is to be able to tackle with big dreams from how small it is since I was small It is important.

Asia and Europe are separate from me, and if I can keep having a big dream of being "active in the world", I realize that I can open the path without fail.

Bartola: Motivation really has to be overflowing. Also, how much training can you have from young age? Anyway, it is important to continue efforts and stringent training.

After the talk show, a session to experience Japanese traditional culture was set up, players experienced kick balls and ema.
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※ The clothes of Dortmund color specification were changed and the cheers came out frequently from inside the scene to enjoy the kick ball.

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※ Kagawa will write emigration for the next season to the ema. Attention has gathered what kind of writing can be seen. 

Kagawa wrote in an ema, "I want to take a title under the new manager and everyone again", a strong message prompting the fans to win the first league championship in six years, sooner or later oath swearing towards the fans did. I will introduce the contents of the ema of each player concerned.

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Weiden Ferrer: Gesundheit (meaning "health" in German)

SchmelzerBartola:All the best(英語で「成功を願って」の意)  

About 2 hours event Lastly, memorial photographs were taken with the supporters gathered, and the club and the players got a glimpse of the attitude that clubs and players take care of interaction with fans.

I was delighted to express my gratitude to the supporters who carefully responded to each of the numerous fans asking for Selphy with a smile, tearing up a crying baby with a smile, shaking hands with hands and smart hands.


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Schmelzer and Bartola who will smile a child with a smile.

* Weiden Feller who handles with a handshake. The fans who could shake hands seemed to be very deeply impressed.

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Finally, a memorial photograph with the supporter is realized. The fans will also be looking forward to the triumphant visit again.

   『PUMA Presents Borussia Dortmund Fan Meeting』
Schedule: July 16, 2017 (Sun)

Cooperation in coverage
PUMA Japan
■取材・文/西村 真
■Photos/PUMA Japan, Nishimura