Yuchano Nagatomo, Ken Wakata co-developed! A new training tool that trains essential trunk and posture for athletes is born.
クリスティアーノ・ロナウドが着用しているCMでも知られるSIXPADを開発・販売する株式会社MTGは新たに新製品「TAIKAN STREAM」、「Style BX」をそれぞれ発表した。 今商品はアスリートと共同して開発されている。今回は開発に携わったゴルフの片山晋呉選手、サッカーの長友佑都選手も新製品発表会に出席し、トークセッションが行われた。

"TAIKAN STREAM" is a product jointly developed with Kata Katayama and Yukuno Nagatomo, with water in a cylindrical container with a handle, making full use of the irregular movement caused by moving it It is a train trainer.

Katayama: (TAIKAN STREAM) I think I can do training that I have not tasted before. For example, it is quite easy to have an object of 3 kg. But even with the same weight, not only the muscles of the hand but also the head and whole body responds only by shaking it. I think that the point that "(inside water)" moves "is the point.
Nagatsu: Train has been doing a lot of training so far, actually there was something with sand and weight inside it, but water is the first time, as it moves, (body) The core part is stimulated, and if the brain and nerves are not concentrated, the body will be carried away. But since this can adjust the amount of water, I think that you can train people in a wide range of age groups.

Nagatsu:中が動かないと正直そこまで体幹は刺激されないですよね。でもTAIKAN STREAMの場合は水が中で動くので、片足で立つのも難しいくらい体幹が刺激されてバランスを取るのがより難しくなってきます。

Katayama: In this case you have to take the axis. Rotation is important because in me in case of golf, rotation is important, but the inside moves, it is not easy to be able to train the axis and trunk at the same time.

Nagatomo players who were asked for naming about this training method. I named TAIKAN STREAM "Bambino" (meaning a boy in Italian) from "Where it gets broken unless it treats it gently and delicately like a child and treats it."
Then, as ahead of the wedding reception with Mr. Arahira four days after the new product launch, there was also a remark that there were 11 children for the interview held by the two persons, and one screen where laughter will also take place from the venue there were.

After the talk session, before the photo session for the media, a flower gift was given as a surprise of wedding celebration to Nagatomo.
Finally, the two talked about their enthusiasm for future games.
Katayama: "Golf is a full-fledged season in the future and I got goods so I'd like to bring this to a destination hotel etc. to train the body, train the train, I would like to go to the game."
"TAIKAN STREAM": scheduled for the end of August 2017
"Style BX": scheduled for late October 2017
For inquiries: MTG Corporation http://www.mtg.gr.jp/
Katayama: (TAIKAN STREAM) I think I can do training that I have not tasted before. For example, it is quite easy to have an object of 3 kg. But even with the same weight, not only the muscles of the hand but also the head and whole body responds only by shaking it. I think that the point that "(inside water)" moves "is the point.
Nagatsu: Train has been doing a lot of training so far, actually there was something with sand and weight inside it, but water is the first time, as it moves, (body) The core part is stimulated, and if the brain and nerves are not concentrated, the body will be carried away. But since this can adjust the amount of water, I think that you can train people in a wide range of age groups.
Nagatsu:中が動かないと正直そこまで体幹は刺激されないですよね。でもTAIKAN STREAMの場合は水が中で動くので、片足で立つのも難しいくらい体幹が刺激されてバランスを取るのがより難しくなってきます。
Katayama: In this case you have to take the axis. Rotation is important because in me in case of golf, rotation is important, but the inside moves, it is not easy to be able to train the axis and trunk at the same time.
Nagatomo players who were asked for naming about this training method. I named TAIKAN STREAM "Bambino" (meaning a boy in Italian) from "Where it gets broken unless it treats it gently and delicately like a child and treats it."
Then, as ahead of the wedding reception with Mr. Arahira four days after the new product launch, there was also a remark that there were 11 children for the interview held by the two persons, and one screen where laughter will also take place from the venue there were.
After the talk session, before the photo session for the media, a flower gift was given as a surprise of wedding celebration to Nagatomo.
Finally, the two talked about their enthusiasm for future games.
Katayama: "Golf is a full-fledged season in the future and I got goods so I'd like to bring this to a destination hotel etc. to train the body, train the train, I would like to go to the game."
"TAIKAN STREAM": scheduled for the end of August 2017
"Style BX": scheduled for late October 2017
For inquiries: MTG Corporation http://www.mtg.gr.jp/