• 「リングを降りて、カエルを追う」――金メダリスト“入江聖奈”が見つけた新たな探求
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  • 今季中に記録達成なるか?田中将大、浅村栄斗、坂本勇人…大記録が迫る現役選手たちの奮闘に注目!
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  • 「新たな自分の道を作っていく」“清水希容”がアジア大会で培った財産と引退後に求める理想とは
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Pickup Columns

Editorial Recommended Series
Group 36  1



Group 30

[Fighting Goddess] Strength and Beauty — Female Athletes Shining This Season

We weave the passion and trajectory of notable female athletes! Their passion for the sport and the background to it, the skills they have developed throughout their careers, and the goals they have set. We delve into the deep stories that are unique to women and weave moving moments. Please look forward to those heart-shaking moments.

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Love(0) wants to tell you a hot story about tennis

Now, there is something about tennis that I want to talk about. A tennis nerd talks about all sorts of things about "tennis," which becomes more interesting the more you know about it. With the motto of "tennis x fashion," Nana Takahashi, who usually enjoys hitting tennis against a wall, talks about matches, players, gear, and more from her own perspective in this passionate series with her overflowing love of tennis! Before you know it, you'll be obsessed with tennis!

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