
Hoshiko sea glove navi Vol.1 "GK glove has not evolved since 30 years ago!"

Which glove is easiest to use? In order to solve the question that anyone has in GK, the King Gear editorial group collected every glove. Judge is from Otsu High School in Kingdom of GK and Kumamoto, 22 years old young man and Aiko Hoshi who aim for professional in Italy. As a result of having each manufacturer's glove set, it will be a surprise ending.

Icon kanekoGold Daren | 2016/12/20
It was a cold day. The men who wanted to eat something to warm up jumped without hesitation when I found a small oden in the middle of a shopping street headed for the station.

Daikon, cancer, eggs, potatoes. And of course, draft beer.

The men who moistened their throats for the moment, the men who took the oden of Atsu, took out the items that were in the sports bags and arranged themselves on the table.


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It was a glove to catch a moving ball.

- Well, the body is also wrapped up, Shall we start a globe competition party? Hoshi Seishi who became a tester was 22 years old from Otsu High School in Kumamoto Prefecture. Up to this point, I was aiming for professional in Italy, but now I am looking for a team to belong in Japan. Today, I would like to talk about K - gear 's founder, K - Gee, who was doing GK for a long time and about the Voyageur keeper glove.

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Stars: To be honest, I thought that it would not change much from nowhere, but it was a big mistake. It was completely different.

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――今回使ってもらったのは、ザラーの『カスタム・シェル』、ウールシュポルトの『エルゴノミック・スーパーソフト』、プーマの『エヴォパワー・グリップ1・3 RC』、ナイキの『ヴェイパー・グリップ3』と『ヴェイパー・ジェット3・0』、ロイッシュの『リバルスプロG2ネガティブカット』、アディダスの『エース・トランス・プロ』の7対でした。  




- Well then, shall we ask for an impression? First of all, from "custom shell" of "saller (Zara)".

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発起K:ビーレフェルト! おお、尾崎加寿夫さんがいたチームだ。あと、鈴木良平さんも。  

- Hoshiko, please give me an impression.

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- What is it like?

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発起K: It is not easy for Japanese people, is it human in such hands?

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- Next, please write "Ergonomic Super Soft" by Wool Sport.

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--Huh? Why also that.

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- In other words, other than grips, are you dissatisfied?

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発起K: May I have a little trouble? Oh, really. But, I feel like GK Grove was like this from a long time ago. Wait a moment, as football spikes are evolving rapidly, GK gloves are not changing almost 30 years ago?

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発起K: There is only one-quarter, the percentage is minority which is less than 10%, hey, hey keeper. The size of the pie is limited, and even if it is from the manufacturer, it may not be where you can put so much energy. As a former GK I am very sad.

(Continue to Vol.2)

* Impressions are personal impressions.

Drawing materials from the third higher school of Harbin/Fasho University
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