
Chihiro Honda's "From Training Center" vol.2 "world champion of late bloom" Adidas "Patyuk 11 core" that supported Phillip · Larm

As a graduate of Kanekojuku, now a sportswriter based in Germany based Chihiro Honda's slightly upbeat new project. What kind of music will Bundesliga's stars raise their feelings, what kind of cars are caring for traveling time, and what kind of spikes are they fighting? We will inform you of the direct report from the training center.

Icon img honda600Honda Chihiro | 2016/12/06



In a car going to the practice area, classical music may be flowing. For, Lam has friendship with Cello 's world - renowned Daniel Muller - Shot. Muller = shot, also a football fan, is, of course, a fan of Lam.

Ram has already retired from Germany. The last competition is the Brazil World Cup of 2014. In the rugged journey to win Argentina and win the race, Adidas 'Patty 11 Core' was supported.


Lam sees the end of the career itself this season. What would you choose for "the late blooping world champion" to retire "last spike"?