Weekly 202406 1 korematsu 0607

This is the time when curiosity is heightened! Be proactive in gathering information

This week will stimulate your intellectual curiosity and bring you many new learning opportunities. Chances of encounters and everyday conversations will be the key to bringing you great realizations. Don't be afraid of change, cherish the time for introspection, and take on new challenges.

Icon icon korematsu 0617Astrological Research Institute IMA | 2024/06/07

Check your fortune this week!

Overall Fortune

This week will be a time when your intellectual curiosity will be greatly stimulated. You will have many opportunities to learn new things. For example, you may find an interesting book at the library or a fascinating course online. Through learning, you will be able to broaden your horizons and become aware of new possibilities.
Also, conversations with people you meet by chance in your daily life may bring about new realizations. A casual conversation can turn into a life-changing encounter, so try to be proactive in communicating with people.

At the beginning of the week, try to take the time to reflect. Face yourself and make time to think deeply about your future life. Meditating or writing in a diary will help you listen to your inner voice. It's also a good idea to trust your momentum and intuition and take on a new challenge.

There may be some trials in your relationships this weekend. Differences in values may lead to disagreements. At such times, it is important to try to think from the other person's point of view. If you respect each other's feelings, you should be able to deepen your understanding. Sometimes, asking a third party for their opinion may be a good way to go about it.

Career luck

At work, communication with colleagues will be key this week. Working together as a team will help you overcome difficult challenges. By sharing ideas and information, you may discover something new. For example, if you work in marketing, discussing consumer trends with your team may help you come up with a new strategy. For others, exchanging opinions with colleagues about future directions will help you come up with ideas to provide better products to consumers.

In the middle of the week, the stars will be aligned so that communication will be a little difficult. Therefore, you may face some difficult problems, but you can avoid big problems by sharing information with those around you. If we all pool our wisdom, we will surely find a way. Change can be unsettling, but it is also an opportunity for you to grow. Believe in your abilities and take on new challenges.

On June 8th and 9th, things may not go as planned. You may not get the results you expected, or your boss may not give you the evaluation you want. But there's no need to get depressed. There's a lot you can learn from failure. Look forward and try again.

Overall, this week it will be important to work together with your colleagues to tackle work-related issues. Don't try to handle everything on your own, but get help from those around you and move forward step by step.

Economic fortune

In terms of money, this week will be a good week for you to increase your knowledge and improve your financial luck. It might be a good idea to read books on finances or attend seminars on asset management. By taking in new information, you will be able to see how to deal with money in a better way.

June 8th is a day when you need to be careful of impulse buying. You may find yourself buying things you don't need when you find a sale item, or you may end up spending more than you budget when dining out with friends. It would be wise to reconsider how you spend your money and limit unnecessary spending.

We also recommend trying to find ways to save money in your daily life. To keep your electricity bills down, why not start by turning off the lights more frequently? It might also be a good idea to cut down on eating out and get into the habit of cooking at home. Small savings like these can add up to big savings.
Overall, this week will be a great time to increase your financial luck by increasing your knowledge and managing your finances in a planned manner. Be careful not to waste money and use it wisely for the future.

Illustration by Korematsu Emu