
Spike · Wars / Episode VI · Kangaroo's counterattack ② "I want to make it to Sawai of our place!"

"Spike · Wars" where Tokyo guerdy's Nagai Hideki play "Compare Spikes". This time from among natural leather, only compare kangaroo leather spikes and compare. What does Master Nagai give to Athleta's "O-Rei Futebol A001"?

Icon kanekoGold Daren | 2016/10/06
Spike · Wars / episode Ⅵ · kangaroo's counterattack ① here

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──ではまず、一足目に参りましょうか。ヴェルディのユニフォーム・サプライヤーでもあるアスレタが満を持して発売したスパイク、O-Rei Futebol A001です。ブラジルが生んだ伝説の英雄ペレのニックネームにちなんだモデル名となっております。O-Rei。つまりはThe King。  

Master Nagai"Oh, that's the meaning, there is learning (laugh)"


Master Nagai"But it certainly looks like the people of the athletes said," This spike is made by imagining Pele. "Well, if you say the symbol of the good old Brazil, after all it is Pele." 


Master Nagai「なんてことを!(笑) いや、プロにはいろいろあるんです。俺だってずっとプーマだったけど、ほんの一時期アディダスを履いてたことはあるし。あのディエゴ・マラドーナ様でさえ、そうだったんだから」  

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Master Nagai「嫌いじゃないね。なんかさ、1周回ってこうなりましたって感じで。やれカラースパイクが出てきました。みんながみんな派手なスパイク履くようになりました。でもやっぱり黒ってカッコよくね?‥‥みたいな流れの先頭を走ってる感じ」  


Master Nagai"Ah, well, but I do not see much of those players doing that kind of thing at all, so that's why such a black spike is fresh for young players, is not it?"
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Master Nagai"I heard that the Asics OB is more involved in development, but they are similar in appearance.It is similar in appearance, like the feel of the upper or the impression when putting in the foot.It is very delicate and what it means to itchy place It feels like it arrives, it's a spike to use this expression (haha) "


Master Nagai"Right, that flow has been inherited exactly, but even if I say so, there are places where I feel that it is not yet knitted because it is a shallow manufacturer of spikes."

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Master Nagai「ソールからの突き上げが結構強い。それだけじゃなくて、ソール自体も硬いかなって気がするね。このあたりは、以前俺が絶賛したアシックスのスパイクとはだいぶ違う」  


Master Nagai"It looks nice if you wear it ... Well if you are a player who has bite-sized both acid and sweet, if you are a player who has accumulated many experiences, I think that everyone will suit you, but that might be better than Sawai's sister.

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Master Nagai"Well, there are places I'm not satisfied with yet, there are places I have to fix, but I suppose that there is not much appeal to compensate for it, there is no doubt that the line is good, there is also expectation that it might be a bigger god ... ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Well that's too good to be true (laugh) But, now and now in Sawai, I'm in the athleta, I'm a little dub in me, this is serious. "
Below the next issue)

Coverage for coverage / Tokyo Verdi 1969
Photo / Yuki Karute Co., Ltd.