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"Kelly" Living as a model by training the body vol.3 "I'd like to do active actions and acting as well"

By training the body, the body type changed and steadily stepped up as a model "Mr. Kelly" talked about body care, sleep, future goals etc.

Icon aff20898 d2d2 431d 8b05 0f3c5e5ae91bHidemi Sakuma | 2017/09/29

- How are you caring for your body?

Kelly: Training also places a considerable burden on the lower body. In order not to leave tiredness, I will do stretching using my pole and massaging my feet. When I am too tired and painful, I am receiving lymphatic massage and body care at the dome athlete house.

他に、氷で冷やしたり、水風呂に入りますね。トレーニング中に首が動かなくなったり足を捻挫をした時は、接骨院にも行って治療をして、シップを貼ったこともあります。痛みが続いて、2Sometimes I could not train nearly a month.

- What kind of training do you do when fatigue is accumulating?

Kelly:本当にきつい時は、身体を回復させたいので休みますね。バイクなどで、30There are times when you do light quantitative aerobic exercise.

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- Have you entered oxygen capsules?

Kelly: Last year, I used a lot of fatigue so I used it. I think that you can recover effectively.

- Secure sleeping time
Do you have it?

Kelly:去年は睡眠時間が少なかったので、今年は変えて0時前に寝るようにしています。夕方に食事を終えて、お風呂に入ってゆっくりしながら身体を休めます。21:30I am preparing to sleep from about the time. Even if I can not sleep, I darken the room and turn off the sounds, and mobile phones are also erasing. Then you can get up in a refreshing and refreshing morning.

- Is there anyone who was influenced by Mr. Kelly?

Kelly:大好きな海外のモデルさんとなりますね。皆さん鍛えていますし、モチベーションを上げるための目標とする健康的な身体を見せてくれるので、私にとって良い刺激になっています。モデル以外ですと、女子200m It is Phillips of America representative. She is a terrible muscle and I think his feet are fast and cool.

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- What kind of time is fun?

Kelly: You can feel that it is fun after training or attaining the goal, when you travel with a friend or travel with friends. I also went to Iceland and New Zealand this year and I plan to go to Brazil at the end of the year. I also like to go diving in Hawaii, Ishigakijima, Okinawa and I can not go this year, so next year I want to realize.

アンダーアーマーの撮影が決まると、2Severe training and dieting for shooting will begin from a month ago. You can work hard by doing your best at work, going on a trip with a reward and refreshing.

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- Could you tell me the encounter with under armor?

Kelly: My favorite model Giselle and badge advertisement wearing under armor is too cool and adore that I am going to contract last year. When the contract was decided, I was really moved with the manager.

Under armor is wonderful in image, it is really cool and it is used by people who are truly trained.
  契約後から最初の撮影までに、期間が1It was only a half and a half months, but my body shape changed as I continued desperately trying mainly on muscle training.

After I was absent from weekly, I had to recreate again and it was the cycle of shooting.


Kelly:お仕事では今の所ないですが、アクティブなアクションや演技もやってみたいですね。スパイ役に興味と自信があります(笑)。 In the future, I will continue to make new challenges while focusing on model work.  

平昌オリンピックに、友人の選手が出場すると思うので応援に行きたいですし、東京オリンピックも近づいてきていますから、沢山のスポーツにチャレンジをし観戦もしてみたいですね。  (Up)

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Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. As a model of healthy brightness charm, he is active in numerous fashion magazines, fashion shows, advertisements, TV, etc. in addition to the regular model of female fashion magazines "CLASSY.", "BAILA". Also familiarized with super food, raw food and yoga, its healthy lifestyle has received high support from many women.

My hobbies include workout, kickboxing, yoga, Brazilian jiu jitsu, diving, cooking, reading. From 2016, as an partner to educate and enlighten about under armor and women's sports and training, an advisory contract.

Blog   https://lineblog.me/kelly_official/
Twitter   https://twitter.com/kellymisawa

Coverage for coverage / Ten karat plume Co., Ltd. Dome
Interview photograph / Hidemi Sakuma