• 錦織圭、香港オープン準優勝!圧巻のプレーで2025年シーズンを鮮烈にスタート
    ATP250「香港テニスオープン2025」で錦織圭選手が今季の開幕戦を迎え、熱い戦いを繰り広げた。初戦から安定したプレーで勝ち進み、最終的に準優勝を果たした錦織。彼の正確なストロークや巧みなボレー、そして必死に球に喰らいつく姿勢に、画面越しの私も大盛り上がり。今年のお正月に「今年の錦織もすごいぞ!」と何度口にしたことか。錦織の粘り強いプレーに注目し、今大会を振り返る。※メイン画像:出典/Getty Images
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  • 潔と凛の連動がチームを覚醒させる!TVアニメ2期「ブルーロック VS.U-20 JAPAN」
    今アツいサッカー作品として、以前にも紹介した「ブルーロック」がある。世界一のストライカー=世界一のエゴイストを目指して、その育成計画「青い監獄(ブルーロック)」へと集まった高校生ストライカーたちの戦いを描く作品だ。そのTVアニメ2期となる「ブルーロック VS.U-20 JAPAN」が2024年秋から開始され、12月に最終回を迎えた。“W杯優勝”という途方もない目標を掲げ、日本に欠けた「ストライカー」を育てるためのプロジェクトは、どのように進んでいくのだろうか。※メイン画像:(C)金城宗幸・ノ村優介・講談社/「ブルーロック」製作委員会
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  • 【選手ヒストリー】不屈のマウンド!メジャーとNPBを駆け抜けた左腕ー和田毅(福岡ソフトバンクホークス)活躍の軌跡/2024年プロ野球引退選手
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【選手ヒストリー 】2024年プロ野球引退選手の活躍の軌跡





Group 25






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サッカー日本代表 最新メンバーリスト&名鑑

9月5日から始まったFIFAワールドカップアジア最終予選。負けられない熱い戦いに挑む、日本代表・SAMURAI BLUEメンバー(追加招集を含む)を紹介していく。

Group 24



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Group 23

Reaching people's hearts: Athletes competing with love

With the main theme of "Why do they continue to pour their passion into their sport?", we thoroughly interview athletes who are passionate about niche sports. Their heartwarming and profound stories will inspire all those who work hard every day, "today" and "tomorrow," as they strive to play inspiring games.

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Love(0) wants to tell you a hot story about tennis

Now, there is something about tennis that I want to talk about. A tennis nerd talks about all sorts of things about "tennis," which becomes more interesting the more you know about it. With the motto of "tennis x fashion," Nana Takahashi, who usually enjoys hitting tennis against a wall, talks about matches, players, gear, and more from her own perspective in this passionate series with her overflowing love of tennis! Before you know it, you'll be obsessed with tennis!

Group 26

[Fighting Goddess] Strength and Beauty — Female Athletes Shining This Season

We weave the passion and trajectory of notable female athletes! Their passion for the sport and the background to it, the skills they have developed throughout their careers, and the goals they have set. We delve into the deep stories that are unique to women and weave moving moments. Please look forward to those heart-shaking moments.

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Horoscope 2024 second half

Horoscope for the second half of 2024 brought to you by King Gear. Focus on your overall luck, as well as your career and financial luck, so that you can ride the wave of change in the remaining six months. We will deliver a wide range of information in a voluminous volume. Illustration by Korematsu Emu

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Weekly Horoscope from the Star Reading Institute

As a new week begins, how will the stars affect you this week? In this column, we will provide you with advice on how to spend a more fulfilling week by knowing the flow of fortune indicated by the stars. Illustration by Korematsu Emu

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Challengers chasing their dreams - Athletes' glorious moments

This book focuses on the moments of glory and suffering of top athletes, and chronicles their challenges. It delves deeply into the human drama of these athletes through the stories of their efforts, setbacks, and comebacks hidden behind their victories. Illustration by Korematsu Emu


Freestyler Enthusiasm Declaration!

On behalf of Japan, we will focus on the teams that compete in the world in freestyle competitions, and deliver their thoughts on competition and gear.

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Young samurai love gear to play abroad

We will focus on the gear of players playing overseas, the days of battle and the secret stories of challenges.

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ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 Athlete and artist special talk!

2020 Tokyo Olympics. How are athletes living now for the upcoming festival? Also, how do artists spend their days through entertainment in order to liven up the upcoming festival? Athletes and artists will have a dialogue and will tell a story of repetitive madness and enthusiasm for each shining moment. ..

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Message to tell in sports business

Through the sports business beyond the framework of corporate sponsorship, we will introduce messages and feelings that we would like to convey.

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The historical spike that the hero loved

Looking at the model that Diego Maradona and a rugged genius football player wore in active days, a glimpse of delicate insistence will be visible. I tried to actually verify the spike loved by the genius as much as possible.


Female athlete revolution

Japanese female athlete who strives hard training every day under a solid determination. Spin from the encounter with the competition, spin a story that has reached through a setback point and many turning points.

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Conditioning Laboratory

Training, protein, supplement, sleep etc. KING GEAR editorial department will introduce the way of making condition and importance by coverage from experts of various fields.

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European football traveler on the way - European football seen at the back of the match ~

KING GEAR editorial department will deliver raw voices that can only be obtained locally, such as stadiums, cheer songs, hidden history, thoughts, from the supporters who love the team, with interviews from the local region of Europe.

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Athlete · Inside Story

Focusing on the athletes who are expected in the next generation, we will introduce activities and initiatives on and off the pitch, and deliver new charm and expressiveness.

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I will introduce widely to popular brands and standard models as well as the topics of the shoes I want right now (soccer spike, running, bash, trekking, walking).

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Trend spot

We will introduce topics such as training places, restaurants, playgrounds, etc. that are attracting attention and innovation.

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Climbing laboratory

We will introduce the climbing event, climbing gear centering around Bouldering.

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Running Bible

I will introduce the patterns of "running interviews of gears, clinics, runners, artists" presented to all runners who love running.


Kazuyoshi Shimizu Legend Photo Stadium

From the 1970s to the present, sports photographer Ryo Kiyomizu, who has been chasing the stars in games around the world, has picked up hundreds of unpublished photos for "King Gear". Introducing nostalgic players, nostalgic spikes, and nostalgic uniforms.

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Second carrier talk session

Even a player who gives dreams to children, the day will come when you will retreat from the front line. About the "second career" who will walk from there, I will approach the former athlete who is active in the new way, how to live a famous person.

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We will deliver a hot feeling for sports focusing on businesses and businesses that are sponsoring sports on the theme "not only players are the main characters of sports".


Professor Youth and spiked talk session with the future Japanese players

Takato Ando, ​​who is called "Youth Professor", bought abundant knowledge of the Year's age, interviewed direct attention to the spikes of future Japanese players.


Tell the J3 Leaguer! Request! PGM (Professional Gear Monitor)

J3 Leaguar is launching a gear related to soccer such as spikes from information to videos on your own New King Gear project!

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The wording of the back which supports the top athlete

We will deliver gears and episodes of athletes who can know, speak only on the back side.


PICK UP GEAR ~ Apparel, Accessories Edition ~

We will introduce widely to the best apparel, accessories, popular brand classic models to improve performance.


Soliloquy of Founder K

We will deliver the King gear founder K's column. Extra edition "I am going to be a big striker from body fat 29.9% / Ike! Will be delivered from time to time.


Legend match report

As the former representative who contributed to the football world retired from active service, what kind of spikes are you wearing? In order to obtain the answer, we will deliver various legend match.



Spike Wars! Professional soccer players and blind soccer players will compare shoes from one end beyond the manufacturer's borders and deliver it with ratings and judges.


Wholesale of long distance runners · New Fujiwara

Which manufacturer and what model is the soccer spike that runs 10 kilometers and is the least tiring? Arata Fujiwara, a runner at the London Olympics, picks up a soccer spike and runs seriously to judge.


Artists featured in gear in the sports industry!

Despite other industries, we will deliver special features focusing on artists and celebrities who are contributing to the sports industry from various angles.

Manufacturer assault interview

King Gear Editorial Board got into the sports maker headquarters, thoroughly interviewed the current situation, future prospects, and unknown backstory!


Spike Concerto

Collect spiking data of all the players in the Champions League, Japan national battle, compile it, and deliver the column from various angles.

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Kingge birth birthday talk 【Kaneko Teruhito × Totsuka Kei】

Dialogue by KING GEAR Founder · Kaneko Tatsujin and Totsuka Hiroshi. Both are from the editorial department of the football journal "Football Digest". The topic ranged from the background of the media creation to the back story of the football industry.


GK glove navi

Which glove is easiest to use? In order to solve the question that anyone has in GK, the King Gear editorial group collected every glove. As a result of having each manufacturer's glove set, it will be a surprise ending.


Chihiro Honda's "From Training Center"

What kind of music will Bundesliga's stars raise their feelings, what kind of cars are caring for traveling time, and what kind of spikes are they fighting? We will inform you of the direct report from the training center.

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We will deliver "KING GEAR FC" practice scene, tournament participation information, and other activity reports!

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Gear to which the shop that sells the most spike in Japan "Futaba SOCCER WORLD" talks

Japan's largest! The world's largest? Boasting a sales floor area, the call of "shops that sell the most spike in Japan" is high, Futaba SOCCER WORLD. What kind of spike is evaluated by the charismatic clerk of a shop where many people go to buy from children to adults?


Event report!

We will report extensive coverage of sports, entertainment etc. from the unique perspective of Kinggear Editorial Department.


National high school soccer championship spike data!

What kind of spikes are wearing athletes who participated in the high school football championship? Check the feet of all team players and create their own rankings. Publish treasured data that can only be seen in King Gear, such as by manufacturer share, spike price, etc. at once.

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Sports x Lifestyle

We will feature specialists working on lifestyle in sports that are working on lifestyle sports.

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Spike data worn by rugby players

We investigated the spikes of all 55 teams that appeared in the National High School Rugby Games and identified the spikes of the main starters of each team. We classified all 825 legs finely and ranked.

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Catherine's "My First Spike"

What is the spike you wore for the first time? Interview with foreign players who play in Japan interview to hear about spike orchestra, differences between Japan and overseas. That is "My First Spike".