Ippei Ippei
Jリーグ、国内、外資系のスポーツメーカー勤務を経てライター・編集者・プロデューサーに転向。東洋経済オンライン、GOETHE、Number Web、AERA、VIVI、forbes Japan、アルペングループマガジン(ランニング、サッカー、野球)、六本木未来会議、LAWSON DO SPORTSにてスポーツ、エンタメ、クリエイターのコンテンツを企画・作成している。
Hiroshi Totsuka
Free since October 1998. He writes regularly in "Number" and serializes "Remembering interview notes" in "J League Soccer King". He wrote columns for Sponichi World Soccer Plus, Soccer Journal, and more. The international team of Japan's national team is covering 210 games in a row from March 2000 to February 2013 (except for the November 11 game against North Korea which had coverage restrictions). He also commented on soccer broadcasts on TV Saitama and J-SPORTS.
Gold Daren
Creator of KING GEAR. He is a Japanese sportswriter and nonfiction writer. In addition to working as a non-fiction writer, she also appeared in numerous media such as radio personality and commentary on soccer. From 2006 to 2010 Japan Car of the Year selection committee. The masterpiece "Half Time of 28 Years", "Best Battle of Battle Battle" is the best seller.
Principal Sato
Freelance writer born in Miyagi Prefecture in 1991. After graduating from high school, moved to Tokyo and worked as an employee at the Nikkei Shimbun for 4 years, before enrolling in a media vocational school as a sports writer. Experienced writing, editing and interviewing in various media in classes and internships and became independent at the age of 24. He is currently writing in many fields, such as sports, business, and lifestyle. Although there are many immature parts, I am working hard every day to become a writer who can give something to people through articles.
Takuto Ando
現在『NumberWeb』で『ユース教授のサッカージャーナル』を連載。2013年~2014年には人気ナンバーワンの雑誌『週刊少年ジャンプ』にて、『蹴ジャン(しゅうじゃん)!』を1年間連載。本も5冊を出版。代表作は2012年に出した『走り続ける才能達 彼らと僕のサッカー人生』(実業之日本社)。
Yuichi Nishihara
In October 2013, he opened the blog "nishi19 breaking news" and wrote analysis articles on Kawasaki Frontale, Nagoya Grampus, and the Japan national football team. Since 2016, he has been supporting the public relations activities of the Japan Sports Analysts Association, which pursues the possibilities of sports x technology.
Taisuke Segawa
「Beyond Sports」をテーマに、スポーツ・健康など幅広い分野で活動する社会派スポーツライター。ライブエンターテイメント業界で数多のプロジェクトに携わった経験を活かし、東洋経済・ITMedia・OCEANS・スポルティーバ・note等で執筆中。Yahoo!ニュース個人オーサー。HEROs公式スポーツライター。一般社団法人ファルカオフットボールクラブ(久喜市)代表。公式サイト
Junichi Swan
エンタメ関係のイベントプロデューサーなどを経て、ライターとしての活動を開始。実績としては、スポルティーバ・週刊プレイボーイ・現代ビジネス・デイリー新潮・ニュースクランチ・週刊エコノミスト・東洋経済オンライン・SPA!・AERAdot・THE ANSWERなど。
Shotaro Yamasaki
Retired from a major company just because he wanted to leave scratches in the sports industry, the current core business is sports IT engineer. A self-styled sportswriter who also works in the media beside it.
Yoshitaka Imoto
Mr. Nishimura
Writer / photographer. I am in charge of interpreter and translation (English). Strengths in digital marketing, sports business, social media operation, PR, content marketing.
Takafumi Kunitomi
Yoshinori Sawa
Living in Los Angeles, USA. writer/photographer. After working in the sports entertainment industry, he became a sportswriter, a dream he had longed for. Currently, he travels around the United States to cover major sports.
Sportswriter. Hosei Government - Hosei University belongs to the rugby club. U19 university will be elected as Uk Rugby Japan representative candidate. Currently contribute articles / columns to "Rugby Republic", "Jay Sports", "Number web", etc. 2015 Rugby World Cup Japan coverage of all four games in the field.
Satoshi Dairaku
Narrator, live commentary, ring announcer, radio personality, event MC. Debuted as a radio personality at the age of 22. At the age of 28, he was in charge of the live narration of a certain news program, and then went on to become a narrator. While I was in charge of sports commentary such as baseball and canoeing, I became interested in individual athletes and aspired to be a writer. We collect information to deliver the voice of the athlete's heart to the reader.
井上 尚子
Yuhei Sato
As a sports lover, he was involved in support work at sports sites under the supervision of a popular sports MC. In charge of sales for "Camera Girls" and managing the Fellow Club at Jiyugaoka TFS. SNS management. Active in activities such as “athlete x calligraphy” that jumps over existing frameworks and creates new “value” and “possibility”.
Sen big tree
Free writer. Born in 1991. Tokyo Metropolitan High School, Nihon University degree. Baseball, from kendo origin. Besides being involved with the sports industry since he was in college, he lives an active student life such as hit hike around Japan. He joined Link Sports Co., Ltd. from 2014, served as Editor in Sports Web Media · AZrena, covering a wide range of competitions. For more than a dozen games a year for private stadiums, we will cheer for the outfield and the back of the goal. A girls baseball game of recent interest.
高橋 愛
Astrological Research Institute IMA
Mimura Yusuke
A sports writer born in 1982. Since January 2009, he has traveled to Germany, living in Frankfurt and Dortmund, and covering European football. To move the base to Japan at the end of September 2016. Co-authored with Atsushi Uchida, "Simply silent."
Hidemi Sakuma
I want to deliver the splendor of sports. Enjoy sports, joy, and excitement through sports ︎ Covered alone by world champions, Olympic medalists, top athletes, and celebrities. Tie-up articles and photos are published on many sports media, economic media, official websites, and publishers. Writer of “World's No.1 Mental (Co-author: Yutaka Shiraishi / Yoshihide Muroya, Red Bull Air Race)”. Also engaged in sports business. J League Urawa Reds Youth 1st term. Ranked 3rd in soccer. Adidas soccer commercial with Shunsuke Nakamura and Del Piero. Walk around Lake Biwa for 1 lap (3 days). Bicycle 670km (2 days). Fatigue fractures and runner knees are leaving the sport.
Nana Takahashi
1996年1月28日生まれ、神奈川県出身。テニスの壁打ち「#ひとりテニス」を始めたところSNSで話題に。オシャレにテニスを楽しむがモットー。新しいテニスの楽しみ方、テニス経験者としてプレイヤー目線で発信。 #ひとりテニス #テニスタグラマー@nanagram_128
Koike Kikuchi
Towards a professional soccer player challenging 12 countries using summer holidays such as student days and office workers. Fulfilling a professional contract in Bolivia in the 13th country who challenged company for a year off. We negotiate with the local team by jumping and be good at the style of dojo dismemberment which receives tests.
X @mai_todo
Takahiro Shinozaki
テレビ、ラジオ番組構成を担当。『山本KID徳郁 HEART HIT RADIO』『FIGHTINGRADIO RIZIN!!』など格闘技の番組にも携わる。スポーツ、主に格闘技を中心に執筆、YouTube動画制作活動中。
Takuji Kimura
As a TV director, he is involved in the broadcasting of various competitions and writes as a reporter. Fluent in multiple languages, he has served as a broadcasting liaison for international competitions such as the Rugby World Cup, FIFA World Cup, and Asian Games. In addition, he is involved in a wide range of sports, such as providing physical training guidance to martial artists.
ライター / 2019年ラグビーワールドカップをきっかけに、ラグビー観戦を始める。国内リーグ・代表戦を中心に観戦。
Hidetaka Kobayashi
Hiroaki Konishi
マラドーナ(神)が現役の頃の西ドイツ製サッカースパイク収集にはまり、本(「神に愛された西独製サッカースパイク」・文芸社)まで書いてしまいました。キングギアでも自分の所有物を中心に、当時のスパイクについてご紹介させていただきます。スパイクブログ( )もぜひご覧ください。
宇山 賢
元フェンシング日本代表。1991年 香川県高松市生まれ。東京2020オリンピック男子エペ団体において日本フェンシング界初の金メダル獲得に貢献。競技引退後はフェンシングの普及活動、スポーツの価値向上やアスリートのキャリア支援など、スポーツ内外の課題解決に取り組む。趣味は楽器演奏(ギター、ドラム)。株式会社Es.relier(エスレリエール)取締役。スマートフェンシング協会理事。
Yumiko Tamaru
Photographer. University instructor. Representative of Japan Branch of the Liverpool Supporter 's Club. Activities started as a writer since 2017. Translation industry as well. While visiting Europe a couple of times per year, he continues to take pictures of the streets of Europe and football stadiums in England while watching the field mainly in Liverpool games. I also took a photo of the Chelsea fans' bride and groom wedding photo at the Stamford Bridge, home of Chelsea. Through exchanges with local fans, it is my greatest pleasure to touch European football culture.
Tomoyuki Suzuki
Sportswriter. Interviewing domestic and overseas with the theme of improving technologies, tactics, physical mental, focusing on nurturing age. Three books. Football edge presiding.
Honda Chihiro
Writer. Kaneko Juku graduate. Lives and works in Dusseldorf, Northwest Germany. Three years after being hired by Pep Bayern, he finally got coverage of the Bundesliga centering mainly on Japanese players. Currently, it is serializing "From Training Center" with the theme of "car × music × spike".