Artists talk about gear Dragon Ash's BOTS 1st "I longed for frit and wore a lot of spikes"

King of gear artists talk about the first gear of Dragon Ash's BOTS appearance.

Icon 16466945 810048175800857 1247399717 nKoike Kikuchi | 2016/06/22
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Kicked balls in various countries in trials and dojo crash in 16 countries worldwide.
I felt that the artists and the people kicked the ball in it.
There are surprisingly many people who are committed to things, including soccer goods such as spikes and shirts.
Is it a qualification as an entertainer?

In order to find out the answer, for many things such as spikes, cars and golf goods,
Listening to the story from a very sticky kick companion realized.

The first memorable artist is BOTS of that monster band Dragon Ash.
To the contents which can also be enjoyed by music fans such as commitment about gear as a musician
I'd like to ask you to read it.

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Kikuchi  この企画を聞いた時に、蹴り仲間の中でも特にサッカーギアへのこだわりがある
BOTS is the right person! As soon as I came to my head.

BOTS  確かにこだわりはあるほうだと思うよ。何でも聞いて。

Kikuchi  では早速!1番最初に履いたスパイクは何ですか?

BOTS I remember my parents bought me when I was in elementary school fifth grade.
It's Lambert's spike. It is Mizuno now.
I bought it at a soccer shop named New Mate.
Is it still there? Do not you know that?

Kikuchi  世代はあまり変わらないのに知らないです。すみません。

BOTS It was a famous shop at the time that was close to shoulder with B & D.
I think that Lambard's stitching was a spike like a purple new-mate original.
I thought "Purple Kakke!"
I started playing football from the fourth grade of elementary school, but at first I was wearing shoes "CORCHER".
"Do you know Kohcha?"

Kikuchi  またしても知らないです。
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BOTS  調べたらモンブランという会社が出してたシューズだったんだ。
I wonder if the small 5 wears a spike first. It was good at beginning with Treschu.

Kikuchi  中学と高校の時は何を履いてたのですか?こだわりはありましたか?
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BOTS  当時がイタリアW杯の時代だからディアドラが結構人気があったね。
In Dei Dra's spike "Walter Zenga Model" and "Fan Basten Model"
And "Raikart" model. Zenga is a keeper!
I heard that Zenga is green, Fan Basten is Orange, Raikaert is Yellow.
Senpai wearing Senga model and thinking "super cacchee!"
I was wearing Diegra's Senga model all the time in junior high school.

Kikuchi  ACミランも好きだったんですよね?
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BOTS  当時のミランは大好きだったね。ミランの流れでイタリアに憧れはあったよね。
Although Zenga was Intel. Both Fan Basten and Riqaert are Milan.
I think that Frit was wearing a lot of spikes. I longed for Frit and wore a lot of spikes ~.
It is from junior high school to put a point (replacement type) spike, everyone bought it all together.
Because it was useless when wearing it at elementary school.

Kikuchi  ポイントは雨の時とかぬかるんだグランドで履くもんですよね?

BOTS  いやそんなの関係無く、ただ「ポイントカッケェ!」と思って。
There was no meaning and I was wearing on the ground of ordinary soil.

KikuchiI will be taller by the point.

BOTS Yes Yes.
Also asphalt It is cool for the sound to sound like "katsun, katsun" when walking!
It sounds quite cool with the seniors as well.

Kikuchi  凄く共感できます!高校の時は何を履いてたんですか?
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BOTS When I was in high school, I became old-school or old-fashioned,
I was wearing Yasuda or Ramos model of ASICS.
At the time of high school anyway the back was sticking to the white sole 's spike.
Simple and old school guy is cool.
I also liked the stale old dare uniforms.
I was vertically lined with Aoyama Gakuin and Kanji by my choice, and I was told Buu Bou from my teammate.
It's stale and "cool, do not you!"

KikuchiWhen I am a high school student, I am astringent of nostalgism.

BOTS  自然とね。そして高校の時にナイキがスパイクを出しはじめたんだ。
Nike was an image of Bash, so I thought Nike and spikes "Are you going out!"
It was an image of high-tech sneakers and so on. But I am connected, but the popularity came out.

Kikuchi  大学時代はサッカーから1度離れたんですよね。
And I heard that he made a team called FC FELLOWS himself and resumed football.
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BOTS I have regrets now that I have been away from soccer once at university.
After all I became wanting to play soccer and when I was 26 years old I made a team with my colleagues and colleagues in my high school days.
Dragon Ash's vocal Kj (Yuki Yamatani) and Makoto Sakurai of drums and Atsushi of dancers were also enrolled at the beginning.

(Continued on Part 2)

 取材:菊池康平   写真:長田慶