• Hoshiko sea glove navi Vol. 3 "What is the ultimate glove" that is easier to use than the GK glove? "
    Which glove is easiest to use? In order to solve the question that anyone has in GK, the King Gear editorial group collected every glove. Judge is from Otsu High School in Kingdom of GK and Kumamoto, 22 years old young man and Aiko Hoshi who aim for professional in Italy. While giving the highest rating to Adidas' gloves, items of impact exceeding that are on display ....
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  • Hoshiko sea glove navi Vol.2 "Finally realized." Manufacturers' classic "PUMA vs. Adidas"
    Which glove is easiest to use? In order to solve the question that anyone has in GK, the King Gear editorial group collected every glove. Judge is from Otsu High School in Kingdom of GK and Kumamoto, 22 years old young man and Aiko Hoshi who aim for professional in Italy. The second round will deliver the long-established manufacturers · Leish, Puma and Adidas ratings.
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  • Hoshiko sea glove navi Vol.1 "GK glove has not evolved since 30 years ago!"
    Which glove is easiest to use? In order to solve the question that anyone has in GK, the King Gear editorial group collected every glove. Judge is from Otsu High School in Kingdom of GK and Kumamoto, 22 years old young man and Aiko Hoshi who aim for professional in Italy. As a result of having each manufacturer's glove set, it will be a surprise ending.
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GK glove navi

Which glove is easiest to use? In order to solve the question that anyone has in GK, the King Gear editorial group collected every glove. As a result of having each manufacturer's glove set, it will be a surprise ending.