

In the first half I talked about the state of the press conference that took place before the start of the opening. In the second part, about the feature of 3x3.EXE, please inquire in detail by Mr. Nobuaki Nakamura of the commissioner.

Icon 19441337 1436670123094269 1330815580 nSen big tree | 2017/07/01
3x3 PREMIER.EXEの1チームを構成する選手の人数は6人で、他の競技のプロスポーツチームと比べると規模が小さいことが1つ、特徴として挙げられるが、実はそれだけに留まらない。他にもリーグやチームの運営方法について様々な側面で変わった部分がある。そのことについて、3x3.EXEコミッショナーの中村考昭氏に話を伺った。  

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First of all, the average annual business scale of one team of 3x3 PREMIER.EXE is 500 to 6 million yen on average. For example, if the annual scale of the B league club was 5 to 600 million yen, it is one-tenth as simple calculation. In other words, looking at only the scale of the business, it is the same difficulty to create one team and make 100 teams.

Creating a smaller team means that the hurdle to maintain it is also lower, and it can be said that anyone is more likely to be an owner. I think that it is a major feature that we are able to minimize management risks and to be able to manage highly sustainable teams.

Since the league has a basic contract with the athletes, we pay all the remuneration from us as well. However, since I think that the evaluation of the success of the players is on a team-by-team basis, it is in the form of attaching it like a personnel evaluation and setting salaries accordingly.

Therefore, the team owner does not have the risk of paying the player's labor costs. As for the players, I think whether the salary will not be paid if the team's management condition worsens, but that is not it.

Besides the funds sponsored by the sponsor, there is another axis of revenue source as a league, which is also our biggest feature. It is that it separates the owner right to operate the team and the entertainment right to play the game.

Our game will be held in the form of invitation to space such as shopping center. It is the same image as doing a show by calling a hero show, a comedian, a music artist. But when you try to do a show you need to assemble the equipment, you need to call the MC separately, and it will be tough to spend money in various parts.

そこで代わりに我々が試合をしに行きます。ショーのように1日3回区切って行うのではなく、昼から夕方ごろまでずっと試合をやり、いつでも楽しめる状態になります。 なので、ショッピングセンターなどに試合を誘致していただくことがもう1つの大きなリーグの収益源になっています。

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我々はスポーツの産業革命を起こしたいと考えています。 今は一部のお金持ちがプロスポーツチームを持ち、博打に近い形でビックマネー獲得に向けて選手を目指す人がいて、それに大衆が憧れるという構図が今のプロスポーツの基本的な構造だと思います。

And building a big iconic stadium steadily, sponsorship fee will also rise.

But, for example, there was a time when cars could not get on by people. So when cheaper and affordable cars were released, their popularity accelerated at a stretch. Results Now it is becoming a world with one person, not one at a family.

The price of the car fell, but it did not become bad, and people's lives should be enriched by the generalization of cars. In the same way, if the professional sports team also downsized to industrialize and become popularized in general, it will become something everywhere, and the athletes will not get big money like earning a lifetime annual income in their twenties , I have the idea that I want to be able to continue everywhere like normal work.


For a team with a size of 5 million yen per year, for example, 50 co-owners will gather, it will be possible to have a professional sports team with 100,000 yen for one person. 3x3 has the potential to realize the exciting world view that everyone can have a professional team.

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There was also an announcement that the sports agency recently reduced "sports dislike". To that end, it is important that the content of sports falls closer to the general public, but at that point also 3x3.EXE's approach is different from professional sports so far I wonder if they have the possibility to draw.

3人制バスケットボール 3x3.EXE  オフィシャルHP 

Photo / Taisuke Segawa