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サッカー日本代表 最新メンバーリスト&名鑑
9月5日から始まったFIFAワールドカップアジア最終予選。負けられない熱い戦いに挑む、日本代表・SAMURAI BLUEメンバー(追加招集を含む)を紹介していく。
[Fighting Goddess] Strength and Beauty — Female Athletes Shining This Season
We weave the passion and trajectory of notable female athletes! Their passion for the sport and the background to it, the skills they have developed throughout their careers, and the goals they have set. We delve into the deep stories that are unique to women and weave moving moments. Please look forward to those heart-shaking moments.
Love(0) wants to tell you a hot story about tennis
Now, there is something about tennis that I want to talk about. A tennis nerd talks about all sorts of things about "tennis," which becomes more interesting the more you know about it. With the motto of "tennis x fashion," Nana Takahashi, who usually enjoys hitting tennis against a wall, talks about matches, players, gear, and more from her own perspective in this passionate series with her overflowing love of tennis! Before you know it, you'll be obsessed with tennis!
Reaching people's hearts: Athletes competing with love
With the main theme of "Why do they continue to pour their passion into their sport?", we thoroughly interview athletes who are passionate about niche sports. Their heartwarming and profound stories will inspire all those who work hard every day, "today" and "tomorrow," as they strive to play inspiring games.
Challengers chasing their dreams - Athletes' glorious moments
This book focuses on the moments of glory and suffering of top athletes, and chronicles their challenges. It delves deeply into the human drama of these athletes through the stories of their efforts, setbacks, and comebacks hidden behind their victories. Illustration by Korematsu Emu
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【独占インタビュー】50歳の“鉄人” 伊東輝悦(アスルクラロ沼津)が今も現役を続けられている理由
GLAY ・TAKUROも登場!ヤクルト・青木宣親が芸術的な流し打ちで21年の選手生活に別れ
ニューバランス 大谷翔平選手シグネチャーロゴをあしらったグラフィックショートスリーブTシャツのニューカラーが10月4日(金)登場