Special interview Tomoyori Miura (Yokohama FC) Part 2 "Reason why King Kazu wears commercially available Parameco"
The view of spike Miura Tomori told only Kinggia.
Hiroshi Totsuka
Kazu Miura Tomoyoshi says, "I am not particularly concerned about spikes." Still, as I progress the talk, his commitment emerges. Everyday life for Kaz is just as unique as Kazu, it is becoming a commitment.
"Do not stand out with spikes" Secrets in Brazil
Tomoyoshi Miura (hereinafter,Kazu) "Last year, this year, I often wear yellow.
There is also the intention of the manufacturer side, and I myself thought that a clear color was good.
In the past, it was natural that black was a matter of course. "
Kazu"About 30 years ago, when I was playing in Santos, I was wearing a spike mixed with green and yellow of" Yasuda. "Then get angry with the officials of the club" Stop it. " "If you play funny, he is only prominent in spikes, if you are not playing, you will be beaten by the media, you better not do something like that." Now, I wear a black x white spike There will be fewer players, even if they are wearing a fluorescent color, nothing is told, but there was such a time, too. "
Kazu "In Japan it has been fixed for a long time, it is fixed even if it rains.
Japan has a lot of hard grounds, so there are not many ten years I played at the point "
"Trust in Parametico" with no problem on the market
Are spikes bespoke?
Kazu "No, I have been wearing commercially available items.
Embroidery and so on are contained, but basically it is marketed.
── In practice and games, can you spare the spikes?
Kazu 「練習はまったく同じスパイクを、だいたい3足でまわしていますね。1シーズンでは6足ぐらいかな。僕は長く使っているほうだと思いますよ。試合では試合用として、ずっと同じものを使います。以前ベベットと話をしたら、『試合で履いて得点できなかったら、すぐに変える』って言っていましたけどね。知り合いにあげちゃうと」
── It is a distinctive commitment unique to FW.
Kazu 「ゲン担ぎをするFWはいますから」
Kazu "It has been gone recently.
I used to wear a spike that took points with a pon for a long time though. I guess FW has such a place. The story is slightly different, but when I was in my 20s I was wearing a 25 cm spike. Both running shoes and leather shoes are 26 cm or 26.5 cm, but only the spikes were wearing small ones. When I wear it first, it hurts a bit. "
カズ "Yeah, yeah, both Paramehiko and Sufida were wearing 25 cm and it was good that they gradually suffered from the skin, but when I wanted to wear Spida last year, I was hurting and could not wear it Because it's only then 25 centimeters away, I hate now even a bit, and my spike is wearing 26 or 26.5 centimeters. "
(Continued to the 3rd) キングギアスペシャルインタビュー 三浦知良
写真:清水和良 取材:戸塚 啓