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Final of the tour with "North Star" is a masterpiece of 5 years of solo activity

Ryota Fujimaki held the final performance of the national tour "Fujimaki Ryota Polestar Tour 2017" at Showa Women's University Memorial Auditorium on Saturday, November 18.

Icon segawa.taisuke1Taisuke Segawa | 2017/12/05
Although I also took a detour
I did detours though
The way to this far is making me now
go my way go my way   

Ryota Fujimaki, who has always been face to face with himself and has reflected his emotions on albums and tours, was "go my way" that he chose as the opening song for this tour.

Actually, this "go my way", last year's "Fujimaki Ryota TOUR 2016 - Spring Festival ~", the song was decorating the last of the set list.

It seemed to represent that I was confident deepening and reached the tour this time while drawing the flow from the previous album around this time I dare select it for the first track.

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Next, from the new album "Wave", the popular song "Reminiumen" era popular song "South Wind" and catchy pop love songs, fans of the fans who came to the venue seize the heart and again to the "paper airplane" chosen from the new album And so on.


Paper flight machine
Flying and flying
A hometown city
It looks small  

Is everyone fine?

I changed.
Rumble on the chest

Before that

I felt I saw his intense intention in the appearance of Fujimaki Ryota singing while looking at one point with a strong eyes.
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After that, when the live rushes from the middle stage to the final stage, the unity of the band finally arrives at the climax.

Horn section is added, "Have a nice day" "day sunny day"Yurase" "If it can become a flower" "It rains" at a stretch, continuing a high tension song with an up-tempo, the voltage of the hall got to MAX at a stretch.

Ryota Fujimaki singing with a bright expression while feeling the audience's tension or smiling occasionally is very impressive.

In the live MC of this day, as you can see from the words of "I am fulfilling the most now" and "There is no regret" that came out of his mouth, I wanted to do myself in the solo activity Thing is
On the album and this tour
The sense of fulfillment that it was possible was overflowing.

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そして最後に、レミオロメンのメンバーへの想いを綴った「北極星」、チベットで作った壮大なスケール感の「 Blue Jet」と、今回のアルバムを象徴する最重要曲を、エモーショナルに歌い上げて、本編が終了した。  

さらに、アンコールでは、ファンのぬくもりに包まれるように、バンドメンバーとともに、ツアーTシャツに着替えて、ステージに再び姿を現すと、復興支援イベントである「ツール・ド・東北」のテーマソング「LIFE」、アルバムの最後を飾った人生の讃美歌のような曲「Life is Wonderful」、弾き語りによる「3月9日」を演奏し、全国9都市を回ったライブツアーは幕を下ろした。    



set list

go my way
2.   波音
south wind

Paper flight machine

A gentle star

6.   ハロー流星群
7.   かすみ草
8.   マスターキー
9.   月食
another story


Have a nice day

Day is a good day

14. ゆらせ
15. 花になれたら
16. 雨上がり

18. Blue Jet

19. LIFE
20. Life is Wonderful

Interview/text:Yasuyuki Segawa
Live Photo by AZUSA TAKADA

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New Album "North Star" 発売中
 [初回限定盤] VICL-64845 / 3,300円+税
 [通常盤]VICL-64846 / 3,000円+税

01  優しい星(三井アウトレットパーク「ウィンターセール篇」TVCMソング)
02  Blue Jet
03  Have a nice day
04  another story
05  マスターキー
06  波音
07  go my way   (TVアニメ「エンドライド」エンディングテーマ)
08  紙飛行機
09  北極星  (「リブ・マックス ホテルズ&リゾート」TVCMソング)
10  愛を
11  Life is Wonderful

Bonus Track(初回限定盤のみ収録)
12  LIFE   (『ツール・ド・東北』公式テーマソング)
13  3月9日  (大塚製薬「カロリーメイト」CMソング)

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