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"Under armor · baseball house Kawasaki Hikara" renewal opening! Saito manager 's warm thoughts in new store

Mr. Yuuki Saito (manager of baseball house Kawasaki Kumi) who expanded the batting area and sales area, training powering field and DNS corner to support body making and newly built up " I talked about the feelings of.

Icon aff20898 d2d2 431d 8b05 0f3c5e5ae91bHidemi Sakuma | 2017/08/15
<Baseball House Kawasaki Kumi / Renewal Open Edition>

Baseball House Kawasaki Hikara, who is the only company under the Under Armor Domestic Retail Store (operated by DOOM Co., Ltd.) that is specialized in baseball, has been practicing batting in the batting area, based on former professional baseball players We are doing support thoroughly to make baseball better, such as carrying out a ball clinic.

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- Congratulations on opening. Please tell us your mental state.

Saito:ありがとうございます。施設の解体からここまで来て毎週1Although I was doing a regular meeting, there was a part that I could not understand by just meeting, and as I was watching the state where the building was being built, I felt more and more realized. The feeling of excitement is gradually increasing.


Since the year under arms became involved, everything was renovated, and this time completely renewed the foundation and so on.

- How long did it take from concept to implementation?

Saito: 2, 3 years ago there is a story of this time, it is finally feeling realized.

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Saito:新施設は2It will be twice as wide and I want to produce professional baseball players with the concept of a place where everyone gathers to be struck more efficiently by children and keep it in mind.

年前に小6It is becoming an age that a child who was a high school baby girl is coming out to the Koshien also, so I hope it will be a good starting place for such a part.

- Please teach Mr. Saito to start baseball.

My younger brother under the age said that he would like to start baseball and, as a result of his younger brother, I joined the team and began to play baseball.

- Do you feel a change in how children's approach to baseball is now compared to Saito's boys' age.

Saito: When I was playing baseball I felt like being killed, but now I like kids and want to beat themselves, I want to throw, I want to run, I am aggressive. I think the number of pitchers is increasing by 150 kilometers, and I think whether they are rising in terms of capabilities.

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Saito:名門の福井商業高校野球部に入りまして、高2まではスピードが130kmも出ませんでしたが、チームのエースが終電ギリギリまで自主トレをしているのを知ってから、冬からは負けじと毎日鍛えていましたね。走り込みをしてウェイトトレーニングを1,2I was doing it for hours.

それで、春には142As I got out to the km, I also participated in the Koshien, stayed in the eye of a professional scout and was able to enter Hiroshima Carp. Because there was a presence that seemed to be a rival, it worked hard.


Saito:元横浜(現福岡)の内川聖一選手ですね。年間21打席中17安打も打たれましたからね。どこに投げても打たれました。あとはアンダーアーマー契約選手の阿部(現読売巨人)He was almost hit.

- What have you done after you retired from the job?

Saito: I want to get involved with baseball after retirement, so I started to do my work now, thank you from Mr. Kida, the former manager.

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Saito:バッティングだけでなく1対1I am also doing individual lessons of that, and the other is the strength of having products.

- Please tell me the characteristics of the under armor's baseball items.

Saito:アンダーアーマーは、コンプレッション(インナー)Since it is the origin, I want you to wear it and feel it. I feel that I do not feel wearing and I feel less tired and performance is also high, so I think that there is a feature.

The under armor's glove has a high rarity value, spikes and training shoes are also very light and stable and easy to move, so we hope many children will feel using it first.

- Are you currently training?

Saito: After all I have to show it cool, so I want to keep it. Completion

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Under Armor · Baseball House Kawasaki Kumi