
Chihiro Honda's "From Training Center" vol. 10 "Bullfighter" Nike worn by Mario Gomez "Hyper Venom Phantom III DF"

As a graduate of Kaneko Juku, now a sportswriter based in Germany Chihiro Honda is a little devastating project. What kind of music will Bundesliga's stars raise their feelings, what kind of cars are caring for traveling time, and what kind of spikes are they fighting? We will inform you of the direct report from the training center.

Icon img honda600Honda Chihiro | 2017/01/30

流れ着いたベシクタシュで、ナイキ『ハイパーヴェノム ファントム Ⅲ DF』を履いたマリオ・ゴメス。闘牛士を振り切った猛牛のように暴れた。






When I returned to Bayern Munich, I was robbed of the Croatian newcomers and asked Fiorentina for an active place. However, suffering from repeated injuries, the goals listed in 2 seasons are only 7. As a result, he was defeated from the German national team fighting the Brazilian World Cup.

愛車は『メルセデス・ベンツ SLS AMG』だ。見た目の美しいV型8気筒エンジンは571PS。ドライサンプ方式のFFミッドシップ・エンジンで安定した運動を実現し、ガルウイングドアが開けば、そのまま空に舞っていけそうだ。  

In the easternmost part of Europe where there was no more, Gomez regained its original performance as if it was on a car. The Turkish Super league scoremaker of the resuscitation meeting is convened to the German delegation fighting EURO 2016 and heads to France.

復活の象徴となった『ハイパーヴェノム ファントム Ⅲ DF". Orange and light green are dazzling.

TOP picture / Tomobi Shimizu