
Genki Haraguchi & Kosuke Ota appear! NIKE + RUN CLUB event report report "It is many times fun to run by everyone than to run alone"

On December 25, 2016, Japan national soccer player Genki Haraguchi held the event "NRC JUST DO IT. SUNDAY" sponsored by NIKE under the theme of "enjoying running with friends" at NIKE+ RUN CLUB OMOTESANDO in Omotesando. and Kosuke Ota participated.

IconIppei Ippei | 2016/12/27
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 天気に恵まれたクリスマス当日。NIKE+ RUN CLUB OMOTESANDOには、たくさんの参加者と報道陣が集まっていた。抽選に当たった20名の男女が、日本代表選手と一緒にランニングできるというイベントで、ランニングに参加する前には、NIKE専用のApple Watch対応アプリ「NIKE+ Run Club」の説明があった。

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Apple Watchを装着し、事前にアプリをダウンロードして連携すると、走行距離や心拍数、さらにはGPSと連動して走行ルートや、ランニングイベントの予約等もできるという。まさに次世代型のランニングパートナーである。

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NIKE+ RUN CLUB OMOTESANDO前をスタート地点に、原口選手と太田選手が参加者をリードし、5kmのコースを完走することを目標とする。


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The concept of NRC, "impossible, all people enjoy enjoying together and running" was reflected. Natural and refreshing smile was spilling out from the runner, and it ran comfortably.

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In the middle of the break, fans service such as commemorative photography is also carried out. After the running finished, a talk show was held. Furthermore, hot chocolate was also acted, and the participants seemed to have had a fulfilling time.

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In response to Haraguchi who responds honestly in the talk show, Ota players continued with humorous comments, and a lot of laughter was raised to the venue.

After the talk show, surrounding coverings for reporters were also held.


- Please tell us your impressions of this time.

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Haraguchi Genki (hereinafter,):気持ちよかったですね。  




HaraguchiNo, I was running all along (laugh)

In the World Cup Asian final qualifying, it was 4 consecutive races and it was a year that left impact.

Haraguchi : 1年の中でうまくいくこともあれば、そうじゃない時もあったのですが、できなかったプレーができるようになったりと自分のペースで順調に成長出来たし、自信もついた。ワールドカップまでに1日1日を大事にして前に進んでいきたい。  



- Today I think that only people met for the first time at the event, how was it when you tried it?

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Ota players (Ota):意外とみんな、話ながら走っていましたよね。僕は普段オランダで生活しているので、一人で走るよりもみんなで走る方が何倍も楽しいです。特に自分が生活した東京でしたから。  


OtaSummer was long-term off, but in winter there are only about 10 days, so people who can meet are also limited. I am grateful to NIKE for giving me a good refreshment opportunity, like today. I will return to the Netherlands by New Year's Day flight. With no time to relax, with the opening of Happy New Year I will be on the sky (laugh). As a sense of the Japanese, I sometimes want to relax on New Year's Day, but I will practice in the morning (on the next day I arrive), so I will go to Spain in the afternoon. 


Ota:29歳にして初めてヨーロッパに行けて、凄く充実していました。試合出られない時期もありましたけど、プロ入って1年目のような「試合に出るために頑張ろう」というフレッシュな 気持ちがありました。もちろん、普段の練習から頑張っていますが、試合に出るためにどれだけ努力できるかというのを改めて。気持ち的にもそうですし、なんか(昔に)戻ったような感覚がありました。

Even if I could not get on the game I was fulfilling and I was trying more than I did to teammate to get out, so I think that it will lead to the game as a result. That is something I do not know without going (to Europe), and it is not easy to live in a different language, so it was a really fruitful year in that sense.


OtaI heard that the toilet is clogged (laugh). Even if a mail comes, I do not know anything where I should bring my absence notification. To listen to someone is also English, and communication in my private life has gotten less painful in the past year. I think that I would like to tie it firmly to the second career (haha)

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NIKE+ RUN CLUB OMOTESANDOオフィシャルHP: http://www.nike.com/jp/ja_jp/c/running/nike-run-club/nrco

NIKE+ Run Club オフィシャルアプリ: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nike.plusgps

Drawing Cooperation/NIKE JAPAN